April goals

lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
Hi ladies

I know I'm not really around at the moment but I love you enough to start your April thread! ;)

Have at it!


  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Thanks lwoodroff!

    My April goals...hmmm. Well I have a 10k on the 12th so I hope to not die since I've been slacking on the running and training. I failed getting the bodyweight deadlift up more than once so I'm deloading and hoping to bypass that.

    But the main thing is to get my food intake back under control. I use a BM, but decided to lower my initial calorie intake (not including the BM adjustment) so I can aim for just that and then whatever I burn is my deficit. Also, not syncing until the end of the day helps me not want to eat those leftover calories :blushing:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well I guess to get this injury healed for good...

    Get my OHP in the 90's...adding 3.5 then 1.5 each lift will make it a slow go.

    Lose at least 2lbs...I would like to see Maintenance by first day of summer.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    OHP 5 x 70 pounds or 3 x 75-Still working on this one from Feb.

    Keep rowing 1500m and concentrate on speed.

    Run stairs outside if weather permits, if not, do a hill running program on a treadmill at least once a week.

    Keep going with my long run on Sundays, or hiking once a week.

    Food Stuff:
    I dropped my protein down to get more carbs in, and want to work on controlling my binge eating better, and tracking every day. There were 3 days I missed tracking in March, so I want a full month of no guessing.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    I don't really know. I am going for consistancy with exercise & eating. I would love to lose another 2 inches.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Aaaaaaw, lwoodroff :-)

    I don't really have april goals aside from the general wish to proceed and develop. I just want it to stay as much fun as it is. Since the weather is getting nicer I wish to do more outside activities with the kids, like cycling etc.

    My goals are set for june, I want to be able to deadlift 100kg by then and drop a size in clothes until my birthday on the 7th...but maybe I should just shut up until june... Ehem...
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    Ummm I guess I don't really know :p I just started the Stronglifts program. Like, today is my 3rd work out :) I am hoping to stay consistant and I am hoping for 5 or so inches in the next month, as well as consistantly adding weight.

    Good luck to everyone in your continued fitness goals!
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Finals are coming up within the next few weeks and i have a lot on my plate. Balancing work, school & workouts is always hard around this time and I always slack off because i get so bogged down with everything else....but i am determined to keep up with lifting this time.

    So i guess my main goal right now is to not slack off :)
  • TGDMJNoles
    TGDMJNoles Posts: 26 Member
    Finals are coming up within the next few weeks and i have a lot on my plate. Balancing work, school & workouts is always hard around this time and I always slack off because i get so bogged down with everything else....but i am determined to keep up with lifting this time.

    So i guess my main goal right now is to not slack off :)

    Thinking positively for you! This time last year I was finishing up my last semester of a civil engineering degree. I remember it well. I wish I had had the focus and commitment to work out regularly.

    My goals for April…

    1. Find a job. I have a couple of very good leads. It's been a year almost since graduation and it's been very slow going.
    2. Lose 5 pounds. I think I have my deficit figured correctly to do this.
    3. Squat 100 pounds. My next lift will be at 80 pounds.
    4. Deadlift 150 pounds. My next lift will be at 120 pounds.
    5. Get 210-250 minutes of cardio in per week.
    6. Work on getting some color in my neon white legs. It's finally warm enough to get outside and do this in Florida if we can keep the rain at a minimum.
    7. Work on sleeping better. I know for optimal lifting I should be getting proper sleep but this is so hard for me. I hope that with finding a job the last piece of my puzzle will be in place and I won't stress as much.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I actually have goals this time...

    To finish my Zombie 5K training
    Start Wendler's officially (I have been transitioning all winter)
    At least 10,000 steps a day (should be easier now that it is Spring)

    That's all I got so far :P
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    This month my goals are set around consistency

    1. Stronglifts 3x per week
    2. Cardio 2-3x
    3. Track food Each day (was doing so great...)
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Finals are coming up within the next few weeks and i have a lot on my plate. Balancing work, school & workouts is always hard around this time and I always slack off because i get so bogged down with everything else....but i am determined to keep up with lifting this time.

    So i guess my main goal right now is to not slack off :)

    Thinking positively for you! This time last year I was finishing up my last semester of a civil engineering degree. I remember it well. I wish I had had the focus and commitment to work out regularly.

    My goals for April…

    1. Find a job. I have a couple of very good leads. It's been a year almost since graduation and it's been very slow going.
    2. Lose 5 pounds. I think I have my deficit figured correctly to do this.
    3. Squat 100 pounds. My next lift will be at 80 pounds.
    4. Deadlift 150 pounds. My next lift will be at 120 pounds.
    5. Get 210-250 minutes of cardio in per week.
    6. Work on getting some color in my neon white legs. It's finally warm enough to get outside and do this in Florida if we can keep the rain at a minimum.
    7. Work on sleeping better. I know for optimal lifting I should be getting proper sleep but this is so hard for me. I hope that with finding a job the last piece of my puzzle will be in place and I won't stress as much.

    Good luck on the job hunt :)

    i know how stressful that can be, i was unemployed for a long time. I finally landed a job a little over 3 months ago. (Just in time too because my unemployment had run out and i was barely scraping by on school loans....)

    Now that you mention it, poor sleep is an issue for me as well. I never can settle down at night and i toss & turn like crazy. I wish i could just get a good solid night's sleep for once!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    1) Try to not obsess over food as much (even though I need to eat mindfully), because it seriously kills me that I think about it ~50% of my day.

    2) Go for 3 walks every week

    3) Learn 3 out of 5 songs from this song cycle I've started

    4) Squat 160lbs

  • Becky2816
    Becky2816 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi to all! I'm new here and on my 3rd SL5X5 workout. I'm on week 5 of a 5K training program, now Stronglifts, and I'm in a low carb challenge on FB. Excited about having a SL resource for women, since all the information I've seen is definitely geared toward the "bros".
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well I guess to get this injury healed for good...

    Get my OHP in the 90's...adding 3.5 then 1.5 each lift will make it a slow go.

    Lose at least 2lbs...I would like to see Maintenance by first day of summer.

    Update on my goals..

    Injury feels great today...apparently the more "fun" I have with my husband the faster it gets better....:blushing: but still gonna do rehab today at least 2x (since he is working 4 nights in a row)

    OHP is at 83.5 looking to add 1.5 Wednesday so only 3 workouts away I hope...

    I have lost 1 lb this month so far (next weigh in is Friday) so close to that goal..might see maintenance before end of april I have even upped my calories last week by 100 a day (mind you had a fun weekend out)
  • tonibelle13
    I'm new to these boards so hi everyone! I just started Stronglifts last week, so my goal for this month is really just to keep at it :) I utterly failed at OHP my first go round so by the end of this month I want to get the full 5x5 without fails.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I'm new to these boards so hi everyone! I just started Stronglifts last week, so my goal for this month is really just to keep at it :) I utterly failed at OHP my first go round so by the end of this month I want to get the full 5x5 without fails.

    you are not alone, I really struggle with OHP.

    I have a previous shoulder injury that still gives me trouble so i knew right off the bat that 45lbs was going to be too much for me, so i chose to start with a 20lb standard bar. It took a few months but i finally hit 5x5 @ 50lbs. i just can't seem to get past this amount though. My last attempt i was not feeling strong at all and had to drop it back to 45lbs. grrrrr...
  • TGDMJNoles
    TGDMJNoles Posts: 26 Member
    OHP just drives me crazy. It looks like it should be so easy to push the weight overhead but looks are deceiving. My last attempt at 55 lbs was 5,5,3,4,5. The only reason I think I got my last set at 5 was because I rested 5 minutes between the 4th and 5th sets. I just don't have time to spend 5 minutes between each set.

    I'm finding right now that everything is becoming a balancing act time wise. I'm finding my lifting sessions are taking longer and longer and I'm looking at having to cut back some on my cardio goals because of the increased time it is taking for lifting.

    But 5 minutes between sets…I just don't see that happening on a routine basis for me.

    When i lift tomorrow I will be attempting my squat goal for April at 100 pounds and my deadlift goal for April at 150 pounds. I started my 5th week of SL yesterday and I'm still having a lot of fun.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    OHP 5 x 70 pounds or 3 x 75-Still working on this one from Feb.

    Keep rowing 1500m and concentrate on speed.

    Run stairs outside if weather permits, if not, do a hill running program on a treadmill at least once a week.

    Keep going with my long run on Sundays, or hiking once a week.

    Food Stuff:
    I dropped my protein down to get more carbs in, and want to work on controlling my binge eating better, and tracking every day. There were 3 days I missed tracking in March, so I want a full month of no guessing.

    Well...I don't think I got any of these, except for my long run on Sundays/hiking once a week. Food was not good overall this month, so I'll be working on the same things for May.