
Shanz78 Posts: 143 Member
Hi my name is Shannon. I'm a single mom of 2 wonderful sons. I'm 35 and i recently decided it is time to grow up and make some positive changes with weight loss being at the top of the list. I've already lost some weight but I've started to gain some confidence and i want more. My birthday is in about 6 weeks away and i want to look and feel great!


  • alehundrah
    alehundrah Posts: 156 Member
    Hi my name is Alejandra and I'm 23 years old. I started my weigh loss journey last May at 213 lbs. I have lost around 25 lbs but have stopped losing weight. I find that I'm no longer dedicated or as motivated as I was when I started. I have recently started going to the gym again but every day I go over my calorie goal by ALOT. I want to lose more weight for the summer since I'm planning on getting a season pass to a water park.
  • Mgsilve
    Mgsilve Posts: 24
    Hello! My name is Maria and I just turned 26. I started my journey last year, but I ended up yo-yoing and crash dieting and it was a big mess - the year ended with me being the same weight as I had begun. This year I focused on health, and consistency and so I've lost 20 pounds since the middle of January from purely eating healthy and exercise (no crash diets). The weight has stayed off, but I've lost motivation. I'm starting to get back on track but I'd love to talk to other people on the same journey and offer/receive motivation and support.
  • ryker789
    ryker789 Posts: 255 Member
    My name is Kristie and I'm a 35 year old mother of 3. I signed up for MFP on January 13th and I'm making more time for ME! Working full-time and having a husband and 3 kids leaves little time for anything else. I'm making time each day to do something for me, my mind and my body. I'm excited to help support all of you in this journey. :flowerforyou:
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    Hello!!! My name is Denise and I'm a mother of two great boys. I've been steadily gaining weight the last two years and I want to get it under control before it's out of control!! I've been on MFP for a while, but not consistently logging. But I started being consistent within the last month and a half and want to keep going. Haven't lost any weight since I've started but I have lost an inch on my waist so I want to keep going and make that scale move!

    I wish you all the best of luck. I'm here to motivate and support. We all have our own journeys and goals but we can absolutely make the trip together! Here's to a new us in this new year. :happy:

    And feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • iwantmydenimback
    iwantmydenimback Posts: 194 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Leslie, 26, MA candidate in the history of art. I'm here to be 140-150 pounds by my 27th birthday in December.

    In the next 10 weeks, I will be defending and completing my thesis and graduating with my MA. I also plan to lose about 15 pounds in that time, and keeping to a consistent schedule is going to be key to making both of those things happen. I'm looking forward to both giving and receiving some major accountability, encouragement, support, and stress relief with everyone here!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, my diary is public and I login everyday :) Best of luck to all!
  • harukomcgovern
    harukomcgovern Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Haruko. I am a 38 year old, sole parent of two children from Melbourne, Australia. This is my first ever foray into joining an online group - so be gentle with me.

    It is the beginning of our winter, and I am pretty scared that I will put on more weight over the cold months. About a month ago, I started logging meals and going to the gym again, and so far am loving it - they gym that is - logging meals is a necessary evil. I have not lost any weight over this time :( but I am slowly seeing some small, small gains in strength.

    I am doing this so that I enjoy buying and wearing clothes again - I have REALLY let myself go in this department. My chosen style being weekend soccer mum (think baggy comfort). Overall I would like to lose about 14kg (about 30 pounds) which will bring me back to being in the middle of the healthy BMI weight range.

    In the ten weeks that we are together, I am hoping to get half-way there.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Best of luck to us all.

  • cika000
    cika000 Posts: 4
    hi all. i am erica and im 27 and from malaysia. i joined MFP in feb but only know to use it just recently. i started gaining weight after gave birth 2 years back and my weight kept going up until now. i only realised that i am overweight when all my jeans and clothes are not fit anymore. i tried so many ways to lose weight before this but easily gave up because i always wanted to see results only in the beginning. now i am determined and wanted more supports and challenges to lose all the excess weight.
  • MichiganJen
    MichiganJen Posts: 40 Member
    Hey there.

    I'm Jen...and it looks like I'm the "old lady" in the group at almost 44! LOL!

    I'm from Michigan, working mom of a seven year old boy and a four year old girl and wife of a "former fat guy" marathon runner. My husband and I both lost a lot of weight (50 pounds for me, 175 for him) two years ago. He kept it off and I gained it back - the majority of it after I had my thyroid removed last August. It's turning out to be a giant struggle because the things that worked for me before aren't working for me now. And I've had a job change that makes it harder for me to get to the gym like I used to. I'm trying to have a more realistic expectation of how this should come off. My goal is to be healthy and active and the weight loss will take as long as it takes!

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    Hello I am Chantel A single mother of one beautiful 11 month old baby boy. I have been on here since January when I went out for my birthday and couldnt even enjoy myself because I felt so fat. I hope this group will motivate me to lose that weight. I am terrible on the weekends--instead of having one "cheat day" I tend to have 2-3. I also need to start working out.
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I'm single mum of 1. I'm 26 years old and im from Edinburgh (uk). My little girl has just turned one. I started my journey about 2 years ago i had lost 2 stone but gain it all back plus one extra due to getting pregnant. Since ive re-joined back on here 4 weeks ago i've lost 16lbs (1stone). I would love to love another 5 stone so i can feel more like who im meant to be and have the energy to chase after my little monkey.
    I'm also ready to find someone new but i've no confidence at all to meet anyone.

    I'm also going on a little holiday at the end of August so i would like to look alot less wobbly and little more slimmer.

    I've started walking up to my mum every sunday monday and friday giving me some sort of workout, but i also work monday to friday. I do alot of bending but not sure if i can count this as exercise

    Anyways looking forward to go on this journey with you all xxx

    Oh and your all welcome to add me as a friends :) x
  • SouthernEm
    SouthernEm Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, my name is Emily. I joined mfp in January this year and lost 7lb within the first two months of the year, mainly through increasing my running and doing the 5:2 fasting diet. However, I then found as my distances increased, the fasting was making it harder to train effectively and so I stopped fasting. I've since been bobbing up and down around the same 3lb. I have recently entered a few races (10kms, a sprint triathlon and my 2nd half marathon in the autumn) which will keep me focused on fitness for the next few months, but I know my downfall is food and when I'm training I tend to let the diet go out the window. I'd like this group to help me stay accountable for the nutrition side of things and I'd like to lose 14lb during the challenge to take me we'll under 11stone where I've not been for several years now.
    Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all.
  • mkgr3gory
    mkgr3gory Posts: 18
    I have you beat, Jen, I AM 44, almost 45 :) My name is Mary and I joined MFP sometime last year ... and since then I gained 10 lbs ... EEEK ... I really would like to weight about 20 lbs less than I do now, but I also realize that I probably wasn't very fit and toned before when i weighed that ... so I doubt I will get back down into the 140 range again since this time I want to do it right, building muscle, etc. I finished a 10 week challenge here with some friends at work and was frustrated because I only lost 2.5 lbs (the goal being 10) but again, muscle (and cheating ... oops) ... So I'm hoping to continue the good work I started and really stay motivated to keep going. I read someone suggested to take some before pictures, and I'm def going to do that now, take measurements as well.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone over the next 10 weeks! Good luck everybody!