
20percy14 Posts: 24 Member

After my daughters birth, I was diagnosed with pcos. go figure. Ive had multiple tests and although I dont actually have any cysts on my ovaries, I have been slapped with the diagnosis. The endo and every other professional I have spoken with has said "lose weight" easier said than done! PCOS sucks!

Feeling deflated



  • stephrivas84
    stephrivas84 Posts: 40 Member
    I have PCOS too and am currently pregnant. It is so tough to lose weight and keep it off with PCOS. Just cutting calories does not work and that is so frustrating. I fought it for a long time but I am finally cutting back on processed carbs and sugars. Just had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby is healthy and active so I know it is worth it.
  • 20percy14
    20percy14 Posts: 24 Member
    Wow you fell pregnant, congratulations! Did you have to have any fertility treatments to help you? ( I hope you dont mind my asking) I would like to have another child in the future but Im scared of the prospect of not being able to concieve.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Long-time PCOS sufferer, went through fertility treatments, DD is nearly 2 now. I'd be happy to answer any questions about any of that. It was actually not that difficult, and shockingly affordable (the $800 drug we needed went generic that very day. Yup, we sobbed like babies in the middle of the Costco.)
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    I am another PCOS Suffer, diagonised after 3 years of not being able to concieve. But after my first baby, the second was a complete surprise. and My third was planned. I tried being on birth control but my hormones went wack. So when we decided it was time, we became pregnant on that month. But after my third (it was a girl) my hormones have been crazy. She will be turning two in September and I am stuck. I have not been successful at all with my weight loss. If I happen to lose a few pounds. After a week or two I gain them back. It is becoming ver frusterating. But I will not give up!
  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    PCOS does SUCK. Diagnosed in 2000ish at 23, but have had the symptoms since I was 17 I have all the typical PCOS symptoms and not one of them is welcomed by me. Doctors or anyone who has never walked in our shoes with PCOS should not blurt out "lose weight". It's not easy for us with all the raging unbalanced hormones to just lose weight. We can't just cut calories or just exercise. We need to find the right balance and stick with it...easier said than done. I know I do better when I eat a low carb/high protein/high fat diet, but that's not what I always want to eat. I love my carbs and I eat them...wait too much lately. I have found that lifting weights is having positive results on my arms and mid-section over doing any cardio. I wish there was a section in the grocery store dedicated to us PCOS girls. It would make my food shopping so much easier if I could just stick to the section.
  • karran12
    karran12 Posts: 11 Member
    It does suck! And I'm getting tired of this losing 5 pounds over three weeks, and then gain them ALL back in three days (the actual experience of this last weekend). My husband doesn't understand (or really believe) how I can lose and gain it back so fast. Mostly, I just feel plain alone, and sometimes like it's not even worth the work...and my goodness, is it work!
    People always say "weight loss is hard", but this feels like weight loss is impossible. Not sure if anyone can give encouragement, but I could really use it :/

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member

    After my daughters birth, I was diagnosed with pcos. go figure. Ive had multiple tests and although I dont actually have any cysts on my ovaries, I have been slapped with the diagnosis. The endo and every other professional I have spoken with has said "lose weight" easier said than done! PCOS sucks!

    Feeling deflated


    Yeah, cysts aren't actually required for a PCOS diagnosis. It's a syndrome, so you don't need all of the symptoms.

    That said - don't be afraid to fire doctors until you find one that will work with you more than just say "just lose weight." Even worse than that, though, are the ones that act like it's so easy to do so, and if you're not, then you're just not trying hard enough. Don't be afraid to have several doctors, too. I found a doctor that does well with my PCOS, but failed me miserably for a compressed disc in my back, so anything relating to my back is handled by my chiropractor. Doctors are human, too, and won't have all the answers to everything.

    It might help to look into a naturopathic doctor, a functional medicine doctor, or similar one that takes a holistic approach and prefers to use pills as a last resort. You might want to check out http://primaldocs.com/ and/or http://paleophysiciansnetwork.com/ to see if there's one near you.
    I wish there was a section in the grocery store dedicated to us PCOS girls. It would make my food shopping so much easier if I could just stick to the section.

    There is -- it's called "the perimeter." :smile:

    More seriously, though, one of the best options for us cysters is to stick with whole foods. Regardless of whether you're insulin resistant, sticking with whole, minimally processed foods keeps a lot of toxins and endocrine disruptors out of our systems. So many processed foods are pumped full of soy, hydrogenated oils, leeched chemicals from containers, and other crap that it's almost a wonder more women don't have endocrine issues.
  • stephrivas84
    stephrivas84 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow you fell pregnant, congratulations! Did you have to have any fertility treatments to help you? ( I hope you dont mind my asking) I would like to have another child in the future but Im scared of the prospect of not being able to concieve.

    We did not use any fertility treatments. In fact we just started to try on our own(the doctors wanted us to try for 6 months to a year on our own first) and I was shocked to find out I was pregnant. I have not lost very much weight so I thought it was impossible. I had cut down my sugars and carbs at that time so that may have helped.
  • 20percy14
    20percy14 Posts: 24 Member
    It does suck! And I'm getting tired of this losing 5 pounds over three weeks, and then gain them ALL back in three days (the actual experience of this last weekend). My husband doesn't understand (or really believe) how I can lose and gain it back so fast. Mostly, I just feel plain alone, and sometimes like it's not even worth the work...and my goodness, is it work!
    People always say "weight loss is hard", but this feels like weight loss is impossible. Not sure if anyone can give encouragement, but I could really use it :/


    I hear ya! Weightloss is hard but when you eat less and healthier then your non pcos friends then dont lose weight and they do it really sucks. I often sit down and tell myself I might as well just eat whatever the hell i want. whats the point? I wiish I could be more encouraging but Im feeling quite the same. feel free to add me.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Wow you fell pregnant, congratulations! Did you have to have any fertility treatments to help you? ( I hope you dont mind my asking) I would like to have another child in the future but Im scared of the prospect of not being able to concieve.

    We did not use any fertility treatments. In fact we just started to try on our own(the doctors wanted us to try for 6 months to a year on our own first) and I was shocked to find out I was pregnant. I have not lost very much weight so I thought it was impossible. I had cut down my sugars and carbs at that time so that may have helped.

    That's that 1%. The fertility docs told me PCOS offers a 1% chance of getting pregnant and at my age, no one wanted to wait any longer...but I wonder if that percentage would have gone up if I had met you guys BEFORE all of that and not after :) And ya know, that first little bugger SO messes up your body (and I say that with affection, for I am now momma-shaped), I would not be surprised if the percent chance of successful conception of subsequent children actually goes up.
  • madambutterfly91
    madambutterfly91 Posts: 31 Member
    It does suck! And I'm getting tired of this losing 5 pounds over three weeks, and then gain them ALL back in three days (the actual experience of this last weekend). My husband doesn't understand (or really believe) how I can lose and gain it back so fast. Mostly, I just feel plain alone, and sometimes like it's not even worth the work...and my goodness, is it work!
    People always say "weight loss is hard", but this feels like weight loss is impossible. Not sure if anyone can give encouragement, but I could really use it :/


    I feel the same way. My husband didn't understand why I joined this group, and that kind of sums it up. It really makes me feel alone, and discouraged. I read that depression is often connected with PCOS, and I'm starting to wonder how much of it is chemical and how much of it is situational depression. I know for me I've fought my depression for a long time before I discovered my hormone were so wacky, but I guess that doesn't mean it's not caused from the same stuff.
  • arwenbutterfly
    arwenbutterfly Posts: 8 Member
    Right there with you all! I had my LO almost two years ago, and I managed to lose all my pregnancy weight while I was breastfeeding, but then my hormones kicked in, and I regained 20lbs of it! I've been struggling to lose the weight ever since! I tried metformin, but it made me sick. It wouldn't help me much anyway since i am the non-insulin resistant PCOS type.

    I started back on MyFitnessPal back in March, and focusing on my exercise and tracking. More than anything...that's helping

    My MIL really doesn't get PCOS, and is a little judgemental about the weight and my "efforts" to lose them. She won't come right out and say it, but she will make little "hmmms" or tell me about an article she read that many women who had a baby gain weight after having a child because of hormone disrupters. I tried to tell her that I had the condition before I had a baby...that it just kicked back in after my pregnancy hormones left, that I was already doing everything I was supposed to be doing, and that it takes a long time for PCOSers to really lose the weight. She didn't seem to believe me, and kept telling me about the study and suggesting I have certain bloodwork done.

    I was pretty hurt that day...and then pissed off the next day at her for being judgemental of something she doesn't know anything about...and at myself for letting her hurt me.

    I'm pretty proud of myself now...because I am losing...slowly. I've lost 4 lbs since I started. To me...that's a huge success.

    Don't give up! Just refocus when you start feeling down. Ask yourself what you can do to feel like you are taking the next step/action. Sometimes...it's that we stopped doing something that was working...
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    It does suck! And I'm getting tired of this losing 5 pounds over three weeks, and then gain them ALL back in three days (the actual experience of this last weekend). My husband doesn't understand (or really believe) how I can lose and gain it back so fast. Mostly, I just feel plain alone, and sometimes like it's not even worth the work...and my goodness, is it work!
    People always say "weight loss is hard", but this feels like weight loss is impossible. Not sure if anyone can give encouragement, but I could really use it :/


    I hear ya! Weightloss is hard but when you eat less and healthier then your non pcos friends then dont lose weight and they do it really sucks. I often sit down and tell myself I might as well just eat whatever the hell i want. whats the point? I wiish I could be more encouraging but Im feeling quite the same. feel free to add me.

    It's not ideal, but it's the hand we were dealt. I am 35 now, my twins are almost 10 and I've been up and down and all over the scale since they were born. I lost 70 pounds when they were 2, gained back about half of that over the years following and it's a yo-yo for sure. It is frustrating when the scale can hop up 5 pounds for no apparent reason, but for me it most often comes off. I had the most success when I cut out sugars/breads, etc. The Primal Blueprint "diet" is an effective one for this syndrome. I don't do it full blast anymore, but I avoid breads and sugary food in excess and it seems to help. The trick is not giving up...expect down times and bad days, but don't fully quit trying because starting over SUCKS. This whole process is a journey forever, not a destination. You don't get to your goal and then stop paying attention or you gain it all back (trust me, I did this). So hang in there, accept it all, acknowledge it sucks and it's an extra challenge...but then move forward and don't give up on yourself. Flawed or not, our bodies are the only ones we get and they need to be treated with care and forgiveness :) Best of luck to all of you (and me), we can all do it. I did it once so I know it's possible to reach my goal again :)