
Hey all, I just have a question, I am coming up on month 3 after surgery and things are going well, but I seem to be stuck at the same weight. It hasn't moved for like four days. Is this normal? I am still getting my daily exercise. I have been even increasing my walking and other things. I am still eating healthy and nothing awful so wondering if I am crazy or missing something?


  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    It's just a stall. They are normal, so I wouldn't worry about it. The farther out from surgery you get the more often they happen. If this is your first stall consider yourself lucky. I had a three week long stall after one week out. I lost 17 lbs in one week, but it was still discouraging to see the scale no moving despite only being able to eat 350-500 calories then.

    Look at it this way, too. Weight loss is normally not linear, but more like a wavy line. For most people WLS or not this is how we lose. It's how I lose. I'll got for a couple days or a week without a drop, then I see a loss for a couple days or more. I've gotten used to it.

    As long as you are sticking to your plan, drinking enough water, and all that the weight will keep coming off. Keep up the good work and don't let stalls bother you unless it's been like a month or more. Then you'll need to really take a look at what you are doing.

    Good luck!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Try weighing no more than once per week. It is often enough to give you the feedback you need without allowing you to become too scale focused. Like Losing_Sarah said, "Weight loss is normally not linear". You don't need to obsess over daily ups and downs. If you weigh once per week you're more likely to see at least a small loss every time. I'm 6 months out and have only had like 3 weeks, (never in a row) when I didn't lose at least a little. Keeps me way more sane.
  • golconda
    golconda Posts: 14
    Thanks that is really helpful and I have been trying to weigh myself less but it can be a good motivator. I will try to only do it on Sunday mornings or something like that so I don't have to think about it during the week.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    We sometimes lose inches rather than pounds, so if the clothes are continuing to get bigger, you are losing even if the scale isn't moving. Why? Because pound for pound, muscle takes up less space than fat does. So if a pound of fat goes away and is replaced by a pound of muscle, the weight stays the same but you lose inches. Make sense?

    Also, as Losing_Sarah said, stalls are normal. So if it really is a stall, you will get past it and back to losing soon.