Welcome!!! Please introduce yourself!



  • lucygirl1914
    lucygirl1914 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I'm Lucy. I'm 25 years old and I'm a single college student trying to lose about 219 lbs. My current weight is 404 lbs, and even though this it not my top weight (which was 420), I want to get back into the one hundreds level before I turn 30. I am taking each day at a time, and want to help encourage others that weight-loss is possible but it does take time and effort.
  • Hi all. I've been back to MFP for perhaps 2 months, after taking a break while journeying with my spouse through her experience with pancreatic cancer. Today she's cancer free, and down 115 pounds due to the cancer. She wants to keep the weight off if she can, so our nourishment goals are compatible.

    I'm 60. Most of my fat life I lived fit, active, energetic, but fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, celiac disease, and Lymphedema, as well as lingering effects of several whiplashes, being hit by a fast car while walking across a street, and a few other body hits and hurts have radically altered my health and ability to mobilize. I walk with 2 canes, slowly and deliberatively.

    I've recently started exercising in my new recliner, because I spend a lot of time here and want to make some of it count for more than comfort. I can do strength training, yoga & chi gong, and even cardio exercises in my chair.

    I'm much more solitary than a joiner, but I hope to connect with some of you for mutual support and cheerleading.

    Please friend me! I've set my diary to private in order to be radically honest with myself about what I consume, when, and how much. Typically I am a healthy foods eater, but during the stress of this last year I've made junk food and stress-eating the norm and am not ready to out my eating until I've worked up a bit more self-mastery.
  • Hi Everyone!

    My name is Lisa-Marie, username LimaMikeJuliet. I joined MFP a long while ago but left in favour of going to Slimming World - which was amazing and I wish I could continue with it but I just cannot afford it any more.

    I weigh just over 28 stones. That's hard to type. wow. I'm 5'5 and need to lose 18-19stones.

    I have a massive list of reasons why I want to lose weight and a blank list for reasons to not lose weight but I just have not had the self control. I'm sure some of you understand where I am at. I am determined (as ever) that this time it will work!!

    feel free to add me. x
    DJLMB Posts: 43 Member
    Hi there ;)

    I'm so glad I found this group!

    I'm from the UK and I've got around 200lb to lose to get down to an 'ideal' weight... and damn is it scary! I'm looking at my best friend and thinking ;I have to lose nearly TWO of you?'

    I can empathise with so many who've posted here - I feel like I'm not living some days, just existing. Wearing clothes until they're literally in threads because it's SO hard to find anything flattering. Desperately searching for images of the seating in theatres when invited out to see a show, because the embarrassment of not fitting in the last ones will haunt me forever. Hearing about friend's amazing foreign holidays and knowing that even if I could afford the flights, I'd never fit in the seats. Watching my two little girls grow up and realising that the time I have to climb trees, play football, mess about on climbing frames and zipwires and go camping with them is just rushing away from me... so I've had it! I'm taking my life back :)

    I've been eating at a deficit for 3 weeks, two on MFP, and I'm down 8lb. Onwards and downwards!

    Please PLEASE add me if you want to, I do much better as part of a team ;)
  • I know exactly how you feel. It's scary to admit these things here for me, but its nice to be able to support and have the support of people who understand. I'm not saying that slimmer people have any less of a hard time dieting - but at my size it is a very different ball game!
  • ahh I posted that before I had finished! lol

    I am very embarrassed but I thought I would share my list of reasons to lose weight.

    1. General Health Reasons.
    2. Back Pain.
    3. Knee Pain
    4. Lack of energy
    5. To wear normal clothes
    6. To go on holiday
    7. To ride a horse again.
    8. To improve career prospects
    9. To 're-balance' my hormones so I can get rid of my excess facial hair
    10. To find love
    11. to be able to go swimming in public without fear of being laughed at.
    12. To never have to judge furniture's ability to hold me
    13. To be allow photos of me to be taken
  • sysof
    sysof Posts: 21 Member
    How nice to find a place with people who have to lose around what I have to lose. I need to lose about 260 lbs. Even typing that makes me extremely nervous. I'm a big low carb fan and really don't (can't) exercise much at this point.

    I'm a 39 year old woman named Lori, and I don't want to die from being fat.
  • Hi Lori!! Welcome

    I feel the same, and it is really daunting thinking about how far we have to go but My Fitness Pal has been amazing. I would add lots of users to your friends if you haven't already - I find seeing everyone's updates really motivating and everyone has been super supportive.

    I wish this group was more active though... not much seems to happen in here x
  • Hi! I am Erica and I (like many of you) love that there is a sections just for us 200+. When working this hard towards a goal, it's easy to get a little bitter. When readying at the other forums, I keep coming across posts that basically say, "I finally did it! I lost all ten pounds!" Ummm... Yay?

    Super excited to have lost 2 pounds already. My current goal is to be 280 by 8-22-14 (my ten year anniversary!). Any help/support/recipes are REALLY appreciated, far more than I can say. Good luck!
  • Valereee
    Valereee Posts: 74 Member
    Hello to Lori and Erica -- welcome to the group that none of us really wants to be a part of! With hard work hopefully we'll all be out of here next year to join the "100 lbs. to lose" group! Feel free to add me if you'd like, but my diary isn't much help because I'm not a good eater. Take care, Valerie
  • Hiya and Welcome!!

    I haven't been logging my food for a while because my phone broke and I no longer have the app.. so I keep forgetting to log in! Hopefully it won't be too long until I can get the app back.

    I am really struggling. When you guys feel like eating badly, how do you overcome these 'cravings'? I feel like I will never have the willpower. I am slowly killing myself but that still doesn't make me stop.

    Any tips would be gratefully received! lol
  • CreativeGenius822013
    CreativeGenius822013 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is Charles but my friends all call me TJ.

    Well I don't want to go into to much detail ( may go more into myself later). I currently weigh 721 lbs but I was 748 at my heaviest. I have chosen to embark on this journey with out the help of weight loss surgery. I have struggled my whole life with my weight and have had a very difficult life. Part of my journey is to take some responsibility and stop making excuses for why I am allowing myself to die a slow and horrible death. I have made the decision to loose the weight and I know I have around 475 more lbs to loose and it will be the hardest struggle in my life however it will also be my greatest victory!!

    Look forward to meeting all of you and sharing my tips, tricks setbacks and successes with you all!
  • sysof
    sysof Posts: 21 Member
    Hiya TJ.

    It's great to see more people posting around here. Hopefully more come back or join up and we can all support each other.

    Not to sound mean to people looking to lose just a little, but the type of journey people who have 200+ pounds to lose are starting seems a heck of a lot scarier, definitely a lot longer and probably more filled with emotional turmoil than someone who just wants to fit into their skinny jeans again.
  • Tamijoy4Him
    Tamijoy4Him Posts: 4 Member

    I am new to this group. I am 45 years old and I need to loose at LEAST 200 lbs. I am feeling rather hopeless. I lost 32 lbs and then gained 30 back. I am hoping I can figure out how the group works. Any of you ladies that wants to friend me please please do :) I can use some support from other ladies that understand.
  • Valereee
    Valereee Posts: 74 Member
    Hello TJ & Tammijoy -- Welcome. As you see people don't post too much in here! You can friend me but my diary won't be much help as I'm not a very consistent eater (although I do weigh, log, and count the calories every day). The struggle is really worth it. I still have a long, long way to go but moving around is so much easier now. I've been there and know exactly how you're feeling. Good luck to you. If you have a bad day, just put it behind you and pick right up again tomorrow. I used to be like "oh well.....I've blown it now....might as well eat what I want and start again on Monday." I don't allow myself to do that anymore. I still crave some fast foods, but I find a way to fit it into my daily calories. God Bless and good luck to you guys -- hope to hear that you're actively participating on MFP cuz if you use it, you'll definitely have success!!
  • Lene4Life
    Lene4Life Posts: 5
    My name is Lene and I'm 29. I swore id never get to 300lb but 300 came and went and I was 350 at my heaviest. My biggest issue is not finding clothes. I want to look nice in things I like not settle for oddly shaped or overpriced plus size clothes. Lately that motivated me the most... kinda shallow. I was super thin till puberty then got pcod and ballooned to over 200 by 20 and up and down for a long time. Tried a lot of diets and cleanses and pills. Never worked. So glad I joined this site all I do is stay in my calories and TRY to be active as much as possible. So far just cutting calories I've lost 6lb in a little over a week. Im glad im not alone in wanting to drop 200lb. Good luck to you all and please add me if you want :)
  • Lene4Life
    Lene4Life Posts: 5
    Hiya and Welcome!!

    I haven't been logging my food for a while because my phone broke and I no longer have the app.. so I keep forgetting to log in! Hopefully it won't be too long until I can get the app back.

    I am really struggling. When you guys feel like eating badly, how do you overcome these 'cravings'? I feel like I will never have the willpower. I am slowly killing myself but that still doesn't make me stop.

    Any tips would be gratefully received! lol

    I havent had too many overwhelming cravings but I eat everything I want to eat I just watch my portions. I take metamucil with every meal and I feel fuller longer and no cravings at all. For weight loss eating withing your calories should be good enough till you start wanting to gain muscle. But any time I go over I just keep tracking and not worry about it. Im accountable to myself and im only cheating myself out of what I want; to be fit and healthy. I already have more energy despite cutting calories. I dont huff and puff up the stairs anymore after only a little over a week and that motivates me and says "keep up the good work it can only get better from here"
  • Hiya Lene4Life..

    Sorry, only recently got a new phone. It's really annoying how you cannot access the groups on the mobile app, because i'm rubbish at logging in on here :-D

    Thanks for the tips, yea I've started logging everything even if I go over. I'm trying the 5:2 diet (started this week) because a friend of mine has had success with it and said that it helps with willpower issues because on the 'fasting' days you can just tell yourself - "it's ok i'll eat such and such tomorrow and removes the impulsive eating.

    I really need to get motivated again with exercising. We have a very large padding pool thing in our garden at the moment which you can swim about in so been doing that every day lately - god doesn't it feel nice to weigh so little floating about in the water? ha ha ha
  • loving_london
    loving_london Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I turned 30 in November and vowed to finally change my life. I've been trying to lose weight for the past 6 years and every year I get bigger - that stops this year.

    I'm currently 444lbs and I'd like to get down to 155 - 175 lbs. I've alienated myself from my former friends and family and I'm tired of feeling lonely and trapped within my body.

    I'm here to support anyone that needs it. Just hit me up.

  • Fatty_Melt
    Fatty_Melt Posts: 18 Member

    I'm 26 years old and at my highest weight I was 424 pounds. I feel that I've been living my life up to this point by half measures, and I don't want to live like this anymore. My weight has held me back for so long, and I'm tired of it. I joined this site 2 years ago and I lost 47 pounds. Everything was great until I got depressed (I'm an emotional eater), fell off the wagon, and gained back 35 of those pounds I lost. Now I'm finally ready to try again.

    To all my other Heavy Weights: I believe in all of you! If you ever need support, I'm here. We're all going through this together. Remember, we didn't gain this weight overnight, so just take it one day and time and do what you can. Let's go for broke!