Looking for support

Getting sleeved in 6 days!! I am very nervous and excited. Please feel free to friend request me I would love to meet new friends!!


  • AprilCaley
    AprilCaley Posts: 1 Member
    I had my sleeve 3 months ago today. Lost 55.6 # so far. Down to size 16 from size 22. Follow the post-op diet restrictions to the letter! Work on your fluid and protein intake in the weeks after surgery. I still weigh and measure all my food. MFP really helps me make sure I eat enough protein. I still count calories everyday. After you're back on solid foods, make sure you don't graze all day. Remember, the gastric sleeve is not going to solve your weight problem, but it is a tool to make it a lot easier. Getting the surgery was the best decision I've made for my health and happiness.
    Good luck!!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Congratulations and best wishes for your upcoming surgery. I was sleeved last July. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    Good luck! I'm almost one month out- had mine on 3/19/14. The first few days were tough- but it gets easier every day. Just focus on drinking your protien and vitamens at first and take your time gettting back into food. And have patience with yourself. After loosing amost two pounds a day for a while- it was hard for me when the scale stopped moving for a week- but it finaly gave in! I also didn't expect to hit a stall so early, so it was a surprise in the worst way. If you can- take your measurements too- I wish I had done that as well. There were days where the scale was not moving, but I knew my body was changing because I could feel it in my clothes and shape. I'm very motivated by progress, so it's easier for me to keep on track if I can measure sucessess. Including the Pre Op diet, from March 10- today, April 17, I've lost 30lbs. It feels like a good start and I'm excited for you to enjoy the same.
  • randiwoods1
    randiwoods1 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm getting sleeved on Tuesday and am very excited but also very nervous. I know that next week will be rough, but I'm really hoping it's the start of a new life!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I'm getting sleeved on Tuesday and am very excited but also very nervous. I know that next week will be rough, but I'm really hoping it's the start of a new life!

    My diary is open feel free to lurk:). Good luck
  • Good luck to everyone on your upcoming surgeries!!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I had my sleeve 3 months ago today. Lost 55.6 # so far. Down to size 16 from size 22. Follow the post-op diet restrictions to the letter! Work on your fluid and protein intake in the weeks after surgery. I still weigh and measure all my food. MFP really helps me make sure I eat enough protein. I still count calories everyday. After you're back on solid foods, make sure you don't graze all day. Remember, the gastric sleeve is not going to solve your weight problem, but it is a tool to make it a lot easier. Getting the surgery was the best decision I've made for my health and happiness.
    Good luck!!

    Yes. That ^. Also, record everything. Its so easy to get off track and get too much of the wrong things ans not get enough of the good stuff, (protein). At 6 months still logging and still losing, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I need to lose 90 pounds to quality for sleeve surgery (my bmi is too high) and am struggling! Howvdidyou v all lose weight pre-op? I'm exercising every day, Staying off sugar and carbs. My greatest challenges a r e being on prednisone for a rare disease and eating at night.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I need to lose 90 pounds to quality for sleeve surgery (my bmi is too high) and am struggling! Howvdidyou v all lose weight pre-op? I'm exercising every day, Staying off sugar and carbs. My greatest challenges a r e being on prednisone for a rare disease and eating at night.

    While I didn't have to lose anything pre-op, I might suggest doing much of what you'll need to do post surgery. Mainly, make sure you are getting plenty of fiber and protein. Both of these types of food help to fill you up and keep you full longer.

    Even after surgery you'll still need to track your food. I eat about 1900 calories daily, and I weight or measure about 98% of my food. I'm 20 months post RNY. Regardless of surgery, we still have to maintain our weight the way everybody else does. So, you might want to use MFP to track your food, and make sure you weight it all.

    As far as eating at night, I'm a night time eater as well. I simply plan it into my day. I really end up eating four meals a day. I have a 2000 calorie limit set, but typically don't go over 1900, as spenda and my calcium chews actually have caloric content but are hard to track. So, I take those 1900 calories, and divide them by 4. So I try to average about 475 calories a meal. That will leave me with enough calories to have pretty much whatever I want in the evenings.

    I've also noticed that exercise is a VERY BIG part of keeping the weight off. I average about 2500 calories burned at the gym each week. Now, I know that not everybody can spend 4 or 5 hours a week in the gym, that's just what works for me. I prefer group fitness classes, as I feel more motivated and pushed to exercise harder with them. If that's an option, you might want to look into them. I found that most in the gym don't make fun of, or judge larger people. They all seem genuinely impressed that you are there to try and work it off. If the gym isn't your style, then there are plenty of things that you can do at home. I'm not sure what kind of exercise you get, but walking isn't always enough. You need to do weight training as well. It will boot your metabolism, as well as help to prevent lose skin after surgery.

    So basically, stick to a calorie goal, weight and track your food. Plan ahead, and make sure you get enough appropriate exercise.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thank you! I know I'm on the right track, just frustrated by slow progress. I just started using MFP and recording my food. It really is amazing to see where my missteps are. For example, I ate very well all day, then at 11 p.m. scarfed down half a bag of my husband's Ruffles cheese potato chips. When I added that to my calories for the day, I was FOOORED By the calories, fat and salt.
    My nutritionist for the bariatric program has me on 1300 calories, but when I input my exercise (I do aqua Zumba, water aerobics, aqua toning, and swim laps, usually every day for 45-90 minutes.), MFP is telling me I need to add 1000 calories for the exercise. I'm guessing I need to check with the nutritionist on this? I do know that I've been losing weight rapidly 12 pounds one week) but then get so hungry that I go on a binge week where I can't seem to stop eating, so I think I'm not getting enough calories.