Im beginning to question things my doctor says...



  • heatherz104
    heatherz104 Posts: 70 Member
    Oh and I think you could request to wait until 42 weeks instead of 41 before scheduling a repeat cs. And there's lots of natural ways to help stimulate your body going into labor once you've reached your due date. I had my first cs for failure to progress after several interventions I didn't want but I did go into labor on my own (on my due date lol) before all that happened. So I feel confident about that part. I think we have a better chance of success if we aren't put on a time schedule and aren't rushed. I'm going to try drinking red rasberry leaf tea this time when I get to my third trimester and may consider EPO. I also plan on trying to make sure I'm in good labor before going in to the hospital this time.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Wait till 42 weeks to schedule a c section or induction. Being tall is not a diet issue, it is likely a genetic "issue" in my humble opinion..
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Yes, I have since learned that (aside from what the doctor was insistent on) I can request to wait until 42 weeks. No longer than that though as it poses health risks.
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    Is there any way that you can switch doctors? Maybe to a female one? I have noticed that they have a tendency to listen to their patients more and are willing to discuss things, rather than having that "how dare you question me" attitude that some of the male doctors do.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Unfortunately, for insurance and financial reasons, switching doctors is not an option.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    when are you due? How are things going?
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    It sounds like you really don't trust your there really no way you can switch, even if it means a further drive? Your doctor knows you and your specific situation, and what you read online can vary drastically in reliability (and it's not tailored to you). Placental abruption is no joke. 1% doesn't sound like a lot, but it is a significant risk when it can lead to a dead mom and/or dead baby.

    I would recommend reading "expecting better" by emily oster - she has a chapter on induction. You don't want to refuse, on principle, to consent to an induction in a serious situation. She explains situations that truly call for an induction, versus those that don't. People just not showing up to inductions makes me really nervous.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I will be 32 weeks tomorrow.
    I cannot switch doctors. This one is already completely paid for and to switch would mean $3,100 out of my own pocket to another doctor. I just can't do it.

    I have been doing a lot of research and a lot of branching out. I cannot actually go to a midwife clinic, nor do I feel comfortable having my baby at home. I will be having my baby in the hospital and with the doctor but will be doing everything possible natural and in my own way and time.
    My aunt (licensed massage therapist but does so much more) has been helping me tone my uterus and birthing muscles. I am drinking raspberry leaf tea, taking natural supplements and using essential oils to 'prepare' my system. I am seeing my aunt once a week now and when there is 4 weeks left I will start seeing her twice a week.
    I feel so much better since I started working with her. I will continue to receive care and testsbfrom the doctor and will listen to everything he says but am continuing to research everything he tells me before just swallowing it.
    My aunt has helped me completely get rid of my sciatic nerve pain, all water retention, my aching hip pain and more. She has also helped eased my nerves a lot. I am feeling much less scared :p
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    It sounds like you really don't trust your there really no way you can switch, even if it means a further drive? Your doctor knows you and your specific situation, and what you read online can vary drastically in reliability (and it's not tailored to you). Placental abruption is no joke. 1% doesn't sound like a lot, but it is a significant risk when it can lead to a dead mom and/or dead baby.

    I would recommend reading "expecting better" by emily oster - she has a chapter on induction. You don't want to refuse, on principle, to consent to an induction in a serious situation. She explains situations that truly call for an induction, versus those that don't. People just not showing up to inductions makes me really nervous.

    ^^ That's a really awesome book! I read it cover to cover in like two days when I was pregnant.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Also, I forgot to say, they CAN induce labor if your water breaks.. They should NOT do it right away. There is increased risk of infection when the water breaks..if it leaks, it is not as bad of a risk for your baby, from what I know, because you will keep producing fluid until the baby is born and the placenta is delivered... The best doctors usually wait 24hrs to see if you can naturally start contractions (by walking, exercising, or other methods) before inducing them... A c-section should only happen after the other two ways have been tried and have failed. Good luck... I would switch doctors. If you can't, then try standing up to your doctor, instead.. If you need to, find proof, in books written by doctors, in a written second opinion from another obgyn, or even printed from certain websites...if the website is credible, like the one for the Mayo Clinic. Don't be rude about it, but say "Well, I read... and I prefer to have as little intervention as possible."
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    It sounds like you really don't trust your there really no way you can switch, even if it means a further drive? Your doctor knows you and your specific situation, and what you read online can vary drastically in reliability (and it's not tailored to you). Placental abruption is no joke. 1% doesn't sound like a lot, but it is a significant risk when it can lead to a dead mom and/or dead baby.

    I would recommend reading "expecting better" by emily oster - she has a chapter on induction. You don't want to refuse, on principle, to consent to an induction in a serious situation. She explains situations that truly call for an induction, versus those that don't. People just not showing up to inductions makes me really nervous.

    ^^ That's a really awesome book! I read it cover to cover in like two days when I was pregnant.

    +1 on the book. Really opened my eyes!
  • heatherz104
    heatherz104 Posts: 70 Member
    I will be 32 weeks tomorrow.
    I cannot switch doctors. This one is already completely paid for and to switch would mean $3,100 out of my own pocket to another doctor. I just can't do it.

    I have been doing a lot of research and a lot of branching out. I cannot actually go to a midwife clinic, nor do I feel comfortable having my baby at home. I will be having my baby in the hospital and with the doctor but will be doing everything possible natural and in my own way and time.
    My aunt (licensed massage therapist but does so much more) has been helping me tone my uterus and birthing muscles. I am drinking raspberry leaf tea, taking natural supplements and using essential oils to 'prepare' my system. I am seeing my aunt once a week now and when there is 4 weeks left I will start seeing her twice a week.
    I feel so much better since I started working with her. I will continue to receive care and testsbfrom the doctor and will listen to everything he says but am continuing to research everything he tells me before just swallowing it.
    My aunt has helped me completely get rid of my sciatic nerve pain, all water retention, my aching hip pain and more. She has also helped eased my nerves a lot. I am feeling much less scared :p

    Glad to hear your latest update, trusting in yourself and your body is good and helps you to relax. I'm currently attending Bradley method childbirth classes (wish I had done this with my first pregnancy!) and the hospital I am going to deliver at offers free doulas. Oh and I went for my first visit to my new doctors office, I'm going to be seeing the midwives there, and I'm also feeling much better about things and more relaxed now. You could also look for a private doula to attend your birth which could be really helpful for you especially if you find one that has experience attending VBAC's. Some hospitals are also offering more natural childbirth friendly extras like pools, birthing balls, bars, or stools. Like you I want to deliver more naturally but in the safety of a hospital setting:) I actually would have been interested in a birthing center (but not a homebirth as much) but I don't think any of them in my state do VBAC's anymore.

    The book mentioned above sounds really good, I've read the bradley method book and Ina May's guide to childbirth and I enjoyed both of those too. Oh and your aunt sounds like a great help:)
  • Pascal56
    Pascal56 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm sorry you cannot switch doctors, because your doctor sucks. He is not VBAC supportive at all. I've had 2 unmedicated VBACs now. In both cases, I didn't go into labor until 41 weeks 3 days, and didn't deliver the baby until 41 weeks 5 days, so both labors were well over 24 hours, which was fine as long as the baby was fine (which they were). I highly recommend a doula to help you advocate for yourself in the hospital, because you have an uphill battle with a doctor that isn't supportive. I'd also suggest you check out ICAN and there may even be a local chapter with meetings. Finally, labor at home as long as you feel comfortable doing so.

    Good luck! I hope you get the VBAC you want!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Have you checked your doctor's c-section rates? Have you checked those of the other doctors in your area? I changed doctors because of the difference in rates. Not all doctors feel that same way.

    As for your baby being big, that was baby #1 for me. They kept telling me I was going to have a massive baby. He was very long, but didn't even weigh 8 pounds. He was the skinniest baby I had ever seen. My placenta was large and that was why I was measuring so big (along with him being long).
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I will be 32 weeks tomorrow.
    I cannot switch doctors. This one is already completely paid for and to switch would mean $3,100 out of my own pocket to another doctor. I just can't do it.

    I have been doing a lot of research and a lot of branching out. I cannot actually go to a midwife clinic, nor do I feel comfortable having my baby at home. I will be having my baby in the hospital and with the doctor but will be doing everything possible natural and in my own way and time.
    My aunt (licensed massage therapist but does so much more) has been helping me tone my uterus and birthing muscles. I am drinking raspberry leaf tea, taking natural supplements and using essential oils to 'prepare' my system. I am seeing my aunt once a week now and when there is 4 weeks left I will start seeing her twice a week.
    I feel so much better since I started working with her. I will continue to receive care and testsbfrom the doctor and will listen to everything he says but am continuing to research everything he tells me before just swallowing it.
    My aunt has helped me completely get rid of my sciatic nerve pain, all water retention, my aching hip pain and more. She has also helped eased my nerves a lot. I am feeling much less scared :p

    Maybe you could go to a hospital where your doctor doesn't have admitting privileges? I don't think they can turn you away when you are in labor. Pretend you were out doing something when you went into labor and had to go to the closest hospital?
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    There is one hospital here. Not a very big town.

    I am feeling better all the time, feeling more confident and am feeling pretty sure as long as I stand my ground with the doctor everything will be alright.

    Doctor was happy at my last check up when the water retention that I had was gone and I had only gained a pound in 2 weeks. He has gotten off my back quite a bit.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    There is one hospital here. Not a very big town.

    I am feeling better all the time, feeling more confident and am feeling pretty sure as long as I stand my ground with the doctor everything will be alright.

    Doctor was happy at my last check up when the water retention that I had was gone and I had only gained a pound in 2 weeks. He has gotten off my back quite a bit.

    I feel for you. I live just outside of Chicago so a huge metro area, but we have a small network for our (excellent) insurance. My OB had a tendency to use scare tactics too. I respectfully questioned him, made my thoughts very clear, and by delivery day I can honestly say we both liked & respected each other. Hopefully things continue to be good for you!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I can't second getting a doula enough!!! They are usually about $300 (which is way cheaper than switching doctors!) And will make a huge difference in a hospital setting! I really wished I'd gotten one for my last pregnancy b/c I was bullied a bit in the hospital, too. I'm definitely hiring one this time!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Husband won't go for a doula.

    Had an appt this morning. Doctor has now backed off a ton and says that as long as I don't go overdue, I can do things my way.
    Only thing he is remaining firm on that I don't like is that one week is his idea of too far overdue.
    He has even commented saying that the baby is just measuring really big and it probably isn't my diet like he originally thought because I have been gaining so little.

    (As of today baby's estimates are 5lbs and 18inches! - and I still have 6wks5days to go!)
  • cofomostwanted
    cofomostwanted Posts: 27 Member
    My first baby I was 10 days overdue when I was induced and I had been in labor 24 hours when my doctor insisted I needed a C-section. He had just broke my water and saw that there was meconium in it and thought the baby needed to come out right then and there. There was a woman doctor on duty at the hospital who came to talk to me and she encouraged my doctor to let me try pushing for a little bit. 2 hours of pushing later my doctor said that he would try suction and if baby didn't come then it was a C-section. Fortunately the baby came with that push and was almost 9 lbs. Next baby measured very large but delivery was a totally different story. I was 15 days overdue and induced again but it was very relaxed, doctor was relaxed, only one nurse in the room and even 1.5 hours of pushing into it the doctor still didn't seem to worry at all. Baby came out at 10lbs 5oz! It was the same doctor with both deliveries. He said that since I had already had one baby he knew I could have another one naturally. More than anything you want your baby to come out alive and healthy but unfortunately I think doctors have seen things go wrong that C-sections could have prevented and they don't want it to happen to their patients. I think that as the patient you sometimes have a better feel of how things are going but your doctor feels a responsibility if something were to go wrong. My doctor has admitted that it is his job to worry about me and he has told me once "I will tell you what I suggest we do and you tell me what we are going to do." Another thing about where I live is that the nearest hospital that allows VBACs is 3 hours away! Also midwives are not allowed to attend a delivery here in Nebraska. Be thankful that your doctor is at least willing to let you try.