Night Time

cekennon Posts: 44 Member
Well it is night time and the day is coming to an end. How was your day? Did you stay on track? No matter what the answer is, we get another chance tomorrow. Don't give up. No matter what! God is not going to forsake us. We have to reprogram our mind about something's, we have to replace the false beliefs we think about ourselves and replace them with truth.
Here is the truth - We are princesses and prince's...our father is the King...he made our body's to house the spirit of his son, he will give us the strength to do this. Its not about willpower, don't believe that lie. God is going to use our weight loss journeys for his good. Yes I wish I was thin and healthier but God wouldn't love me more - he created me and you - he knew this is where we would all be at this exact time in life and its ok. Doesn't matter what happened before now and if today was not your best day, that's ok..tomorrow will be better. Look for the small things, just like we are to look for the blessings. Im so grateful that just for today..I didn't eat candy or chips. Im glad I didn't eat the ice cream left from Easter 9i did have to put it in the trash though) - and Im glad I had the energy to do work out. Look for your small accomplishments today and thank the Lord for them.

I claim victory for each of us! I pray you all sleep well and that tomorrow will be a day filled with accomplishments and that transformation in our weight loss is on the horizon!

In Him,


  • MichelleMP67
    MichelleMP67 Posts: 32 Member
    Wonderful words to read as this day gets closer to it's end. I'm on HST - Hawaii Standard Time so it isn't quite dinner time here yet. I'm happy with my food and exercise decisions so far today but it's hard to get "back on track" as they say. It has helped me to write down at the beginning of the day everything I plan on eating that day. That way I have a plan and know what needs to be prepped and cooked. I can always change it up later but at least I'm not hungry, standing in the kitchen and start munching on things while trying to decide what to eat! :-) Guess we all have to do what works for each of us but so far pre-planning meals works for me. Sweet Dreams All!
  • Jenean125
    Jenean125 Posts: 26 Member
    Today was day 1 for me....starting over again. Didn't do too badly, although I did indulge my sweet tooth a bit, but didn't go over my calories by much, so I'm happy with my new start. Like you said, tomorrow is a new 2!!

    Thanks for your timely words of encouragement!

  • Pbrown4779
    Pbrown4779 Posts: 2 Member
    Today I had to eat a little more than I wanted but blood sugar dropped but it is ok. Tom. is a new day.. the day is already in the past keep looking forward and pressing on. I pray that God will give us the strength and willpower on our journey. Thanks for the words of encouragement :-) Claiming the victory already.