Day One

cekennon Posts: 44 Member
Hello! - I have never started a group on here or been in a group on here but I am determined and Im going to use all that the site has to offer. My daughter encourages me - she is active on here and has lost weight and looks amazing. I know the power of prayer and I know the more who are praying the easier to move the mountain. "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me" - I am going to claim this like never before - I know God wants us to take care of our bodies, we house the holy spirit.

Im not a holy roller - dont even consider myself religous but I have a personal relationship with Jesus, I have a ministry and I am a writer and I am a food addict...sugar addict for sure. I need support and encouragement and I want to give support and encouragement on this weight loss journey - the road to a healthy life. The rest of my life will be the best of my life


  • Hi, I just restarted MFP again. I would like to encourage an support everyone on their journey. I would love to lose 50 lbs, but would be way happy with 40 lbs :)

    Look forward to meeting you all.
  • AMEN! IM IN. Cant do it without faith, I believe most of my hurdles are emotional/spiritual. Being spiritually fit, helps the rest of me be fit. I want that vibrancy in body, mind, soul and spirit. My goal is to be between 115-120. I am currently fluctuating between 130-134 and I am 5'1.5. 44 female. I need structure, I am unemployed looking for work, care taking parents (with tons of prayer) and overall shifting my life to be my best self also! Would love to be part of encouraging group...ALL things are possible for those that follow the Lord~ If I truly let God nourish me from within, my heart...then the rest will come one day at a time. To be sustained, God must remain at the center...:heart: otherwise I am :brokenheart: and that just leads me to feed my emotions...

  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member

    I am so glad I posted this today! - I am encouraged already! - I have to lose 50 lbs as well but I would be happy with 5 right now.
    We can do this- its never to late - and we can all support each other
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Lisa!
    YES spiritually fit! - I am spiritually weight thing is like the last thing to tackle and its the hardest. I think what makes it the hardest is we have to be around food every day - we need food to live. Most of us who over eat or are sugar junkies have used food for comfort. I am encouraged already. I have a ministry and do a monthly message and my first book is coming out next month (a collection of my messages) and I have all these great testimonies of how God transformed me - yet Im overweight...if I can transform my body it will be another testimony of how God can do...I did 40 mins of Zumba tonight and I was going to eat my whole wheat pasta I made but I had a protein shake instead - and Im so grateful because today I didn't eat junk food or candy. I know we can do this!!
    So sorry about you not working - I will be praying for that.
  • Pbrown4779
    Pbrown4779 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello :-)

    I have been a member for a couple of months but it is the first time joining a group. I am in a lot to lose but I would be happy for anything. One day at a time :) "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13 my favorite scripture!! Prayer changes everything.. Here to give and receive encouragement!!
  • Binnee95
    Binnee95 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all!

    Just joined the group and I'm pleased to meet those of you who have joined too! I have about 65-75 lbs. to lose and fully acknowledge I need the help of the Lord! I am 47 years old and am 5'8.. I get frustrated as I cannot do all that I want to physically due to sickness and not being as fit as I want to be. In four months I have lost only 15 lbs. but I will gladly take it and gives thanks to the Lord! :)
  • Jenean125
    Jenean125 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello all!! Glad to see this group getting together! I need all the help I can get too!

    So a little about me....I'm a minister, Praise & Worship leader, wife, food addict, and mucho overweight! I know I need to learn self-control when it comes to food. I don't really have any favorite foods that trigger my overeating....I just love it all! It saddens me that I know better, yet still seem to have no control when it comes to food. Forgive me Lord, I need your help!!!

    I try to remember 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 -- "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s."

    I'm trying to make sure to serve the Lord in all things, but this one is hard for me! I know "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me", so I just have to focus on His strength and not my own. After all, His grace is sufficient, His strength is perfect in the midst of my weakness! He is really all I need, I know He will guide me into healthier habits and a healthier life...if I LET Him!!

    I have a LOT of weight to lose, but I'm focusing on smaller goals one at a time. Right now I'm looking to lose 20 pounds by June 1. Once I have achieved that goal, then I'll set another one. I'm looking forward to giving and receiving encouragement in this battle!

  • MichelleMP67
    MichelleMP67 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for starting this group! If anyone would like to "friend" me for additional support, please feel free to do so. I'll check by the group discussion often and try to encourage you all as you have already encouraged me! Good luck and God Bless!
  • 19sherry58
    19sherry58 Posts: 8 Member
    I just found this group because it's 2:00 in the morning and I'm not able to sleep, so I will take it that I was suppose to find y'all! Lol
    Looking forward to meeting y'all.
  • hpmoon
    hpmoon Posts: 23 Member
    Hello all! I too suffer from not being spiritually fit. My family was not into religion. I know that there is a power greater than myself out there who does not believe in pain and suffering for all. I have addiction issues and the main one is food/sugar(let go of the others). I related to every post here. I know that it is not all about the food, it is the lack of trust and faith. In order to change that I must build a relationship with God. This groups sounds like a great way to learn how to do that. I also enjoy helping people. I was underweight for a couple of years and then in 3 months put on 40 pounds and have not been able to go back down(I am out of the healthy range by 25 pounds). In all honesty, I do not eat meals I restrict and then eat at night. This is where I need help and prayer to change. I want to focus on God and others and eat regular meals and then whatever the scale says will be what God wants not my wants.
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    Binnee - thats a great acomplishment - 15 lbs!!!!!! and at that rate you will be 45 pounds lighter in a year - and you will be able to keep it off.
    My daughter lost 15 pounds in a year - but she transformed her body and didnt give up anything she liked. She used MFP and started groups...let me see if I can figure out how to post her picture for you. What I love about it - is...she did it slow and steady and still can enjoy foods she likes...
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    Hpmoon - "just for today" - its only baout today and if you make one good choice, its better than no good choices. addiction issues are chains that bind us...and God set us free when he sent Jesus to die for us. SOmetimes it hard to understand the "Jesus" thing depending on how you grew up...and then we have churches filled with judgement and condemnation and rules and regulations - that is so not who God is, not why Jesus came. "For God so loved the word he gave his only son so that we may live" - that is not a God of evil or bad. Its also totally ok if your not even sure what higher power you beleive - I beleive in Divine Appointment - and we all are!
    Today you will have victory - we all will!
