looks like this is a quiet area but here i am.

rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
As i've mentioned before i suffer from bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression on top of bipolar, i have asperger-like symptoms that belong to something my therapist said but i can't remember. i also seem to get a touch of OCD and paranoia. I have had past run ins with suicide attempts and self mutilation. i actually have all this stuff written down but as usual i can't find my usb medical stick.


  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    hi, sorry no one had replied. Im in a rehab hospital myself at the moment with mental illness. All I can say is, we are here to help yu through and even if you dotn get a reply straight away, just writing to someone out there can help. Welcome to the group and if you need me you can PM me. You are not alone!
  • 98777
    98777 Posts: 108 Member
    You're certainly not alone.

    I have Asperger's, social anxiety, OCD, depression, and probably other things (I suspect bipolar or borderline personality disorder.)

    I have fallen into a deep bout of darkness lately but I'm fighting it. Good luck to you.
  • Teasaidh
    Teasaidh Posts: 25 Member
    In the past year, I was diagnosed as an Aspie and also with Bipolar II. I'm on meds for the BP, and they are helping a lot. I also have previous diagnoses of OCD and PTSD. If you are ever in need of encouragement, feel free to message me.

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