Hi Healthy Feminists!

Hello! Happy Saturday! I'm new!

I'm looking for some fat positive ladies to be my pals on here. I want to focus on improving my body image, be more active, and maybe cut down a little on the pizza and cake!

I moved to LA with my partner about 4 months ago. I'm shy and quite the homebody. I sometimes can't leave my apartment. I've been pretty down and I eat my feelings often.

Anyone else interested in big girl yoga, fat mermaids, cat rescue, feminist/queer book clubs and body acceptance/fat activism?

Be my friend!


  • paperfiish
    paperfiish Posts: 52 Member
    I love all these things, but we're already friends on here now heh. That being said, welcome! And welcome to LA, it's got it's ups and downs but it's pretty ok. I see your photo is from Griffeth's Observatory, lovely place :D Yay for fat mermaid and rescue cat love <3

    Edit: Btw there's a queer/LGBTQ community on here you might want to check out too, lots of nice encouraging people there as well: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/39-lgbt-
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member

    Oh man, I feel your homebody thing, sort of; I like to get out and about, but I work at home. So I have a really hard time avoiding the urge to go out for food just to get out of the house, And I totally get that eating your feels thing. <3
  • circemuse
    circemuse Posts: 7 Member

    I've been on MFP for a year, and have totally come at it from a body acceptance/HAES point of view. I think that's 100% the reason that it's been working for me. I've been pretty active on fat acceptance issues for the last 10 years or so. I'm on again/ off again with my yoga practice, but I've been really happy to see yoga proliferate among the community.

    Total cat person here, too. We have two (can't adopt any more because of small NYC apartment), but we support our local rescue!

  • TheBigSleep
    TheBigSleep Posts: 7 Member
    Yay! Thank you for being my friends! I look forward to getting to know you guys, feeling better already.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    So sorry for a delayed response on here, but welcome, welcome!