Expected weight loss

Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
Hi all,

I just had a meeting with the psychiatrist on my surgery team for my final pre-op visit (with her, anyway.) She asked me what my expected weight loss was and I hesitated, and she reiterated the expected 60-ish percent average of excess weight with VSG. That's all well and good, but I am 280 pounds and a normal weight for my height, 5'6, is 140-150 pounds tops. All I want out of life is to be 150-160 pounds, a size 8 or maybe 10, and she pretty blatantly told me I was being an idiot and that she didn't even expect me to lose 100 pounds, which to be honest hurt a little bit because my surgeon stated otherwise. I lost weight before without surgery or medication or anything (100 pounds) and regained it (and then some) after three years of maintenance between starting college, knee surgery, and horrible birth control issues.

I know that statistically very few people who have weight loss surgery lose all of their excess weight, but she made it sound as if it was virtually impossible. Is it crazy to have 150/160 as my goal from 280? I know it will take a lot of work, but it's all I've ever really wanted. I'm 18 years old, and I feel like she should have been encouraging it unless it was truly impossible .-.

Edit - I've been researching this for the year + I've been considering the surgery. What I found is that it tends to be more likely for "light weights" (people with around 100 pounds to lose) than "heavy weights" (people with 200+ pounds to lose) to reach a normal weight, or closer to 100% of excess weight lost. At 280 pounds I have about 130-140 pounds to lose. Do you guys think that would put me in a "light weight" category (haha) as far as the surgery goes?


  • debhaley1
    debhaley1 Posts: 45 Member
    I just had my sleeve done on the 14th of April. My surgeon, dietitian and the nurses say that it is not only possible but very likely to lose 150-200 pounds with the sleeve. I think you are going to do great. stick to the plan, go to support groups, drink your water and get your protein in and you will do great. Negative Nellies are everywhere, shun them and go get your life back.

    I started 336, Surgeon visit weight 311, surgery day 301, Goal weight 150-160.
  • vsg_joanna
    vsg_joanna Posts: 27 Member
    Iknowsaur- I'm totally with you. I'm 26 and my entire life I've been dreaming about being a normal weight. I got sleeved on 4/8 at 240lbs, 5'5.5" and my goal weight is 140. FYI my highest weight was 276.

    From my understanding, vsg alone will give you that 60% loss and to get to your goal you have to make it your priority to turn this into a lifestyle change. Exercise, healthy food, and getting over food demons.

    As you have been able to lose 100lbs on your own- I totally believe you can get to your goal! I know I didn't pay all this money, go through the pain to only lose 60% of my excess weight. I already signed up for a 6 mile walk and I'm continuing working on my binge eating issues. If you use VSG as a tool, you will be able to do it!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Thanks guys :D
    I appreciate the feedback.
    I'm not going to let her get me down. She's always kind of a bummer >>
  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 5'5, my dr said if I lose what the average VSGer does I'll be down to 175 so that's the goal he set for me. However my personal goal is 140 lbs. I think the key is you have to want it and work hard for it. My sleeve will only do so much and I have to do the rest. I've seen lots of people on forums who've lost more than the average. It's possible if you want it bad enough. Don't let your doctor discourage you from trying to get where you want to be.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I plan to exceed all expectations and I am working hard for that. Like others have said, the sleeve is a tool, but used the right way, you WILL get to your goal.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    VSG is relatively new so the long term data is not complete. The old paradigm was "VSG" as a first step to "RNY". As more people with VSG lose greater amounts of weight the mdical community catch up.

    I was 311 pre-op with a chart weight of 188. 7 months out and I am at 197 or 92% of goal. Just follow the program and you will be fine.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    It's not crazy to want to be a normal weight and it's not impossible. My doctor told me my ideal weight for my age and height is 160. That's still 20 pounds overweight per the BMI scale. And then he told me he expected I would get to 200, bounce back to 220 and stay somewhere around there. Sorry! My personal goal is get and stay somewhere below 200. I don't know if I will get all the way down to 160, but I am not going to work this hard for this long to be over 200 pounds! It might work for others and that's OK, but it's not what I want for me.

    Do what feels right for you. Above or below what the doctor says, as long as you are healthy and happy. This is your journey.
  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    If you go hard right from the get go you can totally acheive the weight loss you want. It takes dedication but it is so doable. I honestly don't think that my journey has been "hard"...there have been moments where the weight doens't come off despite my compliance and exercise but then there are moments when you drop 5-7 pounds in a week.

    I am 5'7", 43 years old, and weighed in 307. To hit "normal" BMI I should weigh 155-160. Well, I am 11 months out, and weigh 162 lbs at the moment. (well...at the moment probably closer to 165 as it is my flipping cycle time but no cycle coming...but that's for another forum early meno I imagine! hehe) So I've almost lost 1/2 of me! Yup...so if that's not successful I don't know what is!

    It's your body...you are in control of what happens. The sleeve makes the journey easier than without it but don't be discouraged by your surgeon!

    Good luck!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I was 253 at 5'5". I told my surgeon 180 and he agreed that was a very doable weight for me. But I have completely embraced my new lifestyle so I continue to lose. One key thing is very true. Once you are just overweight and no longer obese it takes a lot longer to lose a lb and keep it off. Mentally sticking to 750-850 calories a day month after month is tough. I am at 173 now with 23 lbs to go. It will likely take 'till Christmas or longer. My surgery anniversary is November. Remember at 1 yr out the feelings of hunger typically return so you want to establish great habits now. I say go for normal, but accept the work you are going to have to do to achieve it.
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    It is possible for you to avhieve your goal!
    A very good friend of mine has lost 170lbs with her sleeve. She is currently at around 150, 5'6", and wears a size 6.
    She is having panni surgery (tummy skin removal) in June, and will probably lose even more!

    Don't let them tell you what you CAN do! Believe in yourself, and use this tool and do it!

    Good luck!

    PS, I am preop, I am currently 250, and 5'5. I can't imagine being under 200lbs, but all of my doctors, psych, nutritionists etc, tell me to expect it plus more! They say there's no reason why I can't get to 150-160. They are all super positive, and now, because of them, I am starting to believe it too, and I cant wait!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    I was 275 when I had my sleeve and at 10 months out, I weigh 166. My goal from the start was 155 and I hope to achieve it soon. The sleeve is a fantastic tool, but your ultimate wight loss will be accomplished through making good food and exercise choices. There are no pre-determined limits with the sleeve. Don't let the dietician get you down.
  • Pearlsbabygirl
    Be glad you are done seeing her! I would talk to my bariatric doctor's nurse about what she had to say. The clinic I go to have such great nurses who offer emotional support. That way it will also be on your doctor's chart, too. As you continue to lose your doctor may just be your biggest cheerleader because of the negative attitude she had with you. (sorry for your experience) Keep your chin up! You will be wearing those beautiful clothes we all long for... When you do, buy a cute BRIGHT outfit and go say, "Hi Doc, remember me?" -- <<Jeers to your shrink, sounds like she needs one!>>