Check In - Day 3

cekennon Posts: 44 Member
How is it going? I have not been perfect but I am making changes and resisting temptation. Its a step in the right direction!
Praying you are all doing well this week


  • asdfrr
    asdfrr Posts: 14 Member
    My " Quit messing around and get serious Day 2" Been reading "Made to Crave" (Amazing! ) Her suggestion is to pray when you crave. Going into my day, knowing there will be ALOT of praying!!! Gona give Him the glory when I make it through the day.

    Great job on your Day 3! Here we go!
  • bombshellcertification
    After last weeks report, Im trying to tighten up my calorie intake, and meal planning. Operative word "planning" as I have been winging it, and on a low budget! Good food cost more, hoping to find work soon--so I can really prepare more creative meals...but in the mean time, Ive been enjoying some delish smoothies...and God has been intervening by sending me some prayer friends....Last night I invited a friend to use my guest pass at Y and she took Belly & Zumba with me...It was great fun, we shared some of our fears & hopes which was also very therapeutic for staying on track.

    Trying to patient with Gods will, as I try to think about not only emotional, mental & spiritual transformation, but job/career/vocation too..have not been too motivated, I go all gangbusters with resume for a week, then cant do a thing for two weeks its in cycles. I am going to check out What Color is your Parachute this week & weekend, and try to jump back on track with job search next week. In the mean time, exercise, and eating healthy is helping me very slowly gain back some confidence, feel stronger, healthier, keeping my perspective & attitude in check--sweating my prayers has been the best healer & life booster during trying times.....
  • hpmoon
    hpmoon Posts: 23 Member
    Hello All! is there any way we could do a daily prayer. Something we could focus on or repeat during the trying times of the day. Sometimes in my difficult time nothing comes to me but maybe I would remember or could try to think of the post/prayer of the day. Thanks for helping me build my relationship(s).
  • bombshellcertification
    I have 3 prayers that I do daily in addition to other random conversations directly to Jesus

    1) Jesus, I trust in you
    Jesus help me with this

    and the best one THANK YOU, Jesus!--esp in the morning upon waking, at the end of the day, and before/after each meal as preparing or through out the day trying to notice the blessings around me...and immediately remembering to bless, thank...The gratitude makes me remember that every breathe, day, minute is a truly a gift...

    2) The Moses prayer:

    Jesus, I can't , you can, you promised!

    3) Serenity Prayer Or Our Father (give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead not into temptation but deliver us from evil, AMEN) Both feel protective in the spiritual battle that wants us to give in...the prayers strengthen, remind & protect

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
    The COURAGE to change the things I can
    And the WISDOM to know the difference
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    We are all doing it! Step by step - Great idea about a prayer

    What if we say something like this

    Father your word says "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." I am weak Lord and I need to feel your grace all over me today so I can break these chains that bind me in relation to food"