Weight loss

Hi my name is kimberly, I started Phentermine on April 2, 2014. I've lost a total of 18.6 Lbs as of yesterday April 17, 2014. I got up this morning to weight myself and it said I gained 1.6 Lbs. I eat dinner everyday and drinks tons of water. Yesterday for dinner I had beef broth. I find it very hard to eat because I have no appetite. I only eat once a day because I have to. I haven't had a bowel movement in over two weeks but I did take laxatives to help me go, but it was just water. Any advice would be great. Thank you.


  • Merlex
    Merlex Posts: 10
    I started on march 30th taking Phentermine, Vitamin b, Lipoden, and chromium and DIUCAP's and i have lost 25lbs. In the beginning you will loose a lot of weight then it will taper off to around 1 pound every other day or so. I would suggest eating more i noticed when i would not eat and only eat 500 to 800 calories my weight loss stalled and i hit that wall and stopped loosing i originally was setting myself at 1200 calories but was told that was not enough and I was not getting enough nutrients in my body. I would be a little concerned about not being able to go to the restroom for such a long time. I would avoid using any laxatives unless told to do so by a DR. those can dehydrate you more if all that is comming out is water and you loose electrolytes. I am not an expert at this but i have learned a little over the past few weeks on my body and weight loss and how it reacts to my new eating habits. I eat yogurt and fruit some string cheese throught the day and a sensible dinner and sofar i have been doing pretty good on the weight loss.
  • asha8907
    asha8907 Posts: 26 Member
    You need to eat more than once per day. I work at a pharmacy and the pharmacists tell those of us who are on this we need to make ourselves eat. Your body goes into starvation mode if you don't eat regularly. I find it easier to pack my lunch and snacks for work. Saves the trouble for me having to find something there. I would try stool softeners as oppose to laxatives though. They loosen it up and make it easier for it to move on out. Good luck!!
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    I agree with the other posts. You need to make yourself eat more. You should at least be eating 1200 calories per day. Whether you are hungry or not. If you don't, like the others stated...you will go into a starvation mode, and your body will start cannibalizing your muscle and you need that to burn more calories. Plus your body will try to start holding onto those fat stores and you don't want that either. So feed yourself.
  • phenFatty
    phenFatty Posts: 9
    Hi my name is kimberly, I started Phentermine on April 2, 2014. I've lost a total of 18.6 Lbs as of yesterday April 17, 2014. I got up this morning to weight myself and it said I gained 1.6 Lbs. I eat dinner everyday and drinks tons of water. Yesterday for dinner I had beef broth. I find it very hard to eat because I have no appetite. I only eat once a day because I have to. I haven't had a bowel movement in over two weeks but I did take laxatives to help me go, but it was just water. Any advice would be great. Thank you.

    KIMBERLY!! You are me about 7 years ago, the first time I took Phentermine. PLEASE LISTEN TO MY EXPERIENCE>>>> I barely ate when I was on it, just like you. I rarely had a bowel movement and when I did, it was painful and took me up to 2 hours to get it to come out! (Gross I know). Eventually I started throwing up flem in the morning and getting very ill. (you can read about my experience on my blog phenfatty.blogspot.com)
    I am on the pill again, but this time I am doing it the right way. Eating 1200 calories, LOTS of water and working out. PLEASE learn from my experience. The bathroom issues caused many problems with me down the road. Things I'd rather not share here.