Just a Stupid Whine :-)

First 2 weeks post op - lost 25 pounds
Last 3.5 weeks - Lost 13 pounds

Currently 5.5 weeks post op.

Yes, it's a loss, but HOLY SLOOWWWWWW lately! I am getting my water and protein and eating about 450-500 calories a day. I think my metabolism broke down.

Whine whine whine.

Okay, done.


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Well I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but some of us lose slower than others. I know this because I am one of those slow losers. Now that might not be the case for you but I thought I would mention it in case it is. Patience girl! You just got started. It's a journey remember? Not a race. :wink:
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    It's a, "Stupid Whine," because I know I would not be losing this quickly without the sleeve. Previous weight loss attempts have me at about 8-10 pounds a month. I just had a goal in my head based on other people who had a starting weight of quite a bit less than me and it's not happening. Oh well.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    Comparison is the thief of joy! Enjoy your success and don’t compare yourself to others. I am 7 months out and down 78 pounds…it will happen if you put in the work.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I think 49 pounds lost in 5.5 weeks is GREAT. I'm 10 weeks out and have only lost 41 pounds.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I hear ya. I sometimes get frsutrated I am not losing fast enough, too (50 pounds in 3 months), but then I think about the fact I would not have even lost half of that without the sleeve. Also, losing at this pace is giving me the time I need to solidify my new eating habits. Good stuff!! You are doing great! Keep plugging away!!
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    I am 7 weeks out and have lost 43 lbs all up, including a few pounds pre-op loss. I hit a stall for nearly two weeks which was frustrating. Remember most people lose weight after any surgery and that is what we all did. When I had my gall bladder removed I lost 7 kilos straight away,,,of course it all piled back on and more a few weeks later. That is the difference here, it doesn't pile back on like it used to.
    It's not stupid whine, it is just frustration. I too rarely exceed 500 calories and my weight loss can stop for a few days at a time. I cheer myself up by looking at the last 30 days report. I see ongoing small losses and no gain. That makes me smile. I have 150 lb's total to lose so I am not quite a 3rd of the way there. I expect it will take me quite some time at this rate but that was going to happen on any diet. Rapid weight loss can be addictive but as we all know is not as healthy for you AND regain can be more common that way.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I think you are doing great! 38 lbs in 5.5 weeks is awesome!!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    It's a, "Stupid Whine," because I know I would not be losing this quickly without the sleeve. Previous weight loss attempts have me at about 8-10 pounds a month. I just had a goal in my head based on other people who had a starting weight of quite a bit less than me and it's not happening. Oh well.

    Well I was trying to be funny and failed. Sorry! Really though, you are doing great! PS - it's OK to whine, we all do it. We all need to every now and then. You are in good company here. :smile:
  • VSGJill1481
    VSGJill1481 Posts: 27 Member
    Comparison is the thief of joy! Enjoy your success and don’t compare yourself to others. I am 7 months out and down 78 pounds…it will happen if you put in the work.

    Comparison is the thief of joy........................I'm definitely going to remember that!!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    If you are following the program and learning new habits then "slow and steady" will ultimately be "successful and permanent". It takes a while for the mind to catch up.
  • naturehappy
    I love that comment it take the mind a while to catch up, we're so excited to "be thin" that we forget that we are also dealing with an emotional adjustment. I'm trying to learn patience and understand how to set really healthy goals and put the scale away except for once a week..that number just messes with us!!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    For the first few months I didn't even weigh myself except at dr. appointments. Adjusting after surgery took so much of my focus, I didn't even want to deal with the numbers on the scale, because I can get very scale obsessed. Naturehappy is right - that number can really mess with our heads!!
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    that is great weight loss. i am one month post op and only down 27!!!!!!!
  • heathervsg
    i usually want to whine too. I am 4 and a half months out and down 47 total! My doctor just says to be patient. I am only 20 lbs from goal and the closer goal gets, the slower it goes. Frustrating!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I am only 23 lbs from maintenance. I will likely only have lost 4lbs by the end of this month. I have changed nothing in my diet and calorie consumption. I have just had to accept that now I will lose wt like everyone else-slowly. Your body,like mine, is constantly resetting to your new weight. You just lost 38 lbs in 5 wks. 38 lbs with every step is a lot of energy expenditure. You are also in a starvation mode to force your body to take off your excess fat. I takes most people 6 months to lose that kind of weight. It is annoying to watch the scale hover in a 3 lb range for 15 days but that is my new reality
  • AdrenilineDad
    Just the thoughts of someone outside looking in....but do you all realize you are rocking it! I can hardly wait to join you. Sure we have probably all lost wieght even lots of it...but I am so looking forward to having this tool to help me keep it off. Congrats to each of you and smile, you are headed the right direction.:wink: