Day 1 :)

jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
Easter is over, back to a normal week, kids back to school today.

I'm not really a healthy eater, I have just lost weight by counting calories, but still eating the same junk, as from today 'll be having a piece of fruit, and working my way up. I've already done the same with drinking water, before April I didn't drink it, but throughout the month I have had more and more :) So, I know I can do the fruit too :) I definitely need to sort out what I am eating xxx

What are you going to do to start off this week wonderfully?


  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    I'm going to exercise for 30 mins at least 5 days this week. I will also stick to my food plan this week.

    Have a great first week everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    it is going to be a harder week for me, the schools here don't go back until Monday so I have another week of Easter holidays (aka overeating!!)
    Looking forward to a routine, in the mean time, just trying to do my best. I started 100happydays a couple of weeks ago and it is good to have a couple of minutes each day thinking about all the positive things that have happened, it is so easy to forget them.I have them all written down.

    Good luck
  • lf4179
    lf4179 Posts: 37 Member
    I've already done the same with drinking water, before April I didn't drink it, but throughout the month I have had more and more :)
    I used to HATE water! lol. My husband used to tell me I was dehydrated all the time because I never drank it. Now it is all I drink. I don't really care for it one way or the other but I don't mind it. The only time I drink anything different is if I go out to eat I get a strawberry lemonade or milk w/ a desert which is rare. Now that I think about it, it is funny that I guess I can say I don't really care for soda anymore. I have not had it in a long time but when I am out to eat I opt for the lemonade instead of my old go to of Mountain Dew. Man I used to love that stuff when I was a kid. (I am 35 now btw):smile:

    Anyhoo, I was proud of myself today. My son had to go in to have a minor procedure done this morning and I didn't want to smell the house up w/ food since he couldn't eat. I took a banana with me, but forgot my apple:ohwell: . When I got home, I just had my regular breakfast but later. I could have done everything wrong and grabbed some junk to snack on while I waited but I didn't.:happy:

    This week will be kind of a slow week for me. I have been exercising 5x week for the past 3 months with the exception of one week in there when my mom came to visit and we were busy all the time. I just tracked calories that week. I had been stuck and that got me losing again so I decided that every few weeks, I was going to only exercise once during it so as to sort of reset myself or keep it guessing. I exercised yesterday and will Wednesday so that I don't get too sore again on Monday.

    So for me, I made a good choice this morning and will be good on my calories this week. (Sorry, I am kind of a rambler, lol:blushing: )

    Can't wait to hear how the week goes for everyone!
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    Right now, my plan is just to be able to stay on track calorie wise. I haven't been doing very well. Next, I will start the exercising again
  • Gaaya3
    Gaaya3 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm taking a spinning class today. I couldn't go last week because my gym was closed (it's in a Jewish community center). I got my wisdom teeth out on Thursday, so I'm a bit nervous but I feel fine, so crossing my fingers. I struggle with water. Maybe I should make that the change for this month.
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    I will take it one day at a time. Log and stick to my calories and getting some sort of exercise in everyday.
  • SaraHurtado30
    Day 1 for me is no more fast food during lunch and no vending machine breaks… Gonna keep this up and add in new things each week… On the plus side I have been getting in at least 3x a week at the gym but going to go 5 days this week.. Actually enjoying the couch to 5k ap.. I thought I couldn't do it but now I am on day 3 of it :)
  • cmglass10
    cmglass10 Posts: 31
    Through the month of April I've upped my water intake, and cut back on my soda intake. Drastically. I'm down to one, maybe two sodas a day. Which is nothing compared to what I used to drink. There was a point where I was drinking 30 or so sodas a day...yeah try and get that through your head.

    I don't really have time for the gym, with work and the kids, and the only gym around here doesn't have an area for the kids to stay in so I can't take them with me, so no gym until hubby gets back stateside. I'm trying to figure out the best routine with running for me, (beginner here) so far afternoons after work don't seem to be working so I'm going to try to get up way earlier than I usually do and try going before the kids way up. (there are people in the house to be with the kids while I go running, they just aren't always willing or able to keep them for me to have a full work out schedule) And I just got my T25 workout DVDs in the mail today. So I'm going to be working with those as well. And with them not being that time consuming I feel I will have an easier time fitting them into my schedule than past workout videos I've tried.