Weekend what are you doing?

julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
Today I am going to a dog show in Wisconsin with a friend, she is showing her Great Dane. I am taking my Remy with me to give this household a break from this very young and rambunctious dog.

Tomorrow I don't know yet, the weather is supposed to be bad.

I will be packing lunch and snacks for the trip as we will be gone all day.

We have a lot of members here I have not heard from, please jump in.


  • andysdream
    My goal for the weekend is to start some yard work. Lots of winter clean up to do before mowing the grass for the first time this year. Of course, also want to stick with MFP goals.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Went for a 6 mile bicycle ride this morning. Plan to head to a local spring festival this afternoon. I think I'm going to walk the couple of miles to get there.

    Not sure about tomorrow yet. This is the first weekend in months I haven't had homework to do, so I'm going to enjoy it.
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    Nice weather here - so gardening!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I went to the YMCA this morning to check out a new aqua aerobics class. Loved it! Great workout! Then I stayed and swam laps for 30 minutes.

    It's cold and rainy here, a good day to cook up some lean chili and brown rice and veggies. I like to freeze them in pints so I have easy lunches.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I have no car over the weekend, mine broke a few months ago and the decision of choosing a new used is driving me crazy, so I will be home this weekend. I will be finishing client projects and focusing on making good choices to eat well and do my yoga and walking each day.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Sounds like you are all doing fun things. I got back from the dog show a couple of hours ago, had salad for dinner and then an egg sandwich because I was still hungry! I went over my calories today but I know why and how to fix it.

    What I was proud of is I packed my lunch and snacks so I didn't touch the cheeseburgers even though they looked amazing, or the cup cakes! I sat outside in the sunshine on the running board of my friends truck, fed Remy little bits through the bars of her crate, we had a picnic together and then I took her for a walk.

    Tomorrow is catching up on the housework I missed all week because I have been working so many hours.
  • monmonof3
    monmonof3 Posts: 47 Member
    I have spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday cleaning and reorganizing my loft. I am turning it into an office and a lounging-reading area. Previously it was a catch-all and a "I'll put it up there out of the way and take it to the garage later" area. HA! It is starting to take shape and at least I have a plan. My son is going to set up the music/relaxation system next week. I am really excited to get organized. Weather here has been cold and rainy but is supposed to be sunny and warm this coming week so I am ready to do some gardening and catch some rays.