Overhead Press Ugh!!!!



  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Has anyone tried the suicide grip on these, or have any information about it? I'd be concerned about using it at super high weights for safety purposes, but I tried it last time I did OHP at the suggestion of a guy at the gym, and the difference in my strength was remarkable. Thoughts?
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Suicide grip makes it a little easier to get the bar down to the shoulders (esp. if your wrist mobility isn't super) and possibly will give you better leverage, but I haven't found that it gave me that much more strength. Then again, my sticking point with OHP is smack dab in the middle of the lift, where the bar just gets past my head. At that point either grip is basically on par, so I'd rather have my thumbs wrapped up for safety. But that's just me.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Has anyone tried the suicide grip on these, or have any information about it? I'd be concerned about using it at super high weights for safety purposes, but I tried it last time I did OHP at the suggestion of a guy at the gym, and the difference in my strength was remarkable. Thoughts?

    Honestly I've never tried it and never care to for the obvious reason-safety. Not a fan of lifting something heavy above my head and not having as secure of a grip as possible on it. Adding a couple lbs to my OHP isn't worth the safety risk IMO. But of course to each their own...
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    I've had surgery on both shoulders. I'm thrilled at being able to do these with 2x25 dumbbells. I'm good for staying there for the foreseeable future.
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread. I've been struggling for weeks on OHP. Can't get past 55 lbs, and I fail at least 2 sets every time. Will look into fractionals as well.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Here's my 2 cents on breaking a OHP plateau, if you have deloaded a few times yet can't break a certain weight then there is a few tweaks you can make to your training.

    1. Add reps to a weight you can do 5x5 with
    2. Buy fractionals and make much smaller steps
    3. Switch you reps and sets up, i.e. if you are failing in your last couple of sets switch to 3x5. If you are failing in your last few reps on sets switch to 5x3
    4. If you have tried all of the above and you are still not getting anywhere then dead-stop OHP is good if you have the use of a power cage.
    5. Switch to push press for 4-6week cycles then back to strict OHP

    Happy pressing you BAMF's :drinker:
  • Star_1234
    Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
    Im having the same problems as the OP.

    Im going to continue to deload and try again until I get strong enough to progress up a weight. I have fractional plates too. If not, then i will try what other members like girlie100 have suggested.

    Im trying to lose body fat so Im not worried too much about progressing in weights until i decide to bulk. For body fat loss purposes, so long as I am doing some sort of resistant training and eating enough protein, I will retain lean body mass.
  • Leggo1288
    Leggo1288 Posts: 25 Member
    Seriously- I can barely do the bar. IT is my dreaded lift...


    I second this!
  • amethyst70
    I failed OHP: on my last set of reps @ 75 after lifting 3, workout before last. Although it is not protocol, I decided to start and finish that set at 70. Next workout, I warmed up with 65, then did 75 for 5 sets, then did 3 reps at 80. I also have been doing that for my squats progression as well. Even though it is not how you are supposed to do it, I figure I want to get that weight on there and let my muscles know to get ready for it next time. After I hit my 5x5, I do one more set at the next workout weight. I take whatever rep range I can get, be it 1 or up to 5. It has worked well with my squats and I have yet to fail, but I am sure it is coming. I will know in a couple of days, if it helps my OHP, as Wed I should be attempting my OHP at 80 :smile:
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    If I do warm ups, then I can't do as much after.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    If I do warm ups, then I can't do as much after.

    If you don't have a big OHP, don't worry about warm up sets before OHP. You can use a broomstick and do some reps along with some shoulder dislocations
  • aplhabetacheesecake
    aplhabetacheesecake Posts: 181 Member
    I hate OHP- its the one I dont feel 100% confident with, but I know its because its pushing me to my max
    I am using a 12lb bar that is 1in by 6ft, its small and fits in my work space nicely- so I started out lifting heavier since by bar didnt weigh much.
    I know i am far from my squat max-they still feel super duper easy at 80lbs
    The deadlift is challenging at 110lbs but I know I can do more
    the row I think its at 55, its ok,
    The chest press I was using a bar, I do not have the proper set up and someone to spot me all the time, so I switched to a dumbbell press for safety- 55lbs was INSANE- and i think I will do a warm up with some 30's before moving up to 60lbs this week as trying to maintain control of those dumbells when I am used to the bar is crazy.





    OHP- "oh help please" lol over head press 55lbs yesterdays workout and the cussing from me was at max filth- I made it, all 5x5- mental stamina forced the physical and I didnt want to admit defeat, but that was HARD. I am telling myself no way im doin 60 next workout, no fricken way-, but I know this girls gonna do it, it will be tough, but it will be done!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Hey - I can only do 50, finally, on the OHP, and not for all reps. The Rows have become my least favorite. Can't seem to get past 55, though I know I did 60 in the past. Also, I can't do all 5 reps of the Deadlift in a row.
  • grapaj
    grapaj Posts: 136 Member
    I'm still just doing the oly bar alone for the ohps - I find I'm really arching my back to get it up. My form is bad :-(
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I can *barely* do 3 reps with just the bar. I know my form is sucky, too. I've been using a lighter bar and add some 5 lb plates till I can do reps but still feel challenged.
  • DoctorMcCoy10
    DoctorMcCoy10 Posts: 101 Member
    No offense but I'm so relieved other people have problems with this one too! Squats are pretty easy so far but we are still new. I also hate the rows but not near as much as OHP. Its insane how hard it is and I still don't think I have my form right. The movements just feel so awkward. I don't have OHP again until Friday thank goodness but I'm still working on form with just the bar and its a pain in the butt!

    Good luck to everyone else, hope it gets easier for you all too : )
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    I just feel like bumping this... came across it on a search. I really struggle with this, and appreciate all the recommendations. If anyone has any others, feel free!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I've been stuck at 80lbs. I'd have one session where I can make it through all at 80lbs, and then another where I have to drop back down to 75 and can still struggle. It's frustrating.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Well, I'm stuck at only 50!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    sigh, ohp. sometimes i get it right and i love it. sometimes i get it all wrong and i . . . don't. i think what drives me the craziest is not even knowing which one it will be, or being able to pinpoint why the wrong ones go as wrong as they do. the most info-packed form thing i've found was from mark rippetoe, and i don't know if it had really strict 'vanilla' form since he was coaching the lifters to use a hip bounce to start the thing off. now i don't know whether that's cheating or not.

    sometimes, if i put every bit that i've got into keeping a tight core and glutes, it seems to go better. for whatever that's worth. it's one of the ones where i find it far too easy to get sloppy, because my simplistic mind says they're not actually 'doing' the lift, so what can it matter if i don't bother with them . . . except i guess that it does.

    seems like we've got a phase of everyone having something they hate, right now. deadlifts, ohp . . . might be time to bring the rows back and get that hate going too.