Let's get to know each other!

TammyP64 Posts: 52 Member
Hi!!! My name is a Tamayra but everyone calls me Tammy. My surgery is scheduled for the 29th of this month and I'm excited/nervous all balled together. I'm married and I have a 2 year old son. Besides my husband and my parents no one knows I'm having this surgery done. So I'm hoping to make some friends here and be able to connect with people on this vsg journey. Feel free to add me I love chatting. :happy:


  • Hi Tammy! Friend request sent.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Hi Tammy. I am close about 5.5 months post-op. Excited and nervous is how I felt, too. Now I feel only excitement with each pound gone. Married over 10 years with a 5 year old daughter. I have also told very few people about my surgery. Only my hubby & a few family members.

    Congrats on your upcoming surgery! Friend request sent.
  • Syndigutez5
    Syndigutez5 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Tammy! Congrats on your up coming surgery! I felt the same way also. I'm a month and a half out 6 weeks. And doing fantastic! The best thing I did next to having a hysterectomy. Good luck and keep us posted.
  • Urbanlamb
    Urbanlamb Posts: 17
    Hi everyone!
    I'm divorced, single, and at risk of turning into a crazy cat lady.

    I just signed my papers for surgery on Monday and now I'm waiting for the call to let me know the date.
    I should be happy and excited, but I'm more "meh, let's get 'er done". I've waited so long that now that it's here, I'm having a hard time with the reality of it. I'm sure once the actual day comes, I'll all of a sudden panic and shout 'Oh Cripes...this is REALLY happening!!"
    I started this road 2 years ago, but got diagnosed with cancer halfway through. So we had to deal with the cancer beast and the weight loss thing was put on the back burner. But now, we're going full st4am ahead and I have to deal with both cancer and weight loss surgery, and there are risks, and I think I'm so overwhelmed, I just kinda shut down a bit.
    So my mantra each day has been "Let's get 'er done".
    Meaning 'Dear Lord...whatever I have to deal with today, let's deal with it and then put it behind us and move onto the next step"
  • NashobaNJ
    NashobaNJ Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! My surg date was 03/05/14 so I'm at six weeks out. I would LOVE to hear what other VSGers are eating daily. I am getting bored of a lot of the stuff I have been eating. I am not hungry all the time which is great and I had no complications with the surgery itself. Would just like to hear from others at how they are mixing it up a bit food wise. Good luck eveyone!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    My food diary is open. Feel free to lurk :)
  • smkey920
    smkey920 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am new too. VSG scheduled for May 6. I have told people and everyone has been very supportive. I have been preparing since January and have lost a little weight. I start a three week pre-op liquid diet next week. I think I'll need lots of prayers and support for that. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • Hi Tammy my name is Megan. I just had my surgery on 4/7. I told very few people about my surgery since most people just don't understand. My family tries to understand and I love them for that but I don't think they fully understand. I use my fitness pal and my hospital wls forum as my outside support system. If you need anything feel free to message me or view my diary... Best of luck!!!
  • airdale8263
    airdale8263 Posts: 2,155 Member
    My food diary is open. Feel free to lurk :)

    Had VSG in January of this year. I am at my goal weight.
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    I'm Michelle and I was sleeved on March 18th, so almost 4 weeks out. Glad to be on this board with others going through the same thing!
  • Hi Tammy (and everyone else!)

    I've just joined the group, but I had my VSG done in July 2012.

    I got it done after struggling to lose weight "naturally" although I managed to get from 150kg to 120kg without surgery, I just wasn't able to get any lower so I was still obese.

    I now hover around 72kg-76kg although I have found that if I don't log what I eat and only eat when I'm hungry I tend to lose weight accidentally! 6kg went missing in the last 2 weeks which I am not happy about, I don't want to end up a stick person lol
  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    Had a sleeve done Dec. 30 last year - my diary is open too, feel free to take a look! Happy to add friends! BTW - was the best thing I've ever done! (I haven't told anyone other than my husband and VERY few family members either!)
  • ChefBH
    ChefBH Posts: 26 Member
    I'm Brook,
    Got sleeved January 20th of this year and feel great now! Best decision ever.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Hi! I was sleeved on 1/27. I lost 10 pounds prior to surgery. Right now, I cannot work our because I have a partially torn Achiles tendon, but I still seem to be losing (YAY!). I love exercise and cannot wait to be able to get back at it! I count/log everything-- mostly because i want to know what works for me and what gets me off track. Happy to be here and happy to be sleeved!
  • Hi! I was sleeved on 1/27. I lost 10 pounds prior to surgery. Right now, I cannot work our because I have a partially torn Achiles tendon, but I still seem to be losing (YAY!). I love exercise and cannot wait to be able to get back at it! I count/log everything-- mostly because i want to know what works for me and what gets me off track. Happy to be here and happy to be sleeved!

    Sorry to hear about your injury. I hope it heals quickly!
  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Tammy!

    I was sleeved back on 29 Jan and I echo that so far its been an overall postive experience. In the past 3-4 weeks I have gotten into a good groove about calories and food choices. The greatest thing about losing almost 100(!) lbs is that I have gotten so much faster on my bike and no longer feel so self concious in my spandex. So far, most of my weight loss has been pre-surgery and post surgery has been VERY up and down. But I'm trying to enjoy the ride :)

    Feel free to friend me, my diary is also open but I may not be the greatest example!
  • Hi Tammy,

    I'm having my surgery on May 5th 2014 I signed my consent forms April 16 2014. I'm also a dialysis patient await a tranplant. I'm be a bit closer to a transplant after this surgrey. I'm excited ,sacred , and hopefull.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hello all! Had my sleeve July 21, 2011, so coming up on the 3 year surgiversary. Started out with 226 to lose (386 at my biggest) and with slow weight loss (yes some of lose slower than others) and a couple of very long stalls, I still have 66 pounds to go to goal. My diary is open to my friends, so feel free to friend me if you want.

    I am much older than you all, 58 this summer, married 40 years also this summer, 4 kids, 8 if you count their spouses which I do and 7 grandkids. I work in the coroporate office for a bank, almost 20 years now, but this is my 4th department.

    Having the sleeve is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. It's given me the ability to be at a healthy weight for the first time since high school!

    Congrats on your new surgeries and the upcoming ones as well! You all will do great!!
  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Shon. I was sleeved on August 12, 2013. I have lost 93lbs so far. This is the best decision I could have made because I have struggled so much in the past trying to lose it naturally and with medical weight loss centers. My highest weight was 369 but I was 354 when I started this journey in April 2013, I lost 9lbs between April and August when my surgery was performed and was 345. I am almost 9 months out and now weigh 261. I am 40 yrs. old, married for 14 years, have 3 amazing teens two girls and my oldest son, 19 is in the Navy. This has been a great journey and I would love to share it with each of you. Feel free to friend me and my diary is open to friends. :smile:
  • Hello All,
    I was sleeved on April 9th so I am 2.5 weeks post-op and feeling pretty good other than get tired still a little quicker than before. My incisions have all healed amazingly and I do not think I am going to have any scars. I am struggling a bit with porting and getting enough because I really am not liking the shakes anymore. Seems I want to gag on them. So a few challenges but happy as heck that I did this. I am down 21 pounds from my surgery date 2,5 weeks ago.
    Feel free to add me as friend....