Check In April 27, 2014

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Hey gang,
I thought I would start a daily check in thread (or anyone else can start one each day). I like the idea of accountability for myself, making sure I touch base with a support group each day, but more importantly to make sure new posts don't get buried in all the threads.

Here's my check in.... feeling good about my choices today. Yesterday I ate well, exercised quite a bit (swam laps for 30 minutes and did a 45 minute aquasize class). My joints are really inflamed today, and as hubby and I drove to meet friends for breakfast, I had a pain meltdown in the car and sobbed for a good five minutes. We're used to this part of life with Still's Disease. Right now I'm sitting with ice packs and waiting for meds to kick in so I can tackle some much neglected housework. I don't function well in a messy house!

My breakfast choice was a delicious veggie omelette full of tomatoes and asparagus. Skipped the toast and ignored the blueberry pancakes and drank two large glasses of water. My body is very happy with me right now.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!


  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    LOL.. we DO have a daily check in thread! However, a dated check in is great with me, maybe it will encourage more people to post.

    Karen I think you did GREAT. Pain is a terrible thing to have to deal with just from doing daily activities. My hips give me so much nerve pain sometimes I am lying in bed crying out. I am really impressed with your food choice and ignoring the blueberry pancakes.. I don't know if I could have done that.

    I feel really frustrated. The left side of my face and my left leg are swollen more than right. I did go over sodium levels yesterday so I guess I am paying for that today. MFP really helps me to see how the sodium levels are going and tweak my days plan a bit to fit what I want it to do.

    Today I am doing much needed catching up on housework, I have a visitor coming at 4:00 to bring cat food who wants to visit my hybrid cat Mowgli.. he became pretty famous around here when he went missing for four months. So his room has to be neat and tidy also.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Oh yeah.. and scales soared up 5lbs again.
  • monmonof3
    monmonof3 Posts: 47 Member
    Feeling more in control today after overeating yesterday on junk food. Don't even know why I went there. Getting a grocery list together for cook-at-home foods. I think that I need to make arrangements to have a meal out. I get tired of only cooking and eating at home. If I arrange it ahead of time, I won't end up eating at Dairy Queen. LOL
  • Healthy4Sarah
    Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member
    I'm glad there's a daily check in. So many of the groups are silent for days/weeks.

    This week was awesome for me. My goal was to loose two pounds but I managed to loose four! I didn't do anything crazy to achieve that but did push in some interval training and kept my calories down. I've had big weekly losses before but typically stall for a week or two after so will so what this week holds. Looking forward to the week ahead. Anxious to measure in on Thursday for my monthly check in. Hoping to see some inches gone.

    Today I cooked my egg whites for the week for my breakfasts and did some meal prep for the family suppers. Got in a two mile walk by myself, which gave me some much needed time alone. Normally one or both of my teenage daughters goes with me and I enjoy the talk and walk time with them but I also enjoy solitude sometimes. Now I'm relaxing for the evening.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    How do you do your egg whites? That is pretty awesome. And what do you eat for breakfast each day?

    The loss is also GREAT.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Yay--glad you like the daily thread idea! I'll try to start a new one early each day, or maybe one of our Brits can do it as the sun rises there first.

    My day didn't go as planned--I slept for three hours this afternoon, worn out from the Still's flare, and b found myself , cooking and eating dinner at 8 p.m., usually a recipe for disaster. But, surprise, I filled up on protein (chicken breast) and veggies. Chicken was boring and bland, so v Ibdrizzled a little heated blueberry pepper jelly on it and oh yes, it tasted just like General Tso's but without all the fat and calories. Win!

    Here in Maine, spring is slow in coming. We still have snow in the back yard. I am dying to get outside more and swim in our lake!
  • Healthy4Sarah
    Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member
    How do you do your egg whites? That is pretty awesome. And what do you eat for breakfast each day?

    The loss is also GREAT.

    I've been baking them in muffin tins for the last few weeks (350 oven for 15 min). Easier than hard boiling and peeling. I bake up a dozen on the weekend and reheat what I want daily. I typically have on slice of low cal bread toasted with jelly and 2-3 eggs, sometimes adding ham or bacon.