Check In April 28, 2014

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Hey gang, hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday.

My take care of me plan for the day is to drink lots of water, swim at the gym, and eat healthy.


  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    HI -

    I am also focusing on drinking enough water - one glass before each meal and snack.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Good morning! I packed my lunch as usual and my only snacks today are an apple and an orange. I am really working to keep the sodium down, at the moment the scales are back down 2lbs. What I intend doing is printing of a report so that when I go to my Doctor for a physical on April 9 I can show her just what I am actually eating and that I am doing some activity. If my fluid levels are still bad at that point I can show her it is NOT all me.

    I was planning on going to Aqua Zumba tonight but I have to work late and have an errand to run on the way home, however, my gym bag is packed and ready to pick up and go! So Wednesday night AZ is in my diary to do. They have it on a Saturday morning too.. it's fun and a great place to start from.

    Plus I decided I do need to take better care of me, so this morning I am wearing makeup and jewellery and I did my skin care routine.. I just need to get started a little earlier!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Yay for good self care!

    I'm a big fan of aqua Zumba too. Such fun!

    Saturday I went to a new class, and one of our exercises was to stand on noodles in the deep end of the pool, keep our cores tight for balance, and the do various leg lifts and tucks etc. Great Great Great core work!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    One more thing I just did was one lap of the parking lot and 2 flights of stairs to get back up to the office instead of the elevator!! My goal is to do that 3 times a day until it becomes easy and then increase it to 2 laps 3 times a day etc.

    Anything new on your fitness schedule today?
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    My goal is to plan better for unexpected emergencies. I will do this by keeping wholesome snacks on hand at all times. Even if I have to carry a small cooler bag. I work 40 hrs straight and most of the time its not a problem. But a few times in the last couple weeks ive spent all day at the hospitals, not able to get back to the work site caused me to eat whatever I could find that would fit. Or I went hours without eating at all.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    One more thing I just did was one lap of the parking lot and 2 flights of stairs to get back up to the office instead of the elevator!! My goal is to do that 3 times a day until it becomes easy and then increase it to 2 laps 3 times a day etc.

    Anything new on your fitness schedule today?

    Yes! Thanks for the inspiration! One of my Nexercise competitors (a good friend) now does sit ups every morning. Every time see her sit ups post, I think, "I could do that" but never do. So today I am adding 10 minutes of situps, stretches, yoga, whatever, with a goal of adding a minute every few days until I reach 30.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Well I had a slip up last night. I had planed well for the day, but an unexpected last moment client meeting pushed my lunch way back and through off dinner along with the return home of my family earlier then planned. My dinner plan fell apart. I ended up waiting to eat given how late I ate lunch but ended up waiting till i was complete hungry, at which point my reasoning began to falter. It took me over my calories for the day but that was my choice. Thankfully my body let me know how horrible this late night dinner decision was in the morning by greeting me with the usual "what did you put into me" morning indigestion and stomach acid int he back of the throat.

    I need to learn to stop avoiding eating when plans become complicated (its my usual behavior to simple delay eating till I can't stand it any more, i do the same thing at breakfast) and to have better options or to take those (as i had better options last night).

    Onwards and upwards past this delay.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Rat, I have the same problem and am keeping Atkins protein shakes on hand. If I am stuck, I drink a shake so at least I have something on time.

    Today I am dragging my feet... so many things to do but instead I'm on MFP reading and posting! Time to gather a snack and get to work.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Bumping this up... how did everyone do today?
  • andysdream
    Today I went to my water aerobics class, mowed the lawn, and made buckets of cabbage soup. If I want to eat junk late at night (my worst time), I'll have a cup of soup. It is loaded with vegetables and is filling. Hope I don't tire of it because I made enough to feed an army.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Recipe for cabbage soup please.. or any other fresh veggie soup for that matter. I don't cook with salt anymore though.
  • andysdream
    2 cups of diced onions sauted in 1 tsp olive oil until they start to soften. Add 1 tsp of chopped garlic. Saute an additional minute. Add 3 stalks of sliced celery, 3 cups of sliced cabbage, 28 oz can of no added salt diced tomatoes with green peppers and onions, 15 oz can of no added salt tomato sauce, and 4 cups of unsalted chicken broth . Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook on medium heat until the vegetables are tender. You can add additional chicken broth to achieve a soup consistency. You can add whatever spices you like. I put in some onion powder and basil. You can also add sliced carrots in the beginning. It is really whatever you like.
  • Healthy4Sarah
    Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member
    Good day for me. Started my day with 30 minutes walking/elliptical and some strength training. Then off to work. I bought some resistant bands tonight. Been reading a lot about aerobic activity vs resistant/strength training for fat loss. I'm going to try to include both and see how it goes. Only have 7 glasses of water in today. I have trouble getting more than that in. I did have a treat today- a Snickers ice cream bar. However I didn't eat it all which is something new. But I Stayed below my calorie goal :happy:
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Only have 7 glasses of water in today. I have trouble getting more than that in. Stayed below my calorie goal :happy:

    I had a hard time as well in the beginning. Have you tried or thought about carrying around a water bottle. I made the switch about a week and a half ago to just using and carrying around a water bottle full time and am getting in all my water for the day and plus some. I started with just a 24oz metal water bottle and just bought a new 20oz vacuum insulated one that keeps my water cold for 18hrs. Each time empty it i just count it as one of the glasses on the app and i know that each number means 20oz.

    It took getting use to but always having it around and always having water on hand seemed to help me a lot.
  • Healthy4Sarah
    Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member

    just bought a new 20oz vacuum insulated one that keeps my water cold for 18hrs.

    I would love that! Where can I buy one?
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Creamy vegetable soup (my own recipe off the top of my head):
    In a saucepan add about 2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth (can be homemade and add salt or low salt)
    Add chopped veggies that will puree well (pumpkin/butternut squash, zucchini, a potato, cauliflower, sliced onion, garlic cloves …anything that is NOT going to be stringy like beans/celery and the like)-I even add some broccoli on occasion. Add whatever seasonings you want-salt, pepper.
    Bring the mixture to a boil and turn down a bit and cook until veggies are soft. Then remove the veggies from the broth and puree the veggies and slowly add some of the broth back. (Not all of it or it may be to runny).

    I dish out single servings in bowls and freeze. When I take it out and take to work I add about 1 TBSP cream to the soup and when I heat it up, I mix the cream in it to give it a nice 'cream of veggie' soup flavor.
  • monmonof3
    monmonof3 Posts: 47 Member
    Stayed under my calories today, but not by much! Did a lot of housecleaning this morning and that made me feel good. I love a clean house and it was pretty strenuous exercise. Tried to get the lawn mower out this afternoon but I tripped in the garage and really jolted my back (degenerative disc disease), so no outside exercise for me. I hope that I can keep the sciatica away. I really want to get outside tomorrow.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member

    I would love that! Where can I buy one?

    I bought mine at our local New Leaf Community market. but its one of those mini whole foods like stores. Otherwise you can get them at sporting good/out door stores or online (amazon).

    I got mine from Klean Kanteen, they make both the normal and insulated types. They are great quality. The insulated ones are a bit pricy, but since its all metal it lasts years.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Monmon, sorry to hear about your back!!!