Are you taking care of yourself?

julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
I love subscription boxes. I only have one at the moment but have had others in the past. Clearing out my bedroom today and looking at all the stuff I have accumulated through boxes, make-up, hair care, body lotions and tons of skin products I realized I might enjoy getting them, but I am not using them. I just always seem to be doing something else or taking care of something else rather than doing a good skin care routine. And it got me wondering.. is this really a symptom of not taking the time to properly care for myself?

It's the same with jewellery, I have plenty but seem to run out of time to put on jewellery and earrings etc each day.

Then I thought about the foods I eat and my eating plan and that maybe the whole thing fits together showing that I need to take the best care of myself on every level, and if I do, will it spill into all areas?

Thoughts? Comments?


  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    My shrink and I have decided I am a co-dependent minimizer who needs to practice better self care, LOL! That means I focus on other people's needs, convince myself that mine aren't important, and neglect basic self care (like moisturizing Or finding a pair of warm socks to wear). I'm trying to treat myself the way I do my seven-year-old neighbor. When I have him for the day, I feed him healthy food and snacks, make sure he is warm, hydrated, rested, exercised, and loved. So easy to do this for him... why not :/ for myself? I think there's an element of self-loathing behind poor self care, and for me, eating myself to morbid obesity is another manifestation of that same self hatred and shame. So the" cure" maybe is to practice the self care until the self-loathing diminishes? Or practice not hating and criticizing myself and see what better self care follows?

    Good question Julie! I think I'll moisturize tonight!
  • Healthy4Sarah
    Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member
    This is a hard one for me too. I feel guilty taking 30-60 minutes to exercise daily, feeling it's taking away from my kids. I have to keep reminding myself that I am becoming a better, healthier mom and I will be around for them longer by taking time now to get healthy.
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    My shrink and I have decided I am a co-dependent minimizer who needs to practice better self care, LOL! That means I focus on other people's needs, convince myself that mine aren't important, and neglect basic self care (like moisturizing Or finding a pair of warm socks to wear). I'm trying to treat myself the way I do my seven-year-old neighbor. When I have him for the day, I feed him healthy food and snacks, make sure he is warm, hydrated, rested, exercised, and loved. So easy to do this for him... why not :/ for myself? I think there's an element of self-loathing behind poor self care, and for me, eating myself to morbid obesity is another manifestation of that same self hatred and shame. So the" cure" maybe is to practice the self care until the self-loathing diminishes? Or practice not hating and criticizing myself and see what better self care follows?

    Good question Julie! I think I'll moisturize tonight!

    I have the same issues - I take care of everyone but myself - I do feel uncomfortable being nice to myself but I also hope that as I do it - it will become easier. I also have drawers full of products that I have never taken the mere minutes to use - time to Spring Clean!
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    This was a major issue for me a few years back. My sister was handicapped, she was my life, she was the only thing that mattered. When she passed I had no focus, but instead of focusing on me I focused on other people with problems. My weight and health continued to suffer. Then someone said to me "The best thing you can do for your loved ones is take care of yourself first! Once you're at your best, you'll be in the best place to take care of others." So now thats my motto, its what I live by - Its ok to be selfish, it really is the best thing you can do for your loved ones!! :flowerforyou:
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I think the fact that I am at this weight answers that question. Not just because of the food I ate, but the mindset that allowed me to do it without much regard for what i was doing to myself. Mentally i wasn't treating myself well. I was letting my depression, my self doubt and loathing take control.

    Shedding the pounds is also about shedding the attitude and thoughts. I can't shed the pounds if i don't learn to deal with them. In the end I will have a healthier life and mind (within reason).

    At that point I can finally not be ashamed of doing the things I need to take care of myself. To buy the clothes i need, to seek out assistance when i need it, to get a hair cut (i hate going to barbers and hair dressers in general, if you add my insecurity onto it then you can see why my hair is the length it is).
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Oh my Karen, I am the same exact way. I always have the time to do for everyone else but never take time to do for myself. I also agree that there is a definite link between the self-loathing and the lack of self-care. Why take care of someone I don't even like? I like the idea of practicing the self-care in the hopes of decreasing the self-loathing. Definitely something for my therapist and I to discuss on Tuesday.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Yes and no. Mine is out of pure laziness. I have never been one to sit and moisturize unless I am wearing shorts and c'mon, lets face it, I haven't been a shorts wearer in 20 years. I do my hair and make up when going out and occasionally when I have time at work. I actually DID do it today BEFORE work only because my daughter is home sick with daddy and I had extra time because I didn't have to drop her off at school. I wash my hair on average 1-2 times a week because I am too lazy to go through the whole process of blowing it dry. (It's a process). I DO shower every day, well, sometimes, I might skip a day on the weekend..

    I feel so much better made up, but like I said, sometimes I just don't have the energy. I get up every morning at 5:20, leave the house at 7 and I STILL don't make time to do hair/make up. I sit outside, drink coffee and play on my phone. Get my daughter ready and save 15 mins for myself to get ready. I am terrible.

    Let's see if this works.. Last night, how I usually look, no make up.. and just now.. with when I put a little effort in. Still bad hair.. I still have pool hair.. I just put it up.
