Back at work and I feel Exhausted

Hello All,

Today was my first day back to work, I am tired and I feel nausea everytime I eat. I was off work for 4 weeks and I was use to taking a nap during the day.

I hope this gets better.



  • sadiegrrl
    sadiegrrl Posts: 15 Member
    It will get better! I worked from home my first week back, and started back in the office last week. I'm still tired, but if I get to bed at a decent hour so I get a good 8 hours, it makes a huge difference.

    Hang in there. :)
  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    It gets better, the first few days were rough for me, particularly the mornings. But by day 3 I was much much better. Now I'm back in the routine of things, it's been 2 weeks
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    It totally gets better. I actually work from home the first week like Sadie, mostly because I was so bored at home! I went back to work after two weeks, and I was pretty tired, but I got through it and every day my energy level got better.
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks guys for the feed back. Today I ate the insides of a soft steak taco and I think the steak is hard to digest because I feel like something is stuck in my esophagus. Any suggestions.
  • jogawa15
    jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
    It will get better. I always say that after any surgery I don't feel 100 percent myself for about a year. I took off about 3 weeks but had to back to work full speed long days 10 to 12 hours I was so tired and in the beginning eating very little I was at 500 calories or less for a while. Make sure to drink fluids and if you need a nap take one it will get better!

    I know you also mentioned you felt like you had something stuck. Listen to your body the best advice I got was not to be in too big of a hurry to add things back take each step and enjoy the process. I had a real struggle with chicken when ever I ate it felt so sick after one bite so just would not eat and tried every now and then I love chicken and was really afraid that I would never be able to eat again. About a year out can eat some chicken but still best with fish. I also struggled with plain water it just tasted so metallic. Funny for about 6 months my sense of smell and taste was so strong! I now can drink plain water.

    Good luck and listen to your body :)