One year and 5 months

jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
Hello I had my sleeve done on November 15 2012 I am about a year and 5 months out. Started out pre surgery at about 275 before surgery 260 and now 163. Still need to lose 20 to 25 pounds although 13 pounds away from my original goal. I live in Hawaii and had the surgery in California. My Dr comes every 3 months. Have never really had any support here. Have maintained my weight but recently go back and forth a few pounds.

I would like some friends and help to reach my goal . I don't want to end when I am so close to the finish line. Can see I am grazing and eating things I should not be eating.

Would love some new friends and would love to help anyone just starting their journey. Please feel free to add me to your friend list. Those who are a year out what are you eating? Do you cheat? How do you monitor your weight and goals? I see a friend of mine who has gained half of her weight back a lot of people say it's not possible. I know this is a mind game and I have to keep taking it one day one meal at a time. Looking forward to hearing from you


  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    Welcome to the VSG board. :-)

    I am just about 1 year out (in 3 more weeks) so you're about 6 months ahead of me.

    I weigh myself every day to keep myself on track. I log my food on MFP and my exercise. I find it is the only way to keep myself motivated and committed to the last leg of my journey.

    I met my original goal of 170 in March but have revised it down to 155-160 and I am working my way there. I had surgery in Mexico so this site, OH and my own will keep me going as I don't have any formal support groups to rely on.

    I sent you a friend request and you can check out what I am eating. Not perfect...but pretty good most days. Cheating is not how I look at what I eat. I look at it as making what I eat fit my plan most of the time. I do a fair job of it but not 100% of the time now that I am this far out. Just being honest! :-)
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    I had mine in March 2012. I was almost to goal then found out I was preggers with #3. I am currently 33 weeks and as soon as this baby is out....I am back on the weight loss wagon. Gaining has been soooo hard on me mentally. I feel less restriction and i crave carbs 24-7.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Living in paradise!! Only 7 months out but 113 down with 10 to go. I have found that keeping a regular log with MFP and using a FitBit has really made it easy (and very visual) to keep an accurate track of intake and burn. Feel free to friend me and best of luck on the stretch run.
  • jogawa15
    jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you. I also weigh myself daily. Have been looking into the fitbit which one do you have I think there are a few, I have not got tone use to the journaling on my fitness pal in the beginning I logged everything the old fashion way. Do you all still count carbs? I do know I need to get back to the basics. I do still drink a protein shake most days and in general eat low carb looking forward to learning more and making new friends!
  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    Yup..I still count carbs. I still try to stay under 40 g of carbs. That being said I have the odd day when I creep up (like Easter weekend!) and I don't sweat it. I find that around my cycle I totally crave more carbs and that is usually when I screw it up.

    I honestly still think that staying low carb is what has made this journey so relatively easy for me personally. Staying away from them helps to keep the hunger at bay in my opinion.

    My goal every day is to hit over 80 g of protein, under 40 carbs and 30 g of mostly healthy fats. I still have protein shakes (not every day mind you but often.) To be honest, it's not to hit my protein goals anymore as I can eat enough food to do that. It is because I like them and it's always better to mix one up than to grab some junk I don't need! :-)
  • jogawa15
    jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
    My weakness is coffee I am trying to break the latte habit but.... I work long days at work and we get Starbucks so... I am trying to get back to 40 carbs too. I eat a lot of fish I like the protein shakes a lot of people don't I like matcha and also there is the chike coffee flavor nectar Vanailla is my stand by with spinach and some frozen berries. At work my go to snack is beef jerky buy the 90 calorie packets and also like my own Japanese pickles for the crunch. Went to zumba today trying to get back on track
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Hi, I hit one year since surgery next week. I just had my one year follow up on Thursday and after talking to the doctor, he sent my wife (also a VSGer) and me straight into the nutritionist for a shake down.

    We had both stopped losing. Secretly we knew why. the carbs had crept back in and we had gotten away from the tenants for losing with this tool. The nutritionist was brutally honest when we told her what we had been eating, or what we ADMITTED to having been eating.

    I hear you with coffee. My vow to have the specialized coffees only once a week had flown out the window, I was eating a lot more fruit, pasta had crept back into the diet, greatly reduced from what we used to eat, but still...

    Bottom line: We had started back into the path that COULD have gotten us out of maintenance to eventual gaining again.

    Your doctor may have different advice but this is what the nutritionist reminded us of our program.

    1) Protein first, and make it a solid protein. Eating pieces of steak, chicken, or pork will fill you up faster than ground meats, so try to stay with real hunks of meat.

    2) Chew every bite 30 times.

    3) No liquid with meals. Do not use the shakes (guilty) because it will go right through you and you will be hungry faster.

    4) You can have meals with less than 20 carbs. NO carbs between meals. Snacks are to be protein only. (No Quest bars for snacks. Can be used as a meal replacement in a pinch.)

    5) Eat your protein first. Green vegetables second. If you have room, you can have a few carb based veggies, grains or fruit.

    6) Greek yogurt every day. She didn't like the brands we have chosen (Chobani and Liberte) because they have too much sugar in them. --Very probably why we like them best.

    I had been on a plateau for about 6 weeks. In the 48 hours since we started following the program again, both my wife and I are down 3 lbs plus each.

    I agree with the folks above. Logging, totally HONEST logging, on this site is invaluable. And while it is not face time with others who have had the procedure, the groups on here can provide valuable support.

    As with all things, we get out what we put in, and I think that when I am active on the site, I actually get more back than I do put in.

    You are so close, and you are asking the right questions. If you do have some journals from when you were successful, go back and look at them. Find any literature your doctor may have provided and read through it again. Journal now, modify your macros so it shows carbs in your counters. After a week, really look at what you are eating. How does it fall within bounds of your program?

    Best of luck, and welcome to the boards!
  • jogawa15
    jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you so much your post was awesome! I find the shakes hel me stay on track when I am working! Snacking has edged it's way in. I have been logging and already dropped 3 I just don't want to give up when I am so close a little of this and that ends up a lot of nothing. Definately need to get back on the protein first and it's true when I. Log I am shocked I had gained two pounds from changing my skinny latte to a soy latte! That shocked me! I am trying to drink less lattes and go back to ice coffee or am thinking I can bring my almond milk to work less calories!

    Also back to exercise last time I saw my doc he gave me a good tongue lashing and well.. I agreed. When we lie on our food log only one we hurt is us! I am trying and am getting removiated! Thank you so much for taking the time and writing such great advice have read several times! Am going food shopping back to the basics! We got this!! Best of luck to you and your wife and keep sharing! Thanks for motivating me :)
  • jogawa15
    jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
    What Greek yogurt did she say?
  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    I just saw your greek yogurt question for Dan but thought I would chime in. To keep out the sugars you have to go with a yogurt that is plain and then flavour it yourself if you don't want the extra sugar.

    Oikos plain 0% if you're worried about fat or 2% (which is much better and what I use) doesn't have the added sugars. Costco also makes a Kirkland brand that is very good and low sugar. Then if I want it to be sweeter I add in some pure vanilla to flavour it and some berries. Or...if you use 0 calorie sweetners now you could add in some Da Vinci syrup. Sometimes I just add cinammon.

    I am trying to limit my sweetners and just go with Stevia when I need the sweet but it is hard. Everything seems to have sweetners in it if you buy things "ready made".

    In Canada we can't get all the different flavoured yogurts you have in the US like the Chobiani flip things and all that. We do now have one low cal Greek yogurt called Source that is flavoured and in little containers of 50 cals. It's pretty good and I must admit now that I am farther out I am using it a lot more instead of the plain. But...I should just go back to plain as it is easier to add to things in place of sour cream.
  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    Oh ya...Zumba is a pretty fun way to get back into exercise. I was doing that for a while back in the Fall. It's quite a good cardio workout.

    I tend to go to muscle and cardio mixed classes now as I am trying more to tone up than lose weight at this point. Just doing as much as I can to slow down the sagging skin...ya right, I know NOTHING seems to stop it! :-)
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Here in the states, well, mainland but I assume HI also... The nutr. specified Danon Light and Fit as having the least sugar additives. We've picked some up to try. As teachren mentions you really want to stay away from the "Flips" type of yogurt, I looked at the sugars on those and they are worse than the fruit on the bottom, which in turn are twice as many sugar grams as the Danon.

    I haven't tried the Danon yet, but one other thing she did mention was using PB2 as an additive to make the taste better and up the protein even more. Picked some up at Target, in the PB isle.

    Hope that helps Julie.

  • Ujj7
    Ujj7 Posts: 51
    What is pb2?
  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    So glad you posted this, I am 8 months out and feel as if I am stalled so reading all of your post has helped me to get remotivated.
  • TryingTeresa
    TryingTeresa Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am so glad I logged in tonight & read everyone's posts. DWARD59 - you don't know how much I needed to be reminded of everything in your post. Thank you!!

    JOGAWA - I completely understand how getting near the end is diffficult. I'm almost to my one year surgiversary. I've lost 132 lbs since surgery, just 50-60 to go; but for the past month I have completely stopped doing everything I'm supposed to be doing - nutrition & exercise wise. I haven't lost a thing - in fact I've gained 4 lbs, which scares me to death. Starting tomorrow I'm going to follow all of DWARD59's suggestions which fall right in line with my original plan.

    If anyone out there can offer suggestions or support, I'd really appreciate it also. I'm so scared at how easy it is to get "to busy" to take care of myself !
  • Rief3
    Rief3 Posts: 420 Member
    6) Greek yogurt every day. She didn't like the brands we have chosen (Chobani and Liberte) because they have too much sugar in them. --Very probably why we like them best.

    I really like the Dannon Light & Fit Greek 80 calorie, they are my favorite! I try and have at least one maybe two a day Monday-Friday.......

    Really liked the detail post of how getting back on track of eating proper again, DWARD59. What is the reasoning behind the Quest Bars? Only in a pinch

    JOGAWA, I am in the same spot, but on the positive you are here on MFP and also you are aware of the situation and still have the want of being healthy!!!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Answers to questions:

    Ujj7 - What is PB2? Basically it appears to be powdered peanut butter that has 85% of the fat extracted in the process. I still haven't tried it, but I've heard about it for years on the WW boards when there, and sometimes on MFP threads as well.

    Rief3 - Quest bars as meal replacement only. Is based purely on the number of carbs in them. If you do not disallow the fiber carbs, every bar has at least as many as I am allowed in a meal, often more than. The other concern she has is the use of alcohol sugars in the bars. She admits Quest are better than a lot of alternatives, but she wants me slowing down on their use. I was having one each day as a snack. Now, as I think I said, I am trying to have only protein at snacks, no carbs at all.

    I can't complain about the results. Although it will slow again I'm sure, my body has happily shed several pounds in the five days since I started eating this way again.

    edit: teachren... we don't talk about skin issues. Saggy and healthy beats fat and firm every time, imo. :-P
  • naturehappy
    thats a huge success!! Any hints you can give me on your exercise routine? Also what was you diet like? what were your main staples?
  • naturehappy
    Living in paradise!! Only 7 months out but 113 down with 10 to go. I have found that keeping a regular log with MFP and using a FitBit has really made it easy (and very visual) to keep an accurate track of intake and burn. Feel free to friend me and best of luck on the stretch run.

    What a huge success!! could you share what your exercise routine was? and what were/are your main food staples?
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    I am 2 years out from sleeve surgery. I shoot for 100g protein a day and 50 or less net carbs @ 1100 calories. I am a faithful logger in MFP. I still weigh daily. I exercise a lot. I trail run (since 1 year out) about 15 miles a week and strength train a couple of times a week. In the last year I have lost about 18 lbs of my total, however since really exercising regularly I have shed several sizes and my body shape has changed dramatically.
    The exercise and strength training will change your mind, body and soul.

    I have tons of go-to foods. There a lot of recipes and advice to be found on body building and low carb sites.

    I had my first WLS in 2006 and my advice is.........exercise and realize there is no end game. This is forever. Whatever you do to lose the weight, plan on doing it forever with slight modifications for maintenance.

    I am still not at goal despite all of my efforts, I'm OK with that at this point because I know it will come. This journey is so different for everyone.

    Feel free to friend me also.