Check In April 29, 2014

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Happy Tuesday!

Today I'm grateful for this group and the ongoing discussions that are so helpful in my battle against morbid obesity.

Today is a turning point day for me. After a week of good eating and lots of exercise, I can see and feel the difference and know I've lost weight. Usually this is a signal that it's okay to have a treat, a cheat day, a day off my regimen. But today will be different. As Rat posted in another thread, why not try this without cheat days? Would I give an alcoholic a drink and say, "Just one won't kill you!" Ummmmm, it's not the one that is the problem... it's the twenty that follow.



  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Happy Tuesday indeed everyone!

    I did two flights of stairs already this morning, the scales dropped one more pound. Actually I think this is weird. When my Doctor first put me on Furosemide I dropped 10lbs in 3 days. Then my weight went up again and it is HELL getting it to come down despite working very hard on the sodium levels and taking the water pills.

    Still, I am tracking and working more activity in and I am thinking about what I can achieve today.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Don't worry Karen, we will keep checking in.. they will catch on.. LOL
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Hi Keren,

    Perhaps like I do you will find that at the end of the day you don't really miss it as much as you thought you would. Im the same with soda. I think I can just have one today, but when I can will myself away I find I just don't miss it at the end of the day and ice water throughout the day was just fine.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm at the end of my day here in Maine, another good day with food logged and no sugar consumed. I didn't get to the gym as planned because of a rough Still's flare but Will go tomorrow morning for a fun aquasize class and do some sit ups and stretching and yoga at home tonight.

    Today I took some time to read everyone's introduction. Thank you, Julie, for creating this space where we can gather and share. Your stories really touched my heart.
  • Healthy4Sarah
    Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member
    Got in some cardio and resistance training this morning. I hate working out in the morning. Not enough fuel in my system to keep up my normal pace. I kind of went a little overboard with the snacks tonight. I didn't eat much today so was hungry and had calories to spare so I ate some sugary snacks. Probably not the best idea.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Feeling great, met my weight loss '100 day challenge' , ten days earlier! So need to start a new weight challenge. Still have not gotten back into exercising, but am psyching myself up to do some perhaps tonight. I still wear my Fitbit and get in an average of 6000 steps a day...need to ramp that up to 10,000 if I can.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    With less time and energy spent on food, I'm keeping busy organizing some very neglected other parts of my life. My hubby and I had a long overdue budget meeting tonight (our finances took a major hit when I stopped working, plus our medical expenses are crazy). It was a relief to finally actually approach the problem. He likes to pretend it doesn't exist, and I carry all the stress and rescue our checking account by draining my retirement.

    This has a huge effect on my weight loss efforts--stress drives me to eat more, sleep more, not get to the gym, sit and stare blankly at the t.v. and so on. Tomorrow will be a good food day because today I started putting another part of my "house" in order.
  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    Today wasn't a great day for me... exercise wise. After the stress and lack of sleep last night. (I live in Alabama, tornadoes galore, but me and my family are safe and fine)... I found out the schools were closed today, so I didn't work. I took today as a sleep day. Between the lack of sleep and the allergies meds I took this morning, I was basically out all day. I'm probably going to do my Mile Walk video thingy before I go to bed, but that's really it for the day, I'm still feeling pretty under the weather. However, I was extra careful with watching what I ate today, so there's that.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Today was a pretty good day food wise. I planed out my breakfast and lunch yesterday and did a little cooking to prep for it since that always seems to eat a lot of time out of the day. Dinner i didn't plan as the family is home and i didn't know if something was already planned or not, this is the hard part for me. The meals the make tend to be fine diet wise as they have all be through dieting, but the meals tend to bore me and I have to reconstruct what was made to do my count. But I'm finding it easier and better if I'm in control of making my food decisions, its just not completely possible with this living situation, but no situation will ever be perfect so I will find a way.

    I had two mini breakfast burritos for breakfast. Two small organic corn tortillas, one egg and a couple tbsp of egg whites, 1oz of jenni-o lean turkey breakfast sausage (so good) and a slice of cheese and a bowl of fresh strawberries. For lunch an in-n-out boca burger. A veggie boca burger toped with caramelized onions (worth the points) and a slice of veggie cheese on a nice bun, plus a large salad with peaches.

    My workout didn't go so well. I do yoga in the afternoon, it's not pretty, i sweet like a pig and prefer to be alone when i do it, but a family member came home sick and then only comfortable space is in the living room. As for my evening walk its 8:19pm now at its still 84 outside. I'll wait till 9-9:30 and then do it when the temp has lowered (my thighs need the rest). If my Fitbit could laugh at me it would be today, my active time counter says 0%.
  • kilgore67
    kilgore67 Posts: 40
    Loriarty glad you and your family are safe and that you could rest today. Encouraging to hear about everyone else's progress.:drinker: Have a doctor's appointment tommorow so have to get to bed.

    Michelle in Ohio
  • monmonof3
    monmonof3 Posts: 47 Member
    Finally got some nice weather here, so I spent a good part of the day outside, mowing, gardening, cleaning up, etc. I am so exhausted but in a good way. Stayed under my calories today. Drank lots of water, but did not eat a lot while I was working outside. Maybe that is my new weight-loss secret. Keep dirt on your hands and its hard to snack. LOL. Have a great night everyone.