How're we doing?

TseliB Posts: 300 Member
Hi everyone!! I've missed you guys. I just wanted to see how we're all doing. I noticed that the group's been pretty quiet so wanted to make sure we're all doing ok and lend some support/motivation if anyone needs it.

April (or at least the last half of it) has been a bit of a bust for me. It got pretty bad with my eating and exercise this past week, but I'm getting back up. Will probably start the Slimdown again on 1st May. I only made it through two weeks before coming down with a stomach bug, then falling completely off the wagon.

How are you all doing with your goals? Am I the only one who's been having a tough time lately? Anything new or stressful happening with you, and how are you coping?

If you've managed to stay on track, what's working for you? I'm feeling a bit lost. I'm determined & fully committed, but I need a proper plan. I'm trying to work on that right now.

Let's hear how you're doing - I think it would just be so nice to hear from my JM warriors. I miss the camaraderie!


  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Ohhhh, April has not been a good month for me. There's so much going on that I just haven't been very good. I need to make myself do it. There's been hospital visits, scary situations, ... I could go on. And yes, I've been using them as excuses. So, I've ate like crap, gone so far over I have 2 days worth of calories in one, not exercising... Annnnnd, my deadline, oh ya, is VERY quickly approaching... WTH happened to the 90 days I had??? Now, I have just under 2 months, and if I don't do something drastic, I'm just gonna wallow in self loathing LOL.

    So, I'm going to try getting up early to go running for the next couple of weeks. Then, hopefully after that, I can get back to my walking circuit. And, I'm going to have to be super diligent about what and how much I eat from now till then. I can suck it up for 2 months. I've just been lazy, and not really wanting to put forth the effort. And, I don't think I can have cheat days... They just turn into multiple days, and that's NOT good. So.....

    Hoping this works :)
  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    April was a bust for me as well...and the second half of March. Crazy as this sounds, the closer I got to my deadline (Easter weekend+ beach vacation), the more I gave up and resigned myself to how I was - I essentially wasted three weeks when I should have been buckling down and then blew it even further by eating and drinking to my heart's content while I was away!

    But you know what? I had a great time and no one said anything about how I looked. I felt awkward in my bathing suit, but that was me alone, and its given me new resolve to not let those feelings come back this summer - aka, to get my butt in gear now/again! Though I've been back since Sunday, today is my new start day :)

    My plan is simple: eat less and move more (heard that so many times!!), to use MFP to stick within my limits...and of course to lean on all of you for inspiration and support! I'm signed up for a 10km on May 11 so will work towards that - revising my goal to feeling confident while running, to just plain finishing!! After that...and assuming that the snow finally all melts away...I'd like to continue with a JM routine of some sort and keep up with the jogging. I'm in on any ideas you have!

    Thanks for being there for me...and TseliB thanks for bring the group back together!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    April was a bust for me as well...and the second half of March. Crazy as this sounds, the closer I got to my deadline (Easter weekend+ beach vacation), the more I gave up and resigned myself to how I was - I essentially wasted three weeks when I should have been buckling down and then blew it even further by eating and drinking to my heart's content while I was away!

    This!!! I have Just 2 months left, and I've squandered away a full month!!! Today, I did a 40 minute cardio circuit, but thanks to kids, I made it 32. LOL. Tomorrow I'll push harder!!
  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    32 minutes is pretty darn good!! ...coming from someone who had two glasses of wine instead of going to the gym :blushing:
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    I can so relate! I've also wasted a lot of time & actually spent it reversing the progress I've made with lots of food & drink. I gained almost 1kg (~2 pounds) in 2 weeks. But worse than that, most of the toning I achieved with the JM workouts is lost.

    In fact, I just wasted another hour now - pushing my alarm snooze button, lol. So I've missed another workout. It's Autumn in this part of the world, so waking up is getting much harder!

    It just feels so much better knowing I'm not alone. You guys are gonna meet those deadlines, I just know it! Just hang in there and keep getting back up.