what should my net calories be?

AJM127 Posts: 11 Member
Here's my info. Height 5'2 weight 168.8 I pump approx 14oz a day so 280 calories. I also nurse my 15 month old twice at night; I don't think she gets a lot though. I think she just nurses to sleep. I go to the gym & burn 250 to 350 calories. My BMR is around 1500. If I understand correctly my net shouldn't be below my BMR, right? I've only been back on MFP for 2 days so I don't know if anything is working. My net is around 1600 and I just want to know if that's ok


  • sarahelizaaaa
    sarahelizaaaa Posts: 30 Member
    This may not be helpful, but my cals were adjusted based on how sedentary I am during the day, so my cals adjusted to 1,300 (desk job mostly). I'm nursing my 11 month old, but I work full time, so I nurse him briefly in the morning before I leave for work, pump once at work (3oz), I nurse him after work, and then maybe once again before bed and then 1-2x at night. Since he's older, he nurses for like 3-5 min., so not that long. Someone on here told me that there are nursing options in the food search, so when I put my food in for the day, I always put nursing toddler under breakfast, which deducts 200 cals. That combined w/ my exercise has resulted in a couple lbs. lost already, so I figured it's pretty accurate. You may just have to play around w/ it for awhile and give it some time to see if it's working for you. I have a tendency to be pretty modest with how many cals I'm burning, just to make sure I'm not over eating.