Hitting a Wall

Hello! I gained 60 lbs during my pregnancy (if not more during the hospital since I was induced) and have lost 45lbs in 4.5 months... however, I have hit a wall!! I am working out 3-4 times a week (30-45 minutes) and eating 1200 calories/day. During the weekend I do indulge a litte. Any suggestions?!


  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Are you nursing? If so, you may hold onto those extra 15 lbs until you wean.

    If not, you may not like what I have to say, but you're not eating enough, *especially* if you're not eating back exercise calories.

    Read these:



    I did the 1200 thing, and I lost weight like crazy after my first baby, but I was miserable! When I got pregnant with baby #2, just eating at maintenance made me gain weight like crazy, which was equally miserable. By following the advice of the threads linked above, you can lose while eating an appropriate amount of food.

    Additionally, strength training (especially heavy lifting) goes a long way.

    I hope that helps!
  • catiea123
    Yah... I was afraid that I'm not eating enough because I'm starving.... so hungry all the time! I had to quit nursing and switch to formula due to an allergy my child has... thanks for sharing! I appreciate it!
  • jennapoole
    jennapoole Posts: 16 Member
    You def aren't eating enough I wouldn't say. 1200 seems very very low to me! That could be why you are having trouble losing