May Goals

PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
What would you like to accomplish in May?

Do you have any certain milestones you want to hit?

Do you have a certain weight you would like to get to or under by June 1st?

What about any fitness goals?


  • kmouse2
    kmouse2 Posts: 93 Member
    At the end of May I would like to be at 240. the things I will focus on this month will be to increase water intake to 8 glasses daily(I am up to 3 currently), try to log my food intake daily, keep my blood sugar readings between 80-120 daily(no cheating on carbs) and try to cut out late night snacks that are really not good for me(empty calories). So I will have a busy month ahead of me. just now need to keep focused - must stay focused!
  • jeninthed
    jeninthed Posts: 20 Member
    My goal for May is to lose 5 lbs, complete my PACT each week, exercise 30 minutes a day and stay within my calories.
  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    I didn't make my April goal, but I did lose 1 lb. in April. I exercise consistently but need to do a better job with food consumption

    My May goal is to lose 4 lbs to make it to 185 lbs
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    After a hectic and hard April, I hope to get active again with some more time focused on me! I would like to post a 7-pound loss this month.