Hey all xx

jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
How are we doing? I've done a bit of walking, eating good :D I'm rather happy, I've even managed a treat or two within my allowance :D


  • cmglass10
    cmglass10 Posts: 31
    Missed my workout yesterday thanks to a migraine I had all day. Going to try and double up today, or just skip my rest day this weekend. :)
  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    Now my daughter is back at school I am back to walking lots, which is great.
    Yesterday walked through a field full of shoulder high oil seed rape. It was lovely feeling like I was bobbing along in a sea of yellow- very cheery
  • ChaiyaChaiya21
    ChaiyaChaiya21 Posts: 37 Member
    I have had kind of a crap week so far. I have a pacemaker and I think I may have dislodged it slightly??.... It was put in a couple of years ago but they no longer but it under the muscle they just kinda allow it to "float" under the skin but now that I have lost all this weight I can really really notice my pacemaker it's always been really well hidden with fat. :)

    So it is protruding at a funny angle under my skin and it has been either acute pain or general dull aching. It is almost impossible to work out other then walks. I have tried to get ahold of my clinic but of course huge hospitals its all messages and delays. So it's just pretty impossible to do anything on my left side. It hurts picking things up or evening lifting my arm up beyond a certain point.

    I don't specifically remember doing anything so I don't think it's a dire situation but it is a pain. I just want to make sure I haven't screwed anything up or loosened any leads or whatever. I just want a medical opinion more then anything that everything is okay and that I just have to rest and let it heal. Until then all workout other then walking are out. BOO!!!!

    It's just frustrating because I have a great routine going both at the gym and at home and being sidelined really screws that up. Logically I know that being out of commission for a few days/week isn't going to make me gain back all that weight and derail me forever but there still is a part of me that is panicking because it is so hard for me to get into a good routine and now it is screwed up.

  • lizp114
    lizp114 Posts: 202 Member
    I must say I'm doing pretty good I've been working out regularly and I've been eating healthy as well and I have a fitness group on Facebook and we pretty much motivate each others post positive things and we also meet up and go to bootcamp in different workout classes around Philly that's free or cheap and we started the boot camp Sunday it was so intense but I really felt a burn.
  • skeet67
    skeet67 Posts: 21
    Well this week was good! Kind of worried about the next few weeks! I work from home but I have to go into the office for the next few weeks for some training. Really hoping I am able to keep up with my work outs like I have been doing. I think I have a new schedule worked out but keeping my fingers crossed. Its only a few weeks is what I keep telling my self! :ohwell:

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    Did well eating wise this week. Still haven't started the exercise part yet. It will come. One step at a time.