21 day Fix

anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
Is anyone doing the 21 day fix? Thats me for the next 21 days and then its on to my P90X3. Im looking forward to Chalene's new workout Piyo too!!


  • mewasaurus
    mewasaurus Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm on day 9 of the the 21 day fix! I'm really loving it. I've been debating P90x3 too.
  • Mine comes this week. So pumped! I am a new beachbody coach and about to start some challenge groups and general fitness/motivation groups. Let me know if you want to join! Probably do it through Facebook since it's easier to interact with notifications and such. Add me if you'd like! Can't wait to nail my diet down

    p90x3 is awesome too! Tony makes the workouts go by fast and they are fun. At first he was a little cheesy to me, but I grew to love his nerdiness haha.
  • nicjcox
    nicjcox Posts: 5 Member
    Hello...I am on day two and love the workouts. Right now I'm just doing the low impact due to my lower back still in the healing process but really am enjoying them and love the variety. I havent started with the food measuring yet.
  • I am starting the 21 day fix tomorrow. I am going to also be doing p90x3 at the same time. I'm so excited to start these programs.