Count Down to Mother's Day Mini-Challenge

jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
Any one up for a little mini-challenge to get us to Mother's Day weekend? I have a trip planned to see my son in Dallas that weekend and would like to be in a little better shape. He lives downtown and has a wonderful top floor pool that I would love to feel comfortable sitting by and relaxing without feeling like an old lady - lol. If we start the challenge on Monday that gives us 2 1/2 weeks as I am leaving on Thursday the 8 so our final day of the challenge would be May 7. That is 17 days - what can we do in 17 days? I'm thinking if I couild just lose 5 lbs - which is yea a little aggressive but I think doable, and slim down this tummy - I'd be very happy.

My goals would be to:
1. Stay within my alloted calorie range given to my through my fitbit which is a 500 calorie deficit and does take into consideration my activity for the day.
2. Stay away from the processed foods!
3. Get back to drinking my healthy water - along with my regular water I will make up a pitcher of lemons, mint leaves, cucumbers and ginger and drink that every day. (It helps with the bloating while keeping you hydrated).
4. Do 5 days of cardio, burning at least 300 calories - and doing 2 days of strength training (new rules of lifting).

I need some friends who can help keep me accontable -- who's in??


  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Day 1 of Operation Lost Some Weight Before Mother's Day!

    Back at it today. Going to really focus on getting back into my running schedule. Have missed my Zombie Run. Kind of cloudy and rainy here today so if its raining at lunch plan on hitting the indoor track at the gym. Then hitting the City Market to stock up on some fresh fruit for the week. Fruits and lean proteins along with my salads are my goal. The trick is cooking for my husband (the high carby stuff he likes) and not eating it!

    I really do feel better if I don't eat until later which is why I thought IF would be great for me - but it seems like too much calorie restricting also didn't sit well.

    So Water, running and eating well is on the agenda for today!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I just saw this today, and I would like to join you. I will steal your goal of losing 5 pounds by May 7th :bigsmile:
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Great - let's do this!

    I just started TOM so I am so tired today. I was about 2 1/2 weeks late and I find that when that happens it is harder when I do finally start. So I didn't get the hard workout I wanted to at lunch but I did go for a nice brisk walk and tonight I have to go grocery shopping so I'll get in some more steps there. Watching those calories and weighing every thing I eat for dinner tonight. And then a good night's sleep so that I can get up refreshed tomorrow. I should still hit my calorie burn of 300 - I'm only about 50 off right now.

    What's your goals?
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Welcome to Texas (Fort Worth here) ahead of time! I didn't have a whole lot to lose and am now in maintenance. I DO want to put on lean muscle without gaining (changing weight class) for a tournament in May. I'm new to heavy weights so this will be a challenge! I have to work on my form. I will post what I can lift instead of my weight :smile:
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    What's your goals?

    I was keeping it simple at leaving it at losing 5 pounds :bigsmile: I figure everything else (logging my food, working out, etc.) is part of losing that weight, so I have to do it to lose it.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Awesome! I would give anything to lose 5 lbs right now! I am not sure what that gonna take - lol. Yesterday I did good as far as staying with my deficit. I didn't get as much of a workout as I had hoped - was really tired for some reason but did get a good night's sleep so feeling much more energetic today. Today gonna do a really good lunch workout outside - nice out and I'm gonna do at least 45 min. of my zombie run and then do some squats and push ups.

    I'm hoping that this progesteron cream and new pills which I should receive tomorrow will help with this menopausal crap and start some losing!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Thanks PJ - looking real forward to spending some time there with my some. You look awesome. Good luck with your goals!
  • wendybirdgirl
    wendybirdgirl Posts: 52 Member
    Count me in! My goal is to lose three pounds. Here is the truly freaky part of my personal challenge... I am going on a week long cruise to Alaska. Who tries to lose weight on a cruise? I DO!!!!! I have never been on one before, and am super excited. I am pretty freaked out about all that food. Help....
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I was so distracted and running about to see the sights on vacation I'd actually lose weight even if I ate a lot! Have fun on your cruise!
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm a little late, but ready to join the challenge! I've lost 36 pounds since 12/31/13, which is great. but it's starting to get more difficult! My goal is to lose at least 5 pounds by the end of the challenge.
  • looklucklove
    looklucklove Posts: 128 Member
    I'll try! I'll make it my goal to lose 10 pounds by Mother's Day. I know that's a lot in a short amount of time, but I just started losing the weight, and I know from past experiences that it's always easier for me in the beginning, so I better make the most of it!

    Here are the goals I'll make to get me there:

    1. work out 4 days a week
    2. drink more water
    3. limit alcohol to Friday/Saturday night only

    Here's to the sexy mamas out there! :)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Yea - I'm glad I have people participating so I'm not just talking to myself on here - lol.

    Yesterday was a good day. I did over 5 miles walking/jogging and stayed below my calorie goal according to my fitbit. I am weighing my food at home now and it has made a big difference. Since dinner at home is where I usually fail at I think buying the scale for home was a good idea.

    So today is lunch with my co-workers for professional administrative day and I choose a great chinese place so it won't be too bad calorie wise. Then we have a trials (motorcycle riding) event this weekend that we are leaving for tomorrow so I will get lots of outdoor exercise, I just have to be careful to eat good and not junk. We camp so I have planned to take good healthy food. I just have to be careful of the alcohol - these weekends can be filled with a lot of drinking.

    How to you all handle camping and social drinking?
  • looklucklove
    looklucklove Posts: 128 Member

    How to you all handle camping and social drinking?

    Ok, so this is how I gained all my weight back when I lost it the first time: I have a stressful job and I was drinking every night. Have you had the Bud Light strawberitas? So delicious! But I was drinking 4 a night and they're 200 calories each! Now that I've cut out a lot of alcohol, hopefully I will lose the weight pretty quick.

    Now, camping is a special occasion! It's not like you're camping every weekend, so live it up! When I go camping, I drink from the time I wake up until the moment I go to bed. But there's so much other stuff to do when you're camping-- camping, fishing, relaxing in the sun-- that i tend to at least maintain. The same with social drinking. If I know I'm going out at night, I plan my menu ahead of time, and log all my food ahead of time, so I know exactly how much I'm allowed to drink. It's not quite as fun, but being fat isn't very fun, either!

    The important thing is that you relax and have fun! Enjoy!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Lol funny you say that about the strawberry Rita's as I am drinking one of the new mango ones now! Well we do actually go camping almost every weekend and I think that is how I gained some of my weight. So yes I do a lot of walking and now I ride motorcycle trials which is very active so I'm hoping it balances. I'll try to check in thru out the weekend. Hope you all have a great one and hang with your goals!
  • kwaddill
    kwaddill Posts: 1 Member
    Hope I'm not too late for this party... I have 12 days. Since my scale weight has been stuck and I've been getting discouraged, I hope this gives the focus and accountability I need. My goals:

    1) Complete a fitness test (the same one I did last August)
    2) Sign up for a 5K or a sprint triathlon in the late spring/early summer
    3) Make a lunch and dinner menu for the month of May
    4) Keep up my MFP and exercise while not on vacation week
  • Callidreamr
    Callidreamr Posts: 52 Member
    I'm in. If I could lose 5lbs by mothers day, I will be so happy. I just got a new scale and realized that my old scale was not accurate. It was an eye opener, even though I shouldn't be so surprised because my pants have all been tight. Good luck everyone!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hey girls - I'm here and really struggling to get back on track. Over the weekend we were out camping allergies got me down and I've been fighting off congestion, coughing, running a fever and I have a touch of asthma so this is no fun. I have just taken the week off from exercise and logging and trying to get back to feeling better. If I could come up with a sure fire way to prevent allergies I would be rich. I use meds, I try Antronex which is herbal, it seems no matter how hard I try and what I do it gets me down at least 3 or 4 times a year.

    I hope everyone is doing much better than I am right now.