New Class Types on Scheduel - Strike, Fusion, etc.

jillica Posts: 554 Member
(DANGIT - spelling error in my topic subject) :-)

So what do you think of the new class types - Strike, Fusion, Core, and Strength60?

Jazzercise instructors always had the freedom to make a class be kickboxing, core or circuit whenever they wanted, but now it can be actually added to be part of the online schedule.

Has your location done any of them?

I plan to wake up early try the 5:30am Strength60 tomorrow morn class so I better get off the computer and get to bed :-)!


  • luvcookies2014
    luvcookies2014 Posts: 48 Member
    We did a core one the other day, it didn't seem that different to me. I'm interested in the strength 60 though, hopefully they will do that soon.

    I don't get what the fushion is, though it sounds like something from the 80s
  • MsJayeKaye
    MsJayeKaye Posts: 155 Member
    From what I understand Fusion is what used to be referred to as Circuit. Our instructors incorporate a lot of variety in their classes but Circuit aka Fusion is my favorite. I get my best burns in those classes.
  • peanut1012
    peanut1012 Posts: 81 Member
    I've done all 4 classes!! I liked them all but I'd have to say Strike was my favorite!! Love my Jazzercise!! :love:
  • regcal966
    regcal966 Posts: 21 Member
    We just had our first strike class last week. I really liked it!! Could really feel it in my arms the next day.
  • ToniAnn45
    ToniAnn45 Posts: 78 Member
    I had to stop Jazzercise for 3 months because of a medical issue. Today is the 1st day of the rest of my life because I'm going back to Jazzercise after work this evening. I am so excited to be able to try the new class types & dance to the new songs.
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Love the Strike classes!! I do burn more calories in Strike! I have been doing Jazzercise about 11 yrs - it's good to have new classes and variety to motivate.
  • tavelavl
    tavelavl Posts: 6 Member
    Love love love Strength 60 (and S45)!!!! My favorite class of the week!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I see results faster when I can get to at least one Strength45/60 every week.