Sleever to be?

bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
Hi all, I'm Mike, 48 yrs old, 318 lbs, married 2 kids and starting the process to get sleeved. I'm targeting Oct. Just looking for some new friends in similiar circumstances so if you want a really cool biker dude as a friend.. add me. :glasses:


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Welcome and congratulations :-) This group is full of nice, helpful people, I know it's been super helpful for me!
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I am looking to have my sleeve surgery in October also. My insurance requires a 6 mo.formal weight loss program participation before the surgery. I am using the coming mos to start my better habits. It will probably take me that long to give up soda,:smile:
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    I'm having the surgery in the fall too! I've just started my 2nd month of 6 months of medically supervised weight loss, I'm glad I found this group, it'll be nice to have people to talk to who understand what I'll be going through :)
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    We're about the same age/weight. I just finished the 2nd month of "supervised" diet. My first meeting with the surgeon is Monday and I'm hoping for a September surgery.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I am looking to have my sleeve surgery in October also. My insurance requires a 6 mo.formal weight loss program participation before the surgery. I am using the coming mos to start my better habits. It will probably take me that long to give up soda,:smile:

    Giving up diet coke is seriously the one of the hardest things i would have to give up.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    We're about the same age/weight. I just finished the 2nd month of "supervised" diet. My first meeting with the surgeon is Monday and I'm hoping for a September surgery.

    Nice.. Will be nice to walk through this process with someone similar!
  • AdrenilineDad
    Just had mine ...Pretty much as advertised, the gas is my biggest pain. Glad I brought some Crystal light to dress up the water. My nerves set in hard the last 24 hrs but got through it and so happy I did it. Ill be a little ahead of you guys but certianly hit me up and I share my experiences t hrough this..
  • jogawa15
    jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
    I am a year and 5 months out. Let me know if you have any questions always looking for new friends am about 12 pounds from goal but want to lose more.

    I remember just before the procedure about maybe 3 weeks I was so emotional wanted to eat everything and everything I ate felt like a funeral! I was like oh my last hot dog lol

    The hardest thing honestly was giving up diet coke! That and stopping caffeine I stopped caffeine for 6 months. If you are planning to stop caffeine do it before your surgey as well as cutting out the soda! Even now I still sometimes miss soda but... Don't drink at all it is one thing I am strict about.

    My other advise would be to write down what you want and what your vision is now. Take pictures every month (I didn't do that and regret it) also take your measurements sometimes pound wise I did not go down but dropped in measurements.

    My other thing I always had one smaller size I would buy from the thrift store and would try on every week that little trick helped get me down 6 sizes currently trying to go down another size!

    Good luck! So glad I was sleeved
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I am looking to have my sleeve surgery in October also. My insurance requires a 6 mo.formal weight loss program participation before the surgery. I am using the coming mos to start my better habits. It will probably take me that long to give up soda,:smile:

    Giving up diet coke is seriously the one of the hardest things i would have to give up.

    I gave up Diet Mt. Dew last year - I was drinking 60 - 80 ounces a day - and honestly, it wasn't that difficult. Now I drink iced tea or water.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hey Mike! I am almost 3 years out, 4 kids with spouses, 7 grandkids, coming up on 58 and started this whole thing at 386 pounds. No I'm not to goal yet, but I am nowhere near ready to be done yet either. So I'm still working the program and getting the weight off. Feel free to send a friend request. Havings a cool biker dude for a friend sounds like fun!
  • Liongoddess
    Liongoddess Posts: 107 Member
    Glad you all are here. I am 7 weeks post-op. As others have said, please feel free to ask any questions you might have.

  • swekmom
    swekmom Posts: 28 Member
    Just went to my learning session today. Didn't realize I needed 6 months of physician supervised dieting to get my insurance to pay. Made an appointment for next week with regular doc to start that process. What exactly does that mean physician supervised diet? Do we have to lose weight in the 6 months? I am kind of bummed as I would like to have gotten the sleeve this summer but I suppose by the time I get through all the other things it will be fall in no time!
    Scared to death that I am making the right decision as this is a life changing thing! Good luck to us all!!
  • swekmom
    swekmom Posts: 28 Member
    I have heard one of the hardest things is the fact you still crave food. Are you going through this and if so how do you deal with it?
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I have heard one of the hardest things is the fact you still crave food. Are you going through this and if so how do you deal with it?

    I think everyone is different with this. I am just about 7 months out and I don't have any cravings at all, not even real hunger. I still eat by schedule.
  • Busmom183
    Busmom183 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi my name is Donna . I am a 48 y/o wife and mother of 3. I started my VSG process in Feb at 256 and am now at 227 and having my last of 4 monthly visits required by my insurance this month.So hopefully my surgery will be in June. looking for friends who are doing or have done this , to exchange thoughts and info and to support one another.
  • JeanneMarie11111
    JeanneMarie11111 Posts: 57 Member
    hi my name is Jeanne, I am 52 and 10 days pre-op, I have 120 pounds I would like to lose. and like a few of you I have some contributing factors, I have been a type 1 diabetic for 46 years, I am also on peritoneal dialysis which adds about 1000 empty calories daily, I will be on hemo dialysis for about 3 to 4 months after surgery. I am not sure which panics me more pureed food or hemo dialysis. I am still really looking forward to this surgery, I have a shirt term goal outfit in my closet waiting patiently for me to cut the tags off. please friend me as I am new on here and have no idea how to friend people....yet.
  • pennysteed
    pennysteed Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, My name is Penny. I have been seeing a nutritionist for 9 months with no luck. My one-on-one appointment with the surgeon is on the 13th. I met with him for a mandatory seminar the other week. Hoping to have the surgery between semesters in August (I am going after my Masters). Nervous, but really excited to have some help in getting the weight to move in the right direction for a change. Looking forward to meeting you and learning from each other as we progress down this path.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I am in your shoes. I had done Weight Watchers for 8 mos last year, but my insurance said that would not meet the requirement because there was no physician attached. I actually called the hospital program where I am going to have the surgery to ask them what program other people use. They told me that I can meet w/their nutritionist once/mo for 6 mos and that will fulfill the reqirement. You may want to check w/the facility or program that you are using to have your surgery and see if meeting with them once per month would meet your requirement. That might be easier than trying to get into your personal MD every month. Good Luck!