Check In May 2, 2014 - One Small Dream

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Hello gang, happy Friday!

Dragging myself out of bed for aquasize since I failed to make it last night. I don't know why I have so much trouble going. I love the class!

For today, I thought we could write one simple "dream" that losing weight will make possible. Mine is that I have always wanted to wear boots with a skirt, but my calves are too big for boots, even the wide calf ones. When I am thinner, I will have those boots, Dammit!


  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Having an actual wardrobe full of clothes with shoes and accessories that I LOVE. I have constantly changed size so much that I can't afford to keep up with it, I end up with stuff I don't like that doesn't fit properly. I envy other women at work their style so this is a huge one for me. Developing my own style.
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    Exactly how I feel about the wardrobe.I would love to be able to walk into a closet and everything fits and looks and feels great!
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    I feel ya both! I bought two pr. of boots about 3weeks ago that I plan on being able to ware next fall. Their hanging in my reading room and I look at them all the time, I've always thought boots was so sexy!!! My sister has one of the same pr I got. She looks so good in them. My husband stares at her everytime shes in them, Lol! I know hes thinking Sandy used to look just like that!! There's 4yrs between us but most people used to think we were twins. When Scot meet us we were about the same size, I was about 10lbs lighter, We shared everything. What's great about that is it doubled our wardrobe. I miss it, I miss people coming up to me asking "Which one are you?" Now they come up and say "You must be Charlene's little sister!"( this is still a compliment -I'm the big sister) I have stranger's come up to me all the time because my sister owns her own salon, so shes well known in town. I dream about the day when we can share again. When I can go shopping with my girlfriends. I miss the laughter and jokes as you decide what looks good and what looks silly. At this point they still invite me but its not fun at all. To be honest I go and act like I'm having a wonderful time, but I'm miserable!! I end up just daydreaming about the food court I can smell throughout the mall. This post made me sad :frown:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Awwwww.... that IS sad! Good times are coming, though.

    Onestopplus does a huge boot sale in summer, so I'm going to get a pair too, I think. I was also thinking that when I get to my weight loss goal, if I have to have custom boots made, I will!!! Time to start saving.
  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    I have always looked the looks of boots, and never been able to wear them either because of my large calves :(. When I lost weight before I had started being able to buy from the regular size large and exlarge clothes and so many cute things. Well I kept them all as I gained weight. So I have about 3 of those rubbermaid plastic tubs you buy to store things in FULL of clothes I can't wear, that I promised myself I would one day wear again, each time I packed up more that I had outgrown. I want to be able to fit in them again, and then be able to give them away because I want to get smaller than I was before I gave up last time. This time, there is NO GIVE UP option for me. I WILL do it this time!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Yes you will!!!! I am in the same boat.. I have some very cute business suits I can't even wear skirts right now. How stupid is this? WE can do it!
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member

    For today, I thought we could write one simple "dream" that losing weight will make possible. Mine is that I have always wanted to wear boots with a skirt, but my calves are too big for boots, even the wide calf ones. When I am thinner, I will have those boots, Dammit!

    SAME HERE!!! I knew my calves were huge, but I was SHOCKED when I measured them!!!

    I LOVE ankle-strap shoes. I had several pairs when I was younger, and now with my cankles, I can only dream of wearing them. I don't even think the straps will go around my ankles!!! I would love to wear them once again!!!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I have fat German calves even when I am thin! You can see my pics, even in the little maid outfit picture, I couldn't find zip up boots that fit.
  • kilgore67
    kilgore67 Posts: 40
    I want to fit the safety harness on a roller coaster. I gave away all my smaller sized clothes a year ago so other woman could enjoy them. When I get to a smaller size I like to shop at thrift or consignment stores.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Well today has been a day of good and bad, so I suppose normal. Carb craving like crazy... I finally broke down and ate some white bread (gasp! LOL). Mostly I took care of crappy business that I've been procrastinating on.

    The best part of my day is coming up--I'm headed to the Y where I'll do some aquasize in the therapy pool (I missed class this morning but can do the routine on my own) and then will swim laps in the main pool for 45 minutes. My body really needs this workout, and with me out of the house, hubby can hang out in his underwear and play his bass guitar as loudly as he wants. My biggest obstacles to working out are fear of overdoing--because of the Still's disease, I never know when my joints are going to overreact to a workout and leave me crippled. This week for two days I could barely put any weight on my left leg and b then *poof* like magic, it was fine. The other obstacle is actually getting into the building and moving around. I'm on crutches right now and very unsteady, and the wet floors all over the locker room, shower area, and pool area are pretty slippery. What I really need is a pony to ride in, one that will wait for me without pooping, LOL.

    Anyway, I shouldn't whine--I'm lucky I have a beautiful, clean Y to go to and I'm lucky I get to swim! Tomorrow I'm headed to Vermont for five days to stay in a friend's timeshare. I don't know anything about the place except that my room is 30 steps from the pool, and they have a hot tub and sauna too. Wooohoooo!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Enjoy your trip Karen. It sounds wonderful!!!!!!!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    That sounds fantastic Karen.. soak those joints to your hearts content and please check in with us if you can.

    I deliberately went over my calories tonight, I ate fried chicken for dinner. My boss had been talking about it earlier and it stuck in my head.. mmmm.. I like fried chicken so I had some. I texted her when I got there and said.. I am at Schnucks buying fried chicken and it's your fault!! She thought that was hilarious.

    I also bought a chocolate cream puff. Wasn't fried chicken enough? Well no, been jonesing for a treat for days.

    The victory here is I refused to feel guilty for eating the way I would not every day and I tracked it ALL. One thing I particularly like about MFP is that you can see what you would weigh in 5 weeks if you ate this way every day.. if I did I would STILL lose weight. Not much, but I would lose it.

    Funny how not feeling guilty and tracking properly changed the way I feel about it huh? Aqua Zumba in the morning.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Yay, Julie--good for you for tracking! I ate a muffin today, not on my plan and definitely not sugar free , but I made the choice, logged it in, and stuck to the one. So yes, also a victory.

    I'll be in aqua Zumba tomorrow morning too! Love this class.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    My 'dream' is to be able to walk up a couple flights of stairs and not be short of breath!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    You can do TWO and still breathe? LMAO
  • monmonof3
    monmonof3 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello gang, happy Friday!

    Dragging myself out of bed for aquasize since I failed to make it last night. I don't know why I have so much trouble going. I love the class!

    For today, I thought we could write one simple "dream" that losing weight will make possible. Mine is that I have always wanted to wear boots with a skirt, but my calves are too big for boots, even the wide calf ones. When I am thinner, I will have those boots, Dammit!

    Had a good day today. Ate under my calories and no major cravings. Progress? I don't know. I spent a lot of time outside working in the yard. Can't stuff my face with a weedeater in my hands. I had been looking for a pair of muck boots for about a year, but none would fit over my calves. Ended up buying short boots that go just a few inches past my ankles. Can't wait till I can fit in tall boots again.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Well I can't say my dream involves boots, i'm just not that kinky :)

    Since this seems to be clothing related i would love to have a closet that isn;t half filled with close I haven't been able to wear in a long time. To be able to wear a variety of cloths rather then the handful of outfits I have now because i hate the way they fit me.
  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    Woot small victory for me. LOL after the Golden Corral fiasco this past week being good in a restaurant was first on my mind when we had to eat on the way home from dropping my son with his dad. We went to Applebees, and I ordered the Chicken & Shrimp Tequila Tango. I asked them to hold the rice and sub it with steamed broccoli! The waitress looked at me like I was crazy because she said the rice was kind of the main part of the meal, but I stuck to my guns and said I am really trying to cut down on my carbs and would be so happy if you could see if they would sub it, and they did!! And it was awesome and I didn't feel guilty or stuffed when we left :) One day at a time now. I felt wonderful because I am not one to sub out my foods when we go out but I am determined to do this so if somewhere wont do it then I will either order something else or leave :)
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Woot small victory for me. LOL after the Golden Corral fiasco this past week being good in a restaurant was first on my mind when we had to eat on the way home from dropping my son with his dad. We went to Applebees, and I ordered the Chicken & Shrimp Tequila Tango. I asked them to hold the rice and sub it with steamed broccoli! The waitress looked at me like I was crazy because she said the rice was kind of the main part of the meal, but I stuck to my guns and said I am really trying to cut down on my carbs and would be so happy if you could see if they would sub it, and they did!! And it was awesome and I didn't feel guilty or stuffed when we left :) One day at a time now. I felt wonderful because I am not one to sub out my foods when we go out but I am determined to do this so if somewhere wont do it then I will either order something else or leave :)

    That IS a victory! Good for you!!! Applebees is usually great at subbing out. So is Ruby Tuesday's. I love that they have nutrition info on their menus now too. We can still eat out and I can eat steak and broccoli!

    Last night I got a shock when I logged in my sweet treat--a vanilla chai and a muffin from Dunkin Donuts--930 calories!!!! Seriously???? Before MFP, I wouldn't think twice about having that, sometimes even two muffins. So I was basically blowing all of my daily calories on a snack. I guess the good news is that I didn't wake up craving more sugar, which usually happens when I fall off the wagon.
  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks Karen! I was actually excited. LOL the funny thing about it was my hubby ordered the same thing but didn't sub his rice and when he got it he was complaining because mine even looked better because his rice was all dried out looking and tasted dry. I told him that is what he gets for not sticking with it and trying to continue to eat healthy when we are out lol.

    I was looking at some calorie counts also and it is really depressing at some of the foods we think aren't so bad, and when they turn out to be horrible choices for us when we are trying to eat healthy :( . Good for you though to wake up today with no sugar cravings!!! I always get headaches when I eat too much sugar.