May 2nd

TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
This was my second day and I was a little worried since I didn't get to the 1st workout until last night and I usually like more than 10 hours between my workouts but it went great! I love workout 1. I'm still getting use to the 3 exercises per circuit, I'm always like "oh yeah, one more" LOL it kicks my butt and that's what I need!


  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I completely agree! It throws me off everytime too! I do like it a lot though. I will say I was SO sore this morning. I was a little surprised. It was the back of my legs that hurt, I think those "running man" excersises were harder on my legs then I expected!
  • EmiDeeDoo
    EmiDeeDoo Posts: 32 Member
    I actually REALLY like this workout! Much more than 30 Day Shred. It's been an hour since I finished and I can still feel it in my back and sides, but I'm not sore from yesterday yet. We'll see if that luck holds past tomorrow, haha <3 I might end up waking as stiff as a board.

    Was ridiculously tempted to take a nap after the last bit instead of getting up to do the cooldown, but I'm an adult and adults do their stretches. *sigh*
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    I got my Day two in as well. It was a bit of a challenge as I had a toddler who would not nap so i had to find something that would distract him for the 30 minutes that I was busy. My hamstrings are also really sore. They feel a bit better tonight than they did last night though. I really like that there are three strength moves done for even amounts of time. I wasn't a big fan of the way it was in the shred where one move was done for twice as long as the other.
  • Ewestlu
    Ewestlu Posts: 36 Member
    This was the last day of week 1 for me. I've been alternating this with C25K so I did this workout a total of 4 times this past week. I really like this one much better than 30DS. Excited to move on to level 2 :)
  • Nomatterhowsmall
    Nomatterhowsmall Posts: 17 Member
    Finished my day 2(of week 1) after 3.5 hours of hiking! Definitely a little sore, but I enjoy her circuits! Loving this video/workout! :)
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    I was so tired after work but I made myself do day 2. So glad I did! Actually gave me some energy. I gotta say I am not missing all the jumping jacks from 30ds :)
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    I was so tired after work but I made myself do day 2. So glad I did! Actually gave me some energy. I gotta say I am not missing all the jumping jacks from 30ds :)

    i am not missing them either...Great job for pushing through and completing the workout!
  • educatyion
    educatyion Posts: 31 Member
    Took my rest day and running man-ed my way back into day 2. It went great. I like that it leaves me with the all-day feeling, that I'm firm and strong. Good luck this week!