Surgery tomorrow morning.

Driving to Seattle right now for early morning check in. excited for this but boy my nerves sure are kicking in. Thanks all for posting lets me feel so much more at peace and a lot more prepared for my big life change...maybe big is the wrong word :)


  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    Good's an awfully nice day in Seattle!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Good luck! My first appointment with my surgeon is Monday, I still have a few months to go.
  • At the surgical center waiting to be admitted. Thanks all!
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    My surgery is in Seattle!! Where are you having yours? Who's your surgeon? I wanna know details!! LOL
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Good luck, and a speedy recovery!
  • Hi all, surgery went great issues, thanks for the support.. And yes the swallowed gas seems to be my biggest issue trying to get water have been out of surgery for 5 hrs and have managed to get down 12 oz of fluids. Thanks to this site, it have been a pretty cool process knowing whats coming. They have released me back to my hotel and will come in for a visit and a refill via IVs in the morning...ok nuff for now Ill check back later.:smile::smile: javascript:add_smiley('smile','post_body')
  • My surgery is in Seattle!! Where are you having yours? Who's your surgeon? I wanna know details!! LOL

    Puget sound surgical center and Dr Billings. So far I have to say great place to go.. It was in Edmunds.
  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    Good luck, I know you will do well, feel free to friend me if you need support.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Congrats on your success!
  • jogawa15
    jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
    Glad your sleeve went smooth! My only problem was the gas I remember my back was killing me. No stomach pain at all I kept thinking did it happen? Drink drink it is the hardest thing to do but don't want to be dehydrated also walk!
  • ggrn955
    ggrn955 Posts: 12 Member
    Good luck with the surgery, you will not regret this choice. Be glad to offer encouragement, advice or whatever you think you need. I am 14 months out and LOVE my sleeve! Just wish I had done it years earlier!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Glad it all went well! Hardest thing for me was drinking the Unjury they wanted me to drink. Too thick and too sweet. The water was easy in comparison. Remember to sip and walk, a lot. The more you walk the more of the gas you move out and the better your circulation is (avoid those blood clots!). Take care and I look forward to watching your progress on here.
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    My surgery is in Seattle!! Where are you having yours? Who's your surgeon? I wanna know details!! LOL

    Puget sound surgical center and Dr Billings. So far I have to say great place to go.. It was in Edmunds.

    Mine is gonna be at Edmunds too! How come you're staying in a hotel? Did you have to travel there like I do? I'm going up from Seaside, OR cuz my insurance won't pay for any surgeons in Oregon. I'm okay with that though, I really like Dr. Chock, my surgeon, and I just talked to a doc that I work with and he said that he has heard good things about her. I'm glad it went well. The weight will be meltin off in no time!!
  • Well day two has come and almost gone, the pain is localized to the bigger of the incisions, the gas discomfort is more pronounced today and yes I have been going on lots of walks. Dr Okayed me to have a protien drink for dinner and so far so good. For those of you who havent had the sleeve yet, practice taking small drinks..Ive messed that up a couple of times and yeow! Feeling pretty good and took a 1/3 mile walk today...all in all a pretty good day two. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend.
  • Ujj7
    Ujj7 Posts: 51
    Thanks for posting, I hope you will continue to detail your experience here. I am hoping to have my surgery at the end of the month.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Your doing amazing for day two. I was in hospital for 4 nights after surgery. But that is just the way they do it in India. Not sure I could have done such a big walk on day two though,,great work.
  • How many of you had trouble sleeping at night post surgery? Im hoping wiening of the drugs will help, I think Ive gotten a couple hours each night since surgery.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    How many of you had trouble sleeping at night post surgery? Im hoping wiening of the drugs will help, I think Ive gotten a couple hours each night since surgery.

    I had a little trouble sleeping for a couple of reasons. One, I was taking naps during the day, and also, I tend to be a stomach/side sleeper and it was a little uncomfortable for the first few days because I definitely avoided that. After the first week I did much better. I had stopped taking the pain meds the day I got home from the hospital, which was the day after my surgery.