Gastric sleeve booked on the 24th may

Hi I'm new to this group and am booked in for my gastric sleeve in three weeks time, I guess I'm nervous about how life will be after the op and would love any advise you can give me


  • I didnt get nervous till the night far no regrets except not doing it sooner. You can pick up some great info off all the people here.
  • Lynron2009
    Lynron2009 Posts: 6
    Thanks for your reply I am actually excited and just want it done, I guess I'm just feeling the need to reach out to people who have had it done and to know that they don't regret it .
  • Lynron2009
    Lynron2009 Posts: 6
    You sound like your doing great :-)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am almost 7 months out and I have zero regrets. Yes, life is different, but you just adapt to your "new normal", and really for me, it does feel normal now. I wanted to do this to improve my health and my quality of life, and both have been improved SOOOO much. I am happier and feel better than I have in ages.
  • Lynron2009
    Lynron2009 Posts: 6
    That is a really great to hear and well done that's amazing , can I ask how life is different and can you eat normal foods now albeit a lot less lol, I have yo yo for the last 25 years and am now determined to sort myself out this is only the start !
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Life is different in so many ways. My doctor took me off my blood pressure meds, I can fit into an airplane seat, I have tons of energy, I don't get out of breath walking up a flight of stairs, I used to have chronic back pain and now it's gone, I can move more easily and don't get aches and pains from doing simple things like scrubbing the bathtub like I used to, I can find cute clothes in my size now, I can wear my tall shoes again, and so on :-) I eat normal foods. I am pretty focused on sticking to the plan, so I mainly eat protein and veggies like my surgeon's plan recommends. I love meat and I am glad I can eat it, I eat veggies, some fruit, low fat cheese, yogurt, egg whites, etc. No foods have given me any trouble, and I am happy to say I can still tolerate spicy food, and that makes me happy!
  • JeanneMarie11111
    JeanneMarie11111 Posts: 57 Member
    good luck to you on your journey, I am 9 days pre op, in my last info class they said to always look at the positive parts that happen along the way, like your belly not hitting the steering wheel when you drive, or being able to tie your shoes with out extra maneuvering. I think looking forward to the short term achievements will help with the long term goals. :smile:
  • plmelquist
    plmelquist Posts: 42
    I was sleeved this past Monday, 6 days ago. I feel great. I had one day (Thurs) where I bottomed out on energy and felt like napping all day. That gave me pause and made me think "what have I done?" but it lasted only that day and by nighttime I was back to feeling good. I've played pool this week, spectated at a baseball game here in Albuquerque and cooked dinner for my husband and a friend last night. I have zero regrets. The surgery is a piece of cake - had minimal pain if any (more discomfort) and was back to sleeping on my stomach by Thurs night!

    You will do great!!
  • Lynron2009
    Lynron2009 Posts: 6
    Thank you and I think you are right to look at the positives I start my classes next week so I will learn more then I'm sure, sound like you are doing great keep it up
  • Lynron2009
    Lynron2009 Posts: 6
    Wow you must feel amazing thanks for all your experience it is so great to hear, I wish i could have it done tomorrow now, so great to hear you can have a normal life after I think that was what was scaring me, the thought of losing my weight and then not being able to eat again normally afterwards, I don't mean how I eat now and got myself into this mess but the odd meal out and just normal life stuff, can I ask do you feel hungry ?
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Wow you must feel amazing thanks for all your experience it is so great to hear, I wish i could have it done tomorrow now, so great to hear you can have a normal life after I think that was what was scaring me, the thought of losing my weight and then not being able to eat again normally afterwards, I don't mean how I eat now and got myself into this mess but the odd meal out and just normal life stuff, can I ask do you feel hungry ?

    I think everyone experiences hunger differently, but personally, I don't feel "hungry" as much as I know when I NEED to eat. I eat by schedule to keep me on track, and I have to be careful because sometimes if I get too busy I don't even think about eating. Real hunger hasn't come back to me yet, and I am just under 7 months out.
  • priceless97
    priceless97 Posts: 27 Member
    So glad to find you folks! My date is may 19th and I'm on day one of the liquid pre-op diet. I'm actually getting ready to take a nap because I have a headache. Can't wait to discuss with you all my experience. It took a diagnosis of diabetes---6 months on meds for it and it continued to spike--even with diet moderation..and then i started having a numbness in my big toe--that lasted for about 3 months..then i decided that the cpap machine, the hbp, and diabetes needs to go faster than I can lose the weight on my own. So here I am! Excited and nervous but I have 3 very close friends that had the sleeve and they say it's the best decision they ever made.

    Looking forward to talking with you all!
  • ggrn955
    ggrn955 Posts: 12 Member
    I had my sleeve 2/19/13. I was amazed. I went into the operative suite at 9:00, or so they tell me. Versed in my IV just prior is a wonderful thing!. I remember coming back to the post-anesthesia care unit with a very dry mouth..that was it. I got up and walked to the bathroom that afternoon, was walking the halls by morning and went home the next day. I do believe staying/sleeping upright-ish (at least 45 degree angle) helps tremendously with the potential for gas pain in the abdomen/shoulders from the air they use to dilate the abdominal cavity. Ditto with walking, several times a day. Get up and get moving!. I rarely needed by pain meds post op and was off all pain meds by the Friday after surgery. I live alone so I premade my post op meals for every phase. I had protein shakes on hand (Abbott labs makes one I still use to this day EAS AdvantEDGE carb control..17gm protein, about 2gm carbs, 2.5gm fat 100 calories), puree and strained pea and lentil soups, then just puree, low fat cottage cheese, greek yogurt, mashed potatoes, cooked turkey burgers in slow cooker and then pureed those. Make up 2 ounce packages so all I had to do was take out of freezer and micorwave! In the immediate post op phase, tried to get about 2 oz in every 3 hours. Your physician will set your protein goals..mine was 70 gm protein, 40 gm carbs 22 gm fat daily. By my first post op visit I was off all bp meds, diabetes meds. And I feel GREAT!!! Have 50 more to go!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I was sleeved almost 3 years ago and I can honestly say this is the very best thing I have ever done for myself! Like someone else said, I only wish I had done this sooner!

    There will be lots of changes after surgery, but I have to say, it's so much easier than you think going in. It's amazing how not just the physical changed for me with this surgery, but the mental too. For instance, it used to be when stressed, angry, or just in a bad mood I would eat anything and everything. Just didn't care. Now it's the opposite. When I get like that and just don't care, I don't eat. Need to get in my protein? Don't care, not eating. Complete turn around. Now I know it's not like that for everyone, but you can expect some non-physical changes too.

    Best advice I can give you is follow your surgeon's plann, walk and sip, and you will do great!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Your surgery day is the day I can start eating solid food again :) I'm at 3 weeks post op and I have no regrets. I was a lapband to sleeve revision, so it was a little more intense - 2 nights in the hospital - but so far so good. I'm down 26 pounds since the first of April and less than 10 pounds from my lowest lapband weight. I had to have a revision because i got stuck every time I ate and was basically involuntarily bulimic after most of my meals. Stopped eating meat and gained 35 pounds back.

    I made a bunch of pureed soups the weekend before my surgery and froze them all in 4 oz containers, but honestly, I can't stand the texture. Living off of Muscile Milk Pro Series and water, but I'm never hungry. I did have what I thought were hunger pangs right after surgery, but I did a little reading and found that excess acid can cause that sensation. Got a script for Prevacid and that stopped.

    Make sure you do your best to get all of your fluids in each day and you'll do great :) Best of luck to you!!