Day 2

itsolyo Posts: 27 Member
I was feeling very discouraged yesterday. I made the mistake of looking through old FB pictures and realized that with even 50 lbs lost, I was still not where I was in a stage in my life when I still felt severely obese. (not sure if this sentence made sense).

Those feelings turned into irrational cravings, (I'm an emotional eater and I tend to go for carby snacks when I'm feeling...well, any feeling.)

I tried to subside the cravings with some hot peppers, beef jerky, and some nuts. (btw, I did not log this) It was very difficult, which resulted in me tossing and turning until 4AM. (when I crave something, I CRAVE it and nothing happens until I fulfill that craving)
I know I didn't go over on my carbs and I stayed within range...but I felt incredibly weak minded yesterday...and it's only DAY 2.

I must say, if it wasn't for this group and my resolve that I will not cheat in May, I would have totally hit some ramen or chips to satisfy my craving.

Keep Calm and Keto On. Moving forward today, with words of encouragement from my MFP friends. Just wanted to share.


  • geek23ka
    geek23ka Posts: 38 Member
    i know dat feel. those cravings are so intense. and i know the sort of determination you must have conjured up in order to refuse to give in. up until 4am! yeah, it was a bad day.

    how are you feeling today? ready to kill it with fire?

    do you like keto?
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    The most important thing is that you stuck it out :)

    Day 2 was fine for me... for some reason today I'm having cravings though. I can't eat anymore til tonight, I have just enough calories for dinner and dessert, so I need to tough it out. Tomorrow is free day and there is really NO excuse for cheating a damn day before free day. I know it's not very body-positive, but earlier today when I really wanted a big bowl of Golden Crisp, I went and stood in front of the mirror and pulled my shirt up and looked at my tummy and thought "is this what I want to look like this summer, when it's all hot and gorgeous out and it would feel so good to just wear a tank top?"

    Then I went and listened to music and organized my makeup :)
  • itsolyo
    itsolyo Posts: 27 Member

    how are you feeling today? ready to kill it with fire?

    do you like keto?

    I felt better yesterday and had a good day.
    I love keto. It's the only diet that keeps you satiated.