New Guy

ntrout007 Posts: 5 Member
So I am pretty new to all this group, blog, and message stuff. I have been using the MFP app on my phone for a couple months and decided to look at the online site and low and behold I found this group. I am 6'1" started using MFP app when I got on a scale and seen I was no longer that 200lbs 18 year old but in fact tipped the scale at 426lbs. I have since been working real hard and lost 24lbs and I am hoping to hit my goal within 2 years or less. anyways enough for now just saying HELLO, and looking forward to getting to know y'all.


  • Metallifan79
    Metallifan79 Posts: 278 Member
    Just joined the group also. I'm 6'6" and currently at 332 lbs. My highest weight was 427 lbs. seven years ago. Back then I lost 167 lbs. and got down to 263 lbs. I felt very good at this weight and swore to myself that I would never be like that again. Somehow I slowly started putting weight back on, and reached a weight of 388 lbs. this past January. I have since lost 58 lbs. and have started feeling better physically. I hope there will be some others on here I can learn from and maybe be a support for some as well.
  • ntrout007
    ntrout007 Posts: 5 Member
    Nice to meet you Fargsnalt, seems that this group is not all that active. best of luck and add me if your looking for friends :)