How is everyone logging calories for this one?

thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
I find this to be much more of a workout than 30DS was. For that, I was logging circuit training, general. How is everyone doing this one?


  • Nomatterhowsmall
    Nomatterhowsmall Posts: 17 Member
    Someone else has posted a general guideline to calories burned in a earlier post/thread.

    Ripped In 30
    Week One (5lb weights): 275 calories
    Week Two (5lb weights): 300 calories
    Week Three (3lb weights): 250 calories
    Week Four (3lb weights): 235 calories

    ^^ This is for a 135lb. woman using 5 lb. weights. They say adjust up if you weigh more and or are using heavier weights and adjust down if you weigh less or are using a lighter set of weights. hope this helps! :)
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    LOL....I weigh more and am using lighter weights. :) I'm such a weakling. Or old. Or something. I guess for now I'll use the circuit training method. One of these days I'll get a heart rate monitor. I was pushing for one from my kids for my b-day coming up, but they looked at me like I was crazy.

    Thanks for the info, tho. :)
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I'm just using what's in the system....I think it's about 300 calories burned for 30 minutes, which the first week is longer.

    I'm also a "bit" heavier then the person who kindly posted the guideline. So I think this averages out well for me.
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    I have been logging mine as circuit training
  • lilmonster57
    lilmonster57 Posts: 6 Member
    According to my Polar heart rate monitor, I'm averaging about 290 for level 1.

    I'm only using 3lb weights at the moment, though. That will be changing with tonight's workout. I'm going to up the weights on a few of the exercises. :)
  • EmiDeeDoo
    EmiDeeDoo Posts: 32 Member
    Yeaaaa... I've been logging it as Circuit Training too, same as 30DS. Maybe not accurate, but I'm keepin' it simple. Just glad to be doing it each day. :)