Could not wait any longer....refried beans

tabithascatena Posts: 21 Member
Hello All,

I'm on day 13 post-op. I had been doing great with the protein shakes, protein powder added to my thinned out greek yogurt, jello, popsicles, etc. All the foods listed for my phase 1. Yesterday I noticed I started to struggle with the shakes. Today I tried a multitude of different flavors and could not stand any of them. Not even my go-to chocolate.

I've been waiting for phase 2 for a few days knowing I would get refried beans and hummus. When have I ever been this excited about refried beans??? I just want some substance.

Technically I don't start phase 2 for two more days, but I could not stand it anymore. I had the hubby run to the store to get me a can. I started out very slow, just a tablespoon. And now I'm waiting to see if there's going to be an issue.

Anyone else have a similar issue?



  • You made it longer than I did! I was about 4 days post-op when I started craving spaghetti (damn commercials!) I looked in my kitchen to see what I could make with flavor besides broth (I really spice mine up!) I found a can of refried black beans and decided I could "whip" these into some kind of "shake". Basically, I made a thin (strained) soup out of the beans with taco seasoning and cayenne pepper. It was so good.

    I am on liquids for 4 weeks; much longer than most people's posts that I have read. It seems like most are on liquids for 2 weeks. I am 12 days now, but I think I will be able to make it until the next phase without a problem. I use all kinds of flavorings in my shakes; unsweetened Torani coffee syrups, unsweetened instant puddings, cinnamon (like a teaspoon!) a drop of peppermint extract (especially good with chocolate!) I also learned if I add baking cocoa to my chocolate shakes they were richer tasting and very good.

    Thanks for your post... It put a smile on my face. The nice thing is... I discovered my taco/bean concoction will be good as a "gravy" on other things, too. One day when I can eat real food again, I will put my bean "gravy" on a frozen burrito. That burrito will taste much better, look better too, than that white, naked thing that usually lays on my plate with salsa.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    Oh I remember these days......I am just days shy of 8 months out and the best advice I can give you is stick to the diet! Do what the doctors plan says. You have the rest of your life to eat and I promise it gets better everyday. I look at it this had surgery to assist with getting it under control....take this time to get your head in the right spot. Because as we all know this is a mental game.

    I have always felt like I had a ticking clock above my head and I had until the one year mark to get to where I want to be. I know that sounds silly but I have spent my entire life overweight and this is my chance. I am 6 pounds away from my ultimate goal and happier than ever.

    Remember that this is a tool not a cure. Congrats on taking this step and just think of where you will be in 6 months! So excited for you!!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love:
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Oh I remember these days......I am just days shy of 8 months out and the best advice I can give you is stick to the diet! Do what the doctors plan says. You have the rest of your life to eat and I promise it gets better everyday. I look at it this had surgery to assist with getting it under control....take this time to get your head in the right spot. Because as we all know this is a mental game.

    I have always felt like I had a ticking clock above my head and I had until the one year mark to get to where I want to be. I know that sounds silly but I have spent my entire life overweight and this is my chance. I am 6 pounds away from my ultimate goal and happier than ever.

    Remember that this is a tool not a cure. Congrats on taking this step and just think of where you will be in 6 months! So excited for you!!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love:

    I feel exactly the same way. I am a few days short of 7 months out from surgery, and I still stick to the plan to a T. I also made a commitment to myself that I would stick with the plan for the whole first year post surgery, and then see where I am at. I feel, and my surgeon agrees, that this first year is the time when you can get optimum results by really sticking with it. I haven't strayed from my surgeon's plan because I want to get the most out of this procedure that I can, and also, he gave me this plan for a reason. He knows what works and what will make me successful. I know what I signed up for, so I am ok with going along with the plan!
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    Technically I'm not cleared for refried beans until tomorrow but I think I'll have some's Cinco de Mayo!!...Is that a good excuse? Lol...maybe not but I spoke to my Nut and was given the OK to eat a little today. Yay!
  • plmelquist
    plmelquist Posts: 42
    I bought a juicer and that has helped me get through this shake phase. I start mushies on Weds and I can't wait. Cottage cheese will never have tasted so good! The fresh juice is such a treat and a great way to get some natural vitamins instead of choking down another shake. I have a shake for breakfast, juice for lunch and then a soup (Opti-fast) for dinner with tons of water in between. That juice is really delicious...
  • escapepod
    escapepod Posts: 68 Member
    I'm not going to claim I've never pushed boundaries, but I will say it almost never ends well. Your surgeon's rules are there to protect you and to help you build new habits that will serve you well in the years ahead. If you're rushing the post-op food phases, PLEASE be careful, you put your stomach through a major trauma, and it needs to be reintroduced to solids very slowly. And most of your stomach's nerve endings were cut, so it's not going to be the most reliable communicator if you're pushing it too hard.
    The further out you get from surgery, the easier it is to justify eating foods that won't promote a healthy weight - believe me, you're so much better off resisting temptations now and developing better habits you're going to need in the long run.
  • tabithascatena
    tabithascatena Posts: 21 Member

    Thank you SO much for all the great advice and feedback! Truly appreciate it! Especially the advice on getting the most of out of the first year. That is a very smart plan!

    I did the shakes for 6 months prior to being approved for surgery. How soon I forgot all the outside flavorings you can add. Thank you for reminding me!

    The fresh juice sounds wonderful! Juice is also included in my next phase, 24 hrs from now (Yipee!!). Funny how I chose refried beans vs. fresh juice. That says a lot right there. LOL!

    Thank you!!
  • plmelquist
    plmelquist Posts: 42
    I started mushies today and had a yogurt this morning, some re fried beans for lunch and now a small portion of sweet potato for dinner. I've found myself thinking about food all day, which isn't what I want. I really don't know what to eat or how much, just that I can. I bought all things that are high in protein and had a shake for breakfast still. It's tough when you're not hungry to decide what and how much to eat.