Mr. Ali's Reflections Quarter 4



  • Today we did a class of lifting weight I focused on my chest tday I feel like they are getting stronger and more definition. 10 rm with 90 pounds. My triceps is what im worried about as much as I focus on them they just seem to stay the same size and dont get bigger or not enough definition. My biceps are getting more toned in they have a better circumfrence to them
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    Todays workout was a little slow, but I still managed to complete a few sets of chest press, shoulder press and curls. I was a little bit tried towards the end of the period, but I think I could accomplish more.
  • today was chest and biceps day. while i was doing skull crushers today i felt like the weight was light for me. next time i would like to add more weight in order to get a better result.
  • May 4: today was cardiovascular day. I ran on the treadmill for 23 minutes. My heart rate went up to 130 , and I had burned 210 calories. I also ran on the indoor bicycle for 10 minutes. I felt good because I have burned lots of calories.
  • Mshumais97
    Mshumais97 Posts: 26
    Today's workout i focused on leg exercises such as the leg press and the roman dead lift. It was really hard and i was only able to do 2 sets of 10 for the roman dead lift. Then i ended off roday's workout with 3 sets of 10 for a 45lb chest press. Hopefully better results next workout.
  • ZakAlm96
    ZakAlm96 Posts: 15
    Today we did a free workout. It was pretty nice I feel great could have done more. If I do all I need to do for the quarter I can get a 96
  • alhaidosama
    alhaidosama Posts: 15
    Today I worked out my biceps with seated curls and band curls. My triceps with tricep extensions. Also I did lunges for my legs. After that I walked fast around the hallway for cardio. My legs were sore after the lunges.
  • Sh7latik wallah; derebalik la tit3awar ????????
  • Today I did cardio ; 20 minutes on the bike while I felt a bit sore from the back. I did 25 minutes tredmill where I had a really sore back????. But I feel I'm on my way to reach my goal ????
  • Tofay I completed 3 sets of bench presses at 35 kg, 3 sets of arm curls at 22 kg, and 3 sets of Medicine ball lifts. Today may have been my first day being late for fitness, hopefully it's the last.
  • today was cardio day. i started off with 10 mins on the bike and walked the halls for a while. then i finished the class while doing abb workout. at the end of the period i felt tired but i think i should add some more training on my cardio days.
  • abod_96
    abod_96 Posts: 19
    I had a real good workout today. I ran for 10 minutes on the treadmill and got on the bike for about 30 minutes. I really felt good after finishing.
  • Today I mostly lifted with my chest I want to get a better diffention. I did bench and flies then I did bicep curls and then finished up with some tricep extentions that really make me feel sore. The main workout tday was legs I did some squats and roman dead lifts and really feel the burn
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    Today I focused on chest and biceps workout. I did a few sets of chest press and some curls. After I was done, there was still a bit of time left, so I worked a little bit on my triceps and shoulders. Towards the end of the period, my arms were really sore.
  • Today i did mostly Shoulder press and tricep Workout i did some pushups and chest press as well , but i felt pain on my letf tricep when doing Chest press at last . Doing it while not using machine is a bit harder , because u have to control the weight s.
  • May 4: I had a real good workout today. I ran for 10 minutes on the treadmill and got on the bike for about 30 minutes. I really felt good after finishing.
  • Today in the gym, it was a cardio day for me. I used the treadmill for 20 minutes. I was increasing both the speed and the incline gradually, where my heartrate eventualy exceeded 150. Then I walked up and down the stairs for about 7 minutes. Then I used the bicycle machine for about 10 minutes, where my average RPM was about 95.
  • Mohammad_Almutawa
    Mohammad_Almutawa Posts: 30 Member
    May4: i did triceps and back workout. Started with the pulldowns for 3 sets. Then i did the tricep workout with the dumbells. I also did some pushups. I really felt good.
  • Mohammad_Almutawa
    Mohammad_Almutawa Posts: 30 Member
    Today I did the cardio workout on the treadmill for 20 minutes and then i did the stairs for 10 minutes. I was sweating and tired.
  • May 5: it was strength day, I did chest press for 85 for 3 sets. I did the 2 first sets alone, and the third I was helped with my spotter. I feel good about getting to do 2 sets by myself. I also did leg press for 3 sets, my left leg heart a little bit, but I think it's because I didn't drink enough water. I also did pull-ups for 3 sets for 5. It was a good workout and I felt in progress.
  • malyaseen96
    malyaseen96 Posts: 23
    Monday i walked for the whole period. I feel like my legs are getting used to walk more.
  • malyaseen96
    malyaseen96 Posts: 23
    Sunday i was absent.
  • Mshumais97
    Mshumais97 Posts: 26
    Today's workout was extremely diffult as my legs and thighs were really sore from yesterday's roman dead lifts and i couldnt fo any leg exercises so i focused today's exercises on shoulders and biceps and hhopefully get a soon recovery.
  • Today I started with "one arm dumbbell row" exercise for 3 sets, 10 times each. My weight for all three sets was 30 lbs. Then I did "back pull-downs" exercise for 3 sets; 10 times each. My weight for first and second sets was 5; then 7 in the third. Then I did "seated rows" exercise for 3 sets for 10 times each, where my weight was 4,5,6 respectively. Then I workout my biceps by using the dumbbells. I did 3 sets for 10 times each, where my weight was 15 lbs in the first set, and 20 in the second and third sets. Then I did "wrist curl" exercise by using the dumbbells for 3 sets, 10 times each, where the weight was 15 lbs. Then I did some crunches for three sets. Lastly, I did "leg exercise" for three sets also.
  • Today I started with "one arm dumbbell row" exercise for 3 sets, 10 times each. My weight for the first set was 30 lbs; 35 lbs for second and third sets. Then I did "back pull-downs" exercise for 3 sets; 10 times each. My weight for first and second sets was 5; then 6 in the third. Then I did "seated rows" exercise for 3 sets for 10 times each, where my weight was 4. Then I workout my biceps by using the dumbbells. I did 3 sets for 10 times each, where my weight was 15 lbs. Then I did "wrist curl" exercise for 3 sets, 10 times each.
  • Today i did Some shoulder pressworkout but intensely also i did some Chest bress wiothout machine then shift to bicep curls on my lef arm . Overall i felt pain when doing romans dead lift , but today ive done good so far
  • Mohammad_Almutawa
    Mohammad_Almutawa Posts: 30 Member
    May6: today I did the back and bicep workout. Started with the dumbell rows for 3 sets. Then I did the back pulldowns and seated rows. After that I did the bicep curls with the dumbells. I felt sore after the workoit.
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    Todays workout was a little slow. I worked on my biceps by doing some curls after that I did some shoulder press and triceps workout. I felt like I could have accomplished more, but Im still happy with my overall achievement.
  • Today I completed 50 minutes of cardio. The shift to the field was a great improvement from the stairs. My knees feel perfect!!!
  • I was absent today; due to a dentist appointment ????