Let me introduce myself!

Hello ladies! I am new to Myfitness. I just had my second child on March 10th. I had two kids in under two years and my body is a hot mess. With my first, I gained 70 pounds and spent the next year working my *kitten* to get that weight down, and RIGHT before I hit my pre pregnancy weight I got pregnant again! Argh! With this second pregnancy I only gained 35 pounds and I worked out the entire time but now it's just a mushy bag of nastiness and that is why I am here. I hope to hear from other ladies. I like the idea of this group because I am so depressed about my body, even though I'm only 7 weeks post partum. Anyway, that is my story.....



  • Newmomma1983
    Newmomma1983 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Lucy! Congrats on your second baby and to only gaining 35 lbs! Amazing! I am 31 weeks and already +37 lbs :s
    Did you have a boy or girl?
    What is your fitness/eating plan?
    I obviously can't start til my little one is here in ~9 wks but my plan is to loosely follow the Dolce Diet, do 30 min cardio every day plus 4-5 gym workouts per week.
    I am 5'10...was 175 prepreggo and my goal weight is 150. I am 212 right now so I will likely end up around 225 :s eek!

    Good luck!!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    HI Lucy and Newmomma!

    I'm Ashley, I'm 30years old and this is mine and hubby's first babe. I'm currently 33 weeks and up 37lbs.
    I see a trainer every 6-8 weeks and she gives me a new weight training routine. I go to the gym 4x a week (cardio and weights) and then usually try to go for a walk or do something big around the house (scrub the floors, work on the nursery, ect...)
    I am logging my exercise still but stopped logging my food when I was about 4-5 months. I found I was too focused on the scale and it was screwing with me mentally.

    Before pregnancy I was eating 1500-1600 cals a day with a 40/30/30 macro split (protein/carbs/fat). I had lost 25 lbs and was down to about 162 and stopped losing weight but was still losing body fat. I reached my goal of getting in the "healthy" range for body fat % and wanted to continue working on that but then I found out I was pregnant.

    I hope to continue working out as long as I can with this pregnancy and getting back to it as soon as I get the all clear after baby is born. I am hoping to breastfeed so I will need to up my calories from the 1500-1600 to at least 2000 a day. I'm not concerned about getting back to a certain weight necessarily (somewhere in the 150s-160s would be nice), but more importantly back to a healthy BF% with
  • Newmomma1983
    Newmomma1983 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Ashley!
    Sounds like you will drop the weight in no time! Good luck with the final weeks of your prenancy :)
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    I had my first baby April 1 and gained almost 60 pounds :(. So far I have lost 21 pounds, mostly just the weight of the baby and his accessories. Today I started the couch to 5 k program and wasn't even able to get through half of the 1st week's run. I was never to great shape. I used to be thin, but never much of a runner, but I am trying to take it slow and not get discouraged.
  • minkymou
    minkymou Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all. I'm a 33 year old mum from England. I had my second baby on March 10th of this year too. My body is also a mess! I am exclusively breast feeding so I'm trying to manage my weight loss by healthy eating and exercise without affecting my milk supply...fingers crossed.

    I bought myself a treadmill and have set it up in the garage as I am too self conscious to run outside. I am 208lbs 5'8 and I have no waist what so ever. I am also very conscious as I have developed an apron/ overhang on my stomach which is very pronounced. I hope it improves with exercise and healthy eating otherwise I think I may need to consider surgery it's that prominent! So here goes!
  • Newmomma1983
    Newmomma1983 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Rie and Minky
    Welcome to our group! I am due in 53 days and can start focusing on dropping the pounds along with you guys :)
    Congrats on your new little ones! Good luck with dropping the weight, I am excited to see your trackers moving! :-)
  • sammanthahulkoff
    sammanthahulkoff Posts: 38 Member
    hello ladies my name is sammantha im 20 almost 21 and just had my second kid om May 20th, 2014. i dont gain much throughout pregnancy since both times i had HG morning sickness the whole time. with my second i gained 2 pounds. so far at 7 weeks postpartum im down 18 pounds and losing about a pound a week and exclusively breastfeeding my little man.