How are you doing this??

MichelleMP67 Posts: 32 Member
I did my first five miles yesterday. One and a half on the pedometer just cleaning house, etc and then a 3 1/2 mile walk. Are most people doing it split miles or five miles straight? Either way, best of luck!


  • gardenschooler
    gardenschooler Posts: 12 Member
    I split mine into three separate walks the first day, two yesterday, and I'll do all five miles in one session this evening (I hope). My goal is to get a little faster, as it is pretty time-consuming now. I don't always have one block of time, so mine will be different every day.
  • dwood1231
    dwood1231 Posts: 275 Member
    4 miles on the trail last night plus the 8000+ steps over the course of yesterdays 12 hour workday.... Should be able to get in 5miles on the trail tonight...
  • MichelleMP67
    MichelleMP67 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks and congrats to you both for doing such a great job. Today is Day 3 for me and I'm not well but I at least got in two miles. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • gardenschooler
    gardenschooler Posts: 12 Member
    I got in a little over five miles yesterday (in two separate walks), but I have had a few skipped days. I'm just resetting my goal daily - walk five miles every day, if at all possible.