
Tell me about them. What are your goals??? Weight, size, measurements, fitness accomplishments.


  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    My goal is to be the healthiest I can possibly be. I want to be proud of myself and be able to stay active. I don't want to be a teeny-tiny woman but would be happy at about 180lbs. :)
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    That is a great goal. I think a lot of the time people get so caught up in a number that they miss the bigger picture of being healthy. I have a list of goals. Some are long term and some are short term. I want to reach 150 lbs and a size 6. I want to be able to do 50 consecutive standard pushups, Run a 5K in under 30 minutes, complete a mud run, and be in the best shape of my life by my 30th birthday.
  • mgpearce4
    mgpearce4 Posts: 71
    Both of you ladies can and WILL accomplish your goals! I know you can. I am the same in that I wanted my lifestyle to change. I am not concerned about numbers now because I know that they don't tell the whole story. However, pounds lost do measure progress. They are a necessary evil. I am a 5'2 woman, so my ideal range would be anywhere from 105-140 pounds. I'm not in a rush about it, but I do look forward to being able to run consistently (I'm doing intervals by a mile at a time right now) and look nice for my wedding! Tentative date is October 2015 :)
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    You will make a beautiful bride!
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    Both of your goals seem reachable. I think we've got this. I always keep saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." LOL Sometimes I have to force myself to workout even though afterwards I feel awesome!
    Mgpearce4--- I have all the faith in the world that you will be a beautiful bride as well. :) Good luck on your goals!!!
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I'm hoping I get this picture right. I thought I would share with you guys something that has really helped keep me on track. This is my Goals and Motivation board. It has a three month calender on it to keep track of workouts and milestones. When I don't work out I put a big red X, when I notice a trend of red X's I know I need to get my butt in gear. I also write my goals next to the calender, they could be fitness related, family related, finance, spiritual, whatever you want. Then I put some pictures, quotes, or other things that help motivate me. Every three months I reevaluate where I am, sometimes I set new goals, sometimes I leave it the way it is, or change pictures, or quotes, whatever fits my life for those next three months. It's all just thrown on a white board I got from Wal Mart and it is on my dresser across from my bed so I see it every morning.

  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    I Love this idea!! That is awesome.
  • mgpearce4
    mgpearce4 Posts: 71
    Such an awesome idea!!
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    Love the dry erase board idea!!!! I have one of those around here somewhere may try to do that this weekend. :)
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    New short term weight loss goal. My sister turns 21 in 2 weeks and we are getting all dolled up and going out. My baby sister is BEAUTIFUL and naturally thin. I want to look my best so we can take some cute pictures. I know it is really pushing it but I would like to get my total number up to 80 lbs by then. That is 5 lbs over the next 13 days. I will keep doing what I have been doing all week and stay focused. TBH I will be happy if I can get down to 184 which 3 lbs away but I figure go big or go home... atleast for this one mini goal.
  • Elisa7
    Elisa7 Posts: 1
    Your whiteboard three month outlook idea is awesome! I want to get in better shape for a hiking trip this summer with my dad and son. I need to keep myself on track, I'm going to try something like this, thanks:)