New Nurse FIT support Group

Calling all Nurses, students, open to anyone that has specific challenges of working with stress, break room food, odd shift hours. Lets encourage each other to be healthy and happy! I realized that nurses have special conditions that we work under, thought it would be nice to support each other and give each other encouragement and KUDOs since we work hard taking care of others but neglect our own health at times!

If you find this page, here is my group (open) on FB:

Lets have fun!!



  • ladyredeemed4
    ladyredeemed4 Posts: 72 Member
    I am not a nurse yet. I work full time at a hospital in non-clinical, but have been going to school online and at nights the last 2 1/2 years. I have finished all my core and waiting to get into the nursing program, so this semester I am taking 2 core classes for my BSN and wow, am I ever getting my butt kicked. Determined not to quit. We tend to take care of everyone first, including the family pets before we take care of ourselves. I think the accountability will help us stay on track. :happy:
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Not a nurse but work in healthcare (emt & practice management) and am very familiar with the struggles of awkward hours, 12 hour shifts, the devil that is the cafeteria, and the appeal of a nice sugary latte from the caf at 0300.
  • natunee
    natunee Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all, I am a nurse that works in Mental Health and Addictions. I as well find it hard to avoid the cafeteria and late night snacking. My goal is to lose approximately 12 pounds.
  • Hi natunee :) heehee

    Hi all
    I work as a nurse also in Mental health and Addictions (with natunee)
    my body hates shift work!
    I struggle with eating healthy when I'm tired (which is always!) so any kind of support would help a gal out :)
  • Hi Nurses and those that support nurses!! WE are into the new year, how is everyone doing??

  • sqrllygirly
    sqrllygirly Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to MFP and wanted to get with a group of people who understand the obstacles that stand in my way on a daily basis. I am 27 year old with a 3 year old daughter. I am an LPN and currently bridging full time for my RN, I have 12 weeks left! Over the last few years I have gone through LPN school and a pregnancy and now RN school. Over the years I have put on 60 lbs. I am uncomfortable with who I am and need to get myself healthy for my family and myself. This last year has been tough my mother has been diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer (which is strong in our family) and is currently fighting her battle. I feel like getting myself healthy can help prevent me from having to do the same and will keep me stronger to help take care of her. I struggle with putting everyones needs before mine and I also emotionally eat. Hopefully some of you may struggle with the same and we can help each other! Thank you ~Jessica
  • MSKN13
    MSKN13 Posts: 1
    Hey everyone! I am a 22 year old nurse who's been in the field for about 9 months. I recently started on a med/surg oncology unit that gets a whole lot of gastric bypass patients. Now I am not a huge fan of gastric bypass because most people who get it, aren't making correct lifestyle choices so the end up back with us in a week due to complications, or gaining back all the weight they've lost. I've become really motivated to change my lifestyle an be an example to all of my patients, or at least not a hippocrite. :wink: