First Weight Stall

I am a month out and I have hit my first stall. I have dropped 20 lbs so far but just feel kinds gray stalling this soon. But I am eating right and moving everyday. Has anyone hit their first stall?


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    protein, protein, water, water, don't touch any simple carbs, and don't go over your calorie limit. Are you weighing your food? If I had it to do all over again I would have weighed everything. I hit a bad stall 3wks out cause I was eyeballing my food-huge mistake!! I was off by at least 30%. if you are weighing and measuring and hitting your water and protein goals, it will pass. Your body just gives in finally when it realizes nothing is going to change. Once I got hooked up with MFP and a scale all stalls have been minor and short lived. sleeved 11-20-13 down 70lbs
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    I hit a stall at week 3 as well and it lasted almost two weeks! Walking every day, getting all my protein and water in and total calories coming in under 900 per's crazy that it took that long for the scale to budge but I guess my body was rebelling. The scale is moving in the right direction again this week. I just kept thinking of others advice to trust the program and keep doing what I need to do and the scale will eventually follow. The scale had to listen to me cuss it out a couple times however.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    My surgeon and Dr. moved me from 600 to 800 calories a day a two weeks ago as I was healing so well. They also told me that said if I didn't get in more calories my body would go into starvation mode and hold on to everything it could which could cause a stall. I have noticed that my clothes are baggier than they were and I feel healthy and in general good health.

    I bought a small food scale and measure out 5 - 6 small meals/snacks a day, drink plenty of water, decaf coffee, and make sure I get in my protein and fiber and record everything (good or bad) on this site each evening. Also, remember milk is also considered to be a meal in itself.

    I have to purchase a bathroom scale this week in order to see and record my weight levels at the end of each week. I feel I may be entering into a stall as I am so busy putting in applications for Nanny's positions as my current positions comes a little sooner than the family and I thought it would, so it's quite a hectic and emotional week for all of us.

    A lot of the individuals I've been in contact with in this group seem to have hit some type of stall at about the 3-week period, which is when we are moving through the stages of the foods we are able to eat.

    Just give it a few days and you'll see the pounds start to drop off again. Remember, you have more than likely been on a protein, fiber rich diet pre-surgery, and liquids for at least a couple of weeks after before moving on to pureed. Your body is just becoming used to processing foods that have some substance to it at this point and it's probably a shock.
  • Syndigutez5
    Syndigutez5 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank goodness! I'm three weeks also and have seen to of stalled as well, this post has helped me, thank you for the info.

  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Water, exercise, protein and weigh all foods. If you stall check your protein and increase your water.
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    I have hit a stall at three weeks too! This week will mark one month for me. I still have not seen the scale move. I am getting in all of my protein, I'm weighing/measuring all of my food, and exercising. The only issue I'm having is getting in enough fluid. Still working on that...
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    Me too! I have been so careful to weigh everything, measure everything and get my protein and water in, and yet the scale is not moving. I am almost 3 weeks out. I have been walking every day getting more than required steps in and yet nothing.
    very frustrating when you consider all that we have done to lose this weight and all the life changes we will be making.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    Today is my first day back to work too! I am a bit nervous sitting in front of computer all day!! I plan on walking during lunch. And taking a lunch. I used to just work through lunch. It is sad when you work from home and all you do is work at the computer and take calls all day........ The work is still stressful though even though I am at home! At least I can control when I eat and what I eat. Well, back to work! Thanks for posting this today, I was in tears this morning and you all made it better.
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    I'm so dreading the infamous 3 week stall. I'm two weeks post tomorrow so I know it's coming but I've been reading a lot about the stall that happens early on so hopefully I won't freak out (too bad)...
  • DawnHuck
    DawnHuck Posts: 5
    I too have hit a stall! I had my surgery on 3/31 and am only down 15 pounds, all but 1 pound was lost in the first 2 weeks. Been stuck for almost 3. Very frustrating for me since I was losing so much before the surgery. But I was excited last night when my neighbor lady stopped over to see me. She hadn't seen me for a couple of weeks, and she called me the "incredible shrinking woman"! I can't see a difference, but she obviously did, and my husband said that everyday I look different. I have noticed a change in how my clothes fit as well, and that they are getting bigger again! I started at a size 22, and after she said something to me last night, I went in the closet and tried on a pair of pants...size 16! Won't wear them in public yet, but I got them buttoned and zipped. Guess I just need to keep moving forward. Having some issues with food, but I keep trying!
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    Worry not!!! Stalls will come and go as you journey down this path. I have been sleeved for 8 months now. I track my weekly weightloss via an excel spreadsheet I created and I hit a stall six different weeks in the past 8 months. Sometimes you're body is just adjusting to change or you may need to assess what you're consuming or you may have just built more muscle. But you always want to maintain perspective. Despite the occassional stall, my average weekly weight loss is 2.36 pounds...AVERAGE! Stay focused on the big picture and do what was prescribed to you. Eventually the number on the scale will drop!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I didn't get that 3 week stall. I didn't stall until 9 months out and then I stalled for 4 months! HOWEVER, during my stall, I was still going down sizes. Per my surgeon, as long as you are losing inches (going down in sizes) you are going in the right direction, so don't panic. Remember folks, a pound of muscle is smaller than a pound of fat, so muscle takes up less room (think pound of feathers vs pound of bricks). If you are losing fat and gaining muscle, the scale may not move, but you lose inches and sizes instead. Again, you are going in the right direction. :wink: So keep working out, getting in all your water and protein, weigh and measure your food and the stall will end. They always do!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I just lost 3 lbs in 4 days but I am back to a stall again. Perfectly normal, probably stall #11 or 12 now. I just keep eating my 750-850 calorie 70-80g protein diet. My body will give in and start losing again in a few weeks. Remember, wt loss is not linear. Keep measuring and logging. Remind yourself that 15 lbs in 2 months is fabulous wt loss. I am 18 lbs til maintenance. I am doing good to lose 4 lbs a month. But I remind myself that this is forever and slower and permanent is better than fast and rebounding. make sure you are not constipated, you may have 5 lbs of poo in your gut:)
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    Yep. The pounds were LEAPIN' OFF MY BODY for the first 3 weeks, then nothing for almost 2 weeks. Now, about 7 weeks post-op, it's slow, but moving a little again. I need to figure out how to get them leaping again. Overall, the pounds per week is still a high number and it's a great deal more than without the sleeve. Hang in there.
  • tabithascatena
    tabithascatena Posts: 21 Member
    I am 15 days post-op and hit my first stall 5 days ago. Ive dropped a total of 20 as well. Saw my nutritionalist today and she said its very normal. She explained the weight loss is more like a stair case. its not linear. Several group members said the same thing a few weeks back on another post. I feel much better about it. Hope you do too! Good luck!
  • tgbtg150
    tgbtg150 Posts: 9
    I so appreciate hearing I am not the only one. I agree with what others are saying about protein and weighing food. However, I am only 2 1/2 weeks out. I hardly eat anything and usually no more than 1/4 to maybe a 1/2 cup. The scale hasn't moved in the last 5 days. I am sure it's just something to walk through. Disheartening because I basically have been on liquids for over a month and just getting to eat solid soft protein and then stall. I completely understand about the liquids. I went back to work and my "real life" last week and I was feeling great - but just wasn't focusing on those 6-8ozs. per hour. I ended up at the ER having to get some IV fluids and a long lecture from my support team nurse :)
  • So funny!! I hit my 3 week stall too!! I figured just keep on truckin and stop focusing on the scale, it is literally impossible for me not to lose weight as I am sticking to my protein, water and walking 4 miles a day...but I know how irritating it is, I thought it was just me!
  • Cinzano1959
    Cinzano1959 Posts: 16 Member
    I had a stall at 5 weeks out, so upped my protein and food to 1200 cals, have lost this week 5lbs.