May Goals

jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
Work hard for those goals!



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    My goals for May are as follows:


    1. Work out at LEAST 4 days a week, since I decided to break SL down to each main lift.

    2. At least 10,000 steps a day, should be easier now the weather is warmer.

    3. Do Zombie 5K training at LEAST 2 days a week.

    4. Run on the treadmill at least 20 minutes after each lift session.
    a. Try to increase run time each session.
    b. Work on "belly breathing".
    c. Work on pace issues.


    1. Get resume updated.

    2. Find a decent part time job to help with bills.

    3. Buy some "professional" clothes in my size. (The last ones I had are 6 sizes too big)

    4. Figure out what direction I want to take my culinary degree in.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Oh so in on this!

    1. Hit over 200 pounds on my deadlift
    2. Break current plateau on my OHP, I want either 5 x 70 pounds or 3 x 75 pounds
    3. Do 10 unassisted dips
    4. Do one unassisted chinup (not sure I can get this in May, but I'll do it in June then!)

    1. Do at least one 60 min or 10 km run each week
    2. Run stairs at least once a week.
    3. Do tabata training circuit once a week
    4. Go hiking twice this month

    Food Stuff:
    1. Log every single day, even if I go out and am guessing on portions.
    2. Try not to have any +2200 calorie days (over maintenance)
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Ok here are mine, maybe if I write them down I won't conveniently forget what they were when I get lazy and need motivation.
    And in order of importance:

    1. Run 5k, my race is May 24th and I am determined to run it all.
    2. DL to 170 (150 was my last successful 1x5)
    3. Squat to body weight (10 more pounds to go)
    4. Order some fractionals because OHP is driving me CRAZY trying to progress at 5 lbs.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Nice goals you all! My MFP-ish goals are:

    -Average 1800 calories (Average TDEE is around 1950).
    -110 grams of protein/day
    -OHP 55# 5X5 (currently can do 55# for sets of 3 or 50# for sets of 6)
    -Bench 70# 5x5 (currently can do 70# for sets of 3 or 65# for sets of 6)
    -DL 1RM to 175 (currently at 165)
    -Improve squat form and hopefully work back up to close to 100# for reps (used to be at 105 for 5x5 but now I can't even get 85 for 5x5)
    -Do some cardio. Lately I've been doing maybe 5-10 minutes a couple of times per week. Would like to do 10-20 a few times per week
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    @llama I got my fractionals off ebay!

    May goals:
    1. I say this every time-but work on my eating. I'm all satisfied with the day then I get "hungry" and want something else. Or I eat out and want that big *kitten* burger with the bun instead of perhaps ignoring the bun and just eating the good stuff...
    2. Get back into running. If I can get my online class exam over with in a few minutes, then I am DEFINITELY going for a run before I eat dinner. I miss it and I'm on my 3rd week since my 10k. I've probably lost all stamina (blergh). On that note, I have a 5k on the 17th that ends at a vineyard, so yay wine!
    3. I want that bodyweight DL dammit!
    4. actually lose weight...granted I've been a body recomp pro lately and have lost 2 inches overall in the past 2 months, I really wish I could get that number down (I know its not the end all, but it'd be nice. Related to #1 obvi...)

    goals other than health and fitness:
    1. Officially get another job-funding for current one ends in August and I've been interviewing quite a bit.
    2. Enjoy summer activities. I love summer. Although if the extreme winter tells me anything, its going to be a terrible NC summer.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    To see progress. :) i started in march and have lost 3 pounds and almost 6 inches (maybe more as i didn't do all my measurements in march). So i would like to continue in that direction.

    As far as lifts go... I am not sure what I can accomplish in a decifit. I guess squat body weight (~170#)? Which i am on par with... Feel a little stuck with deadlifts. Don't care about that stupid ohp lol. Maybe 100# for bench?
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Fitness/Wellness Goals
    Bench 135 (this would be a 1 or 2 RM)
    Figure out what the hell is going on with my leg injury and find a workable solution
    Dead-lift 250 (was 235)
    OHP 90 (am 80)
    Add more core work after runs
    Add one long run (5 miles or more) every week
    Continue to get better about logging my food
    Lose some weight/get over this plateau
    Get a couple sessions with a PT from the powerlifting gym
    Get the other kind of PT for my shoulder
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm pretty much exactly 6 weeks out from my spartan race (June 14) So I think some of these goals are going to bleed over a bit haha.

    Fitness/health related:
    - Get down to 184lbs
    - No restaurant/junk food until the 23rd of may (challenge I got into ha!)
    - Keep running with the plan. Working towards a sub 15 minutes 1.5 miles to begin with.
    - Be able to do 25 unbroken push-ups
    - Manage that unassisted chin-up (It will remain on my list until I get there!) I shall work on my hanging skills too. I will be the grip master!
    - Work on keeping my back more upright on squats and oly lifts. It's not as much a flexibility thing as it is a force of habit for me to bend forward under load. So need to correct that for good!

    I don't really recall my whole programming for the month but I do aim to keep improving on my big lifts.

    And at the moment I actually don,t really have any "other" goals. So I'll go with this for now :)
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    1 - Perfect my squat technique at heavier weights (even if that means staying at a specific weight for a few workouts)
    2 - Limit StongLifts to two days a week and do circuit training the third day (give myself proper recovery time between SL workouts)
    3 - TRY TRY TRY to eat BELOW maintenance (very hard to do with SL!!!)

    Short list, but I'm ok with that!
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    May will be a crazy month so I'll keep it simple and sustainable :)

    1. Drop a couple of pounds.
    I'm currently at my "stubborn weight", which is the weight I always seem to come back to, no matter how much I lose or gain. It's crazy hard for me to get and stay below 137 lbs (62kg), it's like a magnet. I'll do what I can :)
    Staying at 137 and losing inches would be OK too, of course, but it's kind of a personal thing between me and that number, lol.

    2. Progress all lifts, especially bench and OHP (both stuck).

    3. Average 70k steps/week

    4. Including some accessory work for my core

    5. Study hard!
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I started SL five weeks ago now, and as of today my current weights are as follows:

    Squat 110 5x5
    Bench 85 5x5
    Row 95 5x5
    OHP 65 5x5
    Deadlift 140 5x5

    My first goal: get through the month with the recommended increases and to get 5x5 each workout.

    Second goal: run 3 days a week in preparation for Zombie Run

    Third goal: Survive Zombie Run on May 24th

    Fourth goal: Average 1800 calories per day
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I started SL five weeks ago now, and as of today my current weights are as follows:

    Squat 110 5x5
    Bench 85 5x5
    Row 95 5x5
    OHP 65 5x5
    Deadlift 140 5x5

    My first goal: get through the month with the recommended increases and to get 5x5 each workout.

    Second goal: run 3 days a week in preparation for Zombie Run

    Third goal: Survive Zombie Run on May 24th

    Fourth goal: Average 1800 calories per day

    Is it a Zombie Survivor run? I'm doing one of those in July, they had one for the first time here in Calgary last year, so fun!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well one repeat of April goal

    Get my OHP into the 90's...:grumble:
    DL over 220 @ 170 working on form
    Squat @ BW at least so about 15lbs, but babying my leg still
    Just keep progressing with Bench and Rows
    3 full straight armed pull ups
    Add in one more day of "extra exercise" either core work, accessory stuff or walk/bike ride although my sister is opening the pool may 21st...:drinker:

    Non lift related

    I haven't weighed this week...gonna do that on get to maintenance weight and hopefully have my calories up there by end of may...@1800 this week and next (under most days) goal is 2100 and stay there for a bit to see how it works as my TDEE calculation says 2200 and websites say 2300-2400...:noway:

    Other stuff...

    Man child and DH are going to work on my Squat rack for me so I can bench without a spotter for mother's day...:drinker: , getting some accessories for working out, maybe some foam rollers, arm band for my phone, new workout pants at I only have about 2 pair that fit me...and hopefully..get my BF% done...waiting on Sara and Sidesteel but they are so busy IRL...and I feel bad if I pressure too much...
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I started SL five weeks ago now, and as of today my current weights are as follows:

    Squat 110 5x5
    Bench 85 5x5
    Row 95 5x5
    OHP 65 5x5
    Deadlift 140 5x5

    My first goal: get through the month with the recommended increases and to get 5x5 each workout.

    Second goal: run 3 days a week in preparation for Zombie Run

    Third goal: Survive Zombie Run on May 24th

    Fourth goal: Average 1800 calories per day

    Is it a Zombie Survivor run? I'm doing one of those in July, they had one for the first time here in Calgary last year, so fun!

    This one is the Zombie Run: Extreme. I did this one last year and got infected but it was probably the most fun I've had ... ever. My husband and daughter are joining me this year, so excited!
  • DoctorMcCoy10
    DoctorMcCoy10 Posts: 101 Member
    My May goals are :

    Lose about 4 pounds and get out of the 220's!
    Try to add in more veggies to my diet.

    Stronglifts related I would like to just learn more about weightlifting so I understand things better. Not miss any workouts. Just keep progressing the best I can. Then on cardio I would like to start the C25k with my kiddos so we can do some 5k's together and then be up to 10 minutes on the elliptical.
  • disneymom1972
    disneymom1972 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm joining late here but I still have a May goal, even though it's the 16th already. My May goal is just to start doing this. I need to stop waiting for Monday, the 1st of the month, a day when I'm not so tired, etc. and just start. I'll probably disappoint myself if I set an "I promise to go X number of days a week" goal, so I'm just saying...START.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I find myself struggling with setting performance goals with weight lifting. I feel like I am so new that I don't know what is attainable...
    In the past my fitness goals have been weight/scale related, but weight lifting is much diffrent. I have been brainstorming and I feel like the goals I have come up with are weak.

    #1 Be able to deadlift my body weight 1x5 (only 16 more pounds to go )
    #2 Be able to do 5 real Push ups
    # Be able to do a Pull up/chin up (either is fine- Ive never done any)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well one repeat of April goal

    Get my OHP into the 90's...:grumble:
    DL over 220 @ 170 working on form
    Squat @ BW at least so about 15lbs, but babying my leg still
    Just keep progressing with Bench and Rows
    3 full straight armed pull ups
    Add in one more day of "extra exercise" either core work, accessory stuff or walk/bike ride although my sister is opening the pool may 21st...:drinker:

    Non lift related

    I haven't weighed this week...gonna do that on get to maintenance weight and hopefully have my calories up there by end of may...@1800 this week and next (under most days) goal is 2100 and stay there for a bit to see how it works as my TDEE calculation says 2200 and websites say 2300-2400...:noway:

    Other stuff...

    Man child and DH are going to work on my Squat rack for me so I can bench without a spotter for mother's day...:drinker: , getting some accessories for working out, maybe some foam rollers, arm band for my phone, new workout pants at I only have about 2 pair that fit me...and hopefully..get my BF% done...waiting on Sara and Sidesteel but they are so busy IRL...and I feel bad if I pressure too much...

    Got my OHP into the 90's Yah....
    5lbs from BW squat...sometime this week (*I hope)
    HIt Maintenance
    Work done on squat rack
    haven't shopped yet....:bigsmile:
    Got the estimate back from SS and Sara...30%...:sad: getting an appointment for an actual test now to see exactly where I sit.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I started SL five weeks ago now, and as of today my current weights are as follows:

    Squat 110 5x5
    Bench 85 5x5
    Row 95 5x5
    OHP 65 5x5
    Deadlift 140 5x5

    My first goal: get through the month with the recommended increases and to get 5x5 each workout.

    Second goal: run 3 days a week in preparation for Zombie Run

    Third goal: Survive Zombie Run on May 24th

    Fourth goal: Average 1800 calories per day

    Failed my first lift on Monday, 115lb row. I started at 65lb so I'm really proud of how far I've come! I also accomplished a body weight DL 5x5 on Friday!

    Survived the zombie run this weekend too! :drinker:

    Overall, I pleased with May's accomplishments!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    May goals:
    1. I say this every time-but work on my eating. I'm all satisfied with the day then I get "hungry" and want something else. Or I eat out and want that big *kitten* burger with the bun instead of perhaps ignoring the bun and just eating the good stuff...
    2. Get back into running. If I can get my online class exam over with in a few minutes, then I am DEFINITELY going for a run before I eat dinner. I miss it and I'm on my 3rd week since my 10k. I've probably lost all stamina (blergh). On that note, I have a 5k on the 17th that ends at a vineyard, so yay wine!
    3. I want that bodyweight DL dammit!
    4. actually lose weight...granted I've been a body recomp pro lately and have lost 2 inches overall in the past 2 months, I really wish I could get that number down (I know its not the end all, but it'd be nice. Related to #1 obvi...)

    goals other than health and fitness:
    1. Officially get another job-funding for current one ends in August and I've been interviewing quite a bit.
    2. Enjoy summer activities. I love summer. Although if the extreme winter tells me anything, its going to be a terrible NC summer.

    1. Meh. Drinking the past 2 weekends hasn't helped me.
    2. Slowly getting back into running. Wasn't too far from my 5k PR at the vineyard race 2 weeks ago so I'm happy about that.
    3. Shooting for the bodyweight DL today! (170#). Got 165# last week. So hard to balance wanting to eat and improve my lifts vs eating to recomp/lose weight...
    4. Haven't taken measurements for this month yet, but definitely didn't lose weight.

    Other goals:
    1. got another job, start Monday!
    2. Took my pale self to the pool Sunday, hope to get more pool time and possibly beach time this weekend.