Introduce yourself

corrine1973 Posts: 209 Member
Hey everyone. My name is Corrine and I am 40 year single mom. I have 4 great kids but as you can see it is hard to get much done. But I have decided to make the time. I started this journey 2 years ago when my younger brother passed. I was almost 250 lbs and something had to change it I wanted to be alive to see my kids grow up. I did pretty good for a while but then feel off the wagon. Someone asked me to join a group on facebook to loose weight. I joined. Since that day I have lost 24 lbs. I have lost 56 lbs total. I still have about 30 lbs to go but I know I can do it. I weigh less then I have before I started having kids and am feeling better in my skin.

My hope is to find other people who's stories are the same as mine. Who better to know what the challenges to Single over 40 than another single over 40. We can support each other, encourage each other and celebrate with each other.


  • mkgr3gory
    mkgr3gory Posts: 18
    Hi! I am a 44 year old single mom ... I totally understand about having a hard time getting things done ... I'm continually coming to the realization that I just can't do it all!! But I want to be around to see my kids get old too :smile: It's not that I have a lot of weight to lose (I woudl like to lose 20 lbs but I'll settle for 10 :wink: ) but I was treated for breast cancer 5 years ago and i know the excercise is one of the best ways to prevent a recurrence, so i have to make the time!!

    Looking forward to getting to know you!
  • Goog8tors
    Goog8tors Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone
    Today is my first day on the site, I hope to have the same success that I am reading about on the different forums. I am trying to drop down to get healthier and do the things I enjoy again. Please feel free to add me as a friend, I certainly could use the support and I will do the same. Good Luck on everyone fitness goals.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Hello. I am a 41 yo single mom of one 6yo girl. I've been on MFP since August 2012. My focus is health primarily and have been able to resolve all of my illnesses through diet and lifestyle (but not by following conventional advice). I have a "spirited" child and while I love my life (mostly) and being single, it does get hard to be all things and do all things. I have 3 full time jobs: one outside of the home that pays the bills, homemaking which keeps us healthy, and being a mom and all that that entails (I have 2 big fur babies in addition to my human child). :flowerforyou:
  • kilgore67
    kilgore67 Posts: 40
    Hi, I'm Michelle. I live in a small town in Ohio with my 15 and 17 year old sons. My husband lives in another city and has chosen not to see our sons for 5 out of the last 12 years. He does have some contact with them by phone. I never planned to be a single parent. Since my kids are older, I do have some time to focus on my health. I'm down 21 lbs. from my highest weight and would like to lose at least 170 more. I'm giving myself 2 years to do this. I'm almost 47 years old.
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    Hey, I'm Angie.

    What's goin' on? :smile:
    Similar to you folks, over 40, single-- want to be in better shape. I'm not a parent, but a big thumbs up to parents who stay sane. I don't know how you do it. I don't many folks my age so would be cool to meet some. I like music, writing and art. Any friends welcome
  • kjenkins555
    kjenkins555 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am Karen and I live in Baltimore, MD. I lost weight following Weight Watchers last year but never lost all the weight I wanted to lose. So I am using this site as motivation and I have a few friends from work doing the same. I have 3 children and a teacher. I find it hard to stay on track,sometimes because of time we do the fast food thing. Even with making better choices the sodium is so high. We finish school in a few days and then I have a few weeks off before teaching summer school. So I would love to give and hear support from anyone as I do feel it is more of a struggle over 40. Best of luck. Karen
  • name is Steph. I am 43 years old and recently single again after the death of my boyfriend. I live in Jackson Tn. I have 2 teenage boys. I quit smoking 5 months ago and have managed to maintain my weight but really want to get healthy and fit once and for all.
    I have been sporadically used MFP but really hope to train myself to use it everyday as a tool to long term success.

    Wish me luck !!